Timesaver DVD


Active Member
Hi there

I just purchased the timesaver DVD, and was wanting any opionions on it. I find myself not having enough time through the week. Please tell it was the money???? I like the termintor series, does it compare in intensity?
Thanks :7 :7 :7
I'm glad you asked this question! I am thinking about ordering Timesaver myself. I just got CTX and I am loving it. I only have one hour per day to exercise and these types of workouts seem to be a good fit for me!

I think the Timesaver DVD is great for shorter workout times. As the Terminator workouts are longer 70-80 min IMO, they are more intense than the Timesaver workouts....:)...Carole

I'm new to the forums but was trying to decide which DVD to order first from Cathe--can't afford too many at once. You're in great shape and read your note about the Terminator DVD. How would you work that into your workout routine? When you do a workout from the DVD, is that considered your cardio, weightlifting or both? I run five times a week and so I get my cardio, but I am really starting to concentrate on incoporating weightlifting into my fitness routine. I know the benefits of lifting weights, but it has taken me a while to finally devote time to a weightlifting routine.

It gets confusing how to incorporate the different DVD routines into a weekly regimen--for instance, some people suggest you work one group of muscles per day, but if you do one of Cathe's workouts, sometimes you're lifting weights that work the whole body. Any suggestions? You seem to know what you're doing....:)

Annette (gagirl)
Hey Annette,

I'm not Carole (she is awesome), but I'd like to chime in. If you are wanting to continue running 5 times/week, then I would suggest that you try some of Cathe's workouts that are more weight-training specific such as the following:

Pyramid Upper/Lower
Gym Styles
Slow & Heavy
Pure Strength

Incorporating these will give you the ability to continue running. I personally took some of the running out of my weekly routine (unless I'm training for a specific run) and add workouts like the IMAX's. There are several rotations on the rotation forum that you could take a look at and then re-arrange them to compliment your running routine.

Hope this helps some...


Thanks so much! You are so buff! I'll gladly take your advice if you promise I'll have muscles like yours! :)

You must be reading my mind regarding the running and doing Cathe's workout concurrently. My poor legs could not fully recover by the next day for a run after doing a Body Blast or Imax workout. The plyometrics that Cathe uses in her workouts though really do seem to help with my running when I'm doing interval work. My quads seem to have more power in such a short time.

Thanks again for all your input! This forum has such amazing women contributing to it--such as yourself. Thanks again, Marietta!

Annette (gagirl)
Marietta...WOW!!! First time I have seen your pics....you look fantastic...:)...

Annette...Thanks...:)..I consider The Terminator's a circuit type workout. I am currently doing one circuit a week. I run too and am currently following a 3 day running schedule from Runner's World. Yes...weights are even important for a runner. Marietta gave you come good advice. I agree that the plyometric work will also help with running. I have run for alot of years and have always weightlifted too...not all runners I know lift, but for me it has helped my running tremendously. Currently I am following the Freestyle program on my lower body. High reps , Low weight 4-6 times a week, (There are a couple of Freestyle threads in the Open Forum). For upper I do shoulders, bi's and tri's 3 times a week plus the circuit when I go light, and chest & back 2 times a week and light n the circuit. I do abs 4-5 times a week...hope this helps...:)..Carole
The Timesaver DVD is a great DVD to have for shorter workouts. I also like to incorporate parts of it into my longer workouts. For instance, I did the three ab workouts on the DVD (totalling about 25 minutes) with my upper body workout yesterday. I have done just the upper body components off the TS which, I believe, total about 25 to 30 minutes if I am not mistaken. I have also used the leg workout off TS #5 as part of another workout. The possibilities are endless. A great supplemental DVD. And, as mentioned, there are five short, ranging from 38 minute to I believe 43 or 48 minute, workouts to use when you are in a pinch for time.
Thanks so much ladies!I am so blessed to have such great resources at the click of my keyboard. I'll check in with you and let you know how it's going with the weightlifting/running combo. I have a 5K next Saturday and then I'll be in training for a Thanksgiving half marathon. How about that? I'll run 13 miles Thanksgiving morning and then I'm allowing all the turkey I can eat that afternoon! :9

If I lose focus, I'll just log on and look at your pics to get motivated again! Thanks so much again!

Annette :)

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