Running Question


How many miles do you run per week? Do you run on the road or use the treadmill. One last question...did you ever run in a marathon.
Thank you
Yes, I'd like to know this as well. I just ran my first 5K this weekend with a friend and we were both wondering if Cathe ran any races.

I'd like to know too. I may be way out of line here and I'm sure people will tell me if I am.

When we were on the road trip my friend and I were fortunate enough to do the Friday am step class. After class we had the extremely good fortune to chat with Cathe and the trip coordinators for about half an hour. We were just like sponges, sucking up everything she said. My friend and I are both runners, though she more than me, but knowing Cathe is a runner, she asked Cathe how much she runs. Cathe very simply responded, Oh not that much.

My observation is that Cathe is a very humble, unassuming, private person. I think she was truly amazed at the status that we have all ascended her to. But I also sensed that there are just some things about herself, her family, and her personal life that she simply does not discuss. We all know that she continually teaches us to "listen to our bodies" and do what we can. I think if Cathe were to put out numbers about miles, or body weight, or even details on diet (and she's always chosen not to discuss diet other than do recommend "clean" because she is not a dietician or nutritionist)then for whatever reason we would all believe that's the number WE have to abide by.

So you watch - she'll pop right on and tell you exactly how much she runs eack week and prove me completely wrong. :) But if she doesn't, I think we should understand that perhaps that's why and respect her privacy. That's just my 2 cents.

I think you are absolutely right. She is a private person and isn't one to show off. I think that is what I like most about her is she is so humble. I was so suprised at how she seemed suprised at all the fuss and attention she was getting. I consider her a celebrity but, I don't think she does. I think she is a genuine person and a lovely person who just happens to know how to kick our butts. I think that she is smart not telling us what she eats and how often she works out, because you are right we would probably follow it to the letter just to be like her. I have a lot of respect for her and her crew.


I think you are absolutely right about Cathe! She is so humble and private in some respects, and I think that's why she has such a fast growing fan base. Were you able to go on Road Trip 2005? It sounded like such fun and I can't wait to participate in the next one! It so much fun to look at all the Road Trip photos and emails--it was almost like I was there. I think the photos and emails made Cathe even more endearing to us newbies--to know that she was so accessible!

I'm like you, Cathe is a celebrity to me, but she certainly doesn't act like one. I posted my first email on this site about a month ago and when Cathe personally responded, I just about died!

Annette (gagirl)

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