Hardcore Fat Loss Rotation Check-In - Aug. 1/05


Good afternoon!

Strangely, I made this thread this morning, but it seems to have disappeared. How peculiar!

Anyway, I'm doing the March 2005 Hardcore Fat Loss Rotation and would love some company!

This morning I did Imax 3, right on schedule, and later on I'll do segment 3 of Coremax.
Ok gals - I'm doing this with you until I leave for vacation August 20 after which I will be doing SwimMax and ScubaMax....

Can't high-impact step aerobics right now, so I'm going to substitute LowMax for the Imax workouts....so tonight it's LowMax + CoreMax 2.

Shelley are you doing this in addition to no sweets? You are my hero!!
Whew! I thought I was going crazy cuz I couldn't find this post! Well, I'm still crazy......:p

I did 1/2 of Imax 3 for the first time EVER this morning. WHAT FUN!!Will do Core Max 3 tonight. Debating whether I'll do the other half of I3 as well. Probably should, huh??? x(


Way to go doing the first half of IMAX3! That's about all I managed to do the first time I tried it too. ;) However, I think, and this is just my opinion, that the 2nd half is easier than the first half (no plie jacks, for one thing). So you could proably do it this evening and live to tell about it. :D
Even more amazing....she had a holiday today so she didn't even have to get up early to workout!

Evily - I was afraid you'd say that!

Shelley, Excellent idea!! Can I join? I would love to follow this rotation. I will check back in later tonight with my report. :)

Joni - yes, I did Imax 3 this morning, but I'm off work today. I got up at 7:30 and did it.

Lori - of course you can join us! The more the merrier!
Okay, I finished Coremax segment #3 with the med ball and the stability ball. Anyone else have a problem with those v-sit things? I keep falling over backwards. A picture of grace, I'm sure;)

I'm new to the site but may I join in, too? I watched FitTV this morning and did Lo Max (not sure what number??) but I'll do Core Max tonight. What kind of diet changes do you do during this rotation?


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