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  1. fitnessangel

    clean eating

    If you do a search on this DB you will find Cathe's previous responses to this same question. Also, you may want to check out the OD forum. Take care:)
  2. fitnessangel

    new pill info....

    >And I'll bet you any money the bulk of those women are >smokers. Really. The info that comes with the pill and all >prescribing doctors make it very clear that hormonal birth >control and smoking are a recipe made in hell. > Besides, does the study look at the subjects' eating habits...
  3. fitnessangel

    How to maintain lean muscle muss but burn fat?

    Another Bump to move it up:D
  4. fitnessangel

    Workout Blender Option

    Premixes satisfy me. I haven't really used the workout blender too much in the past. However, if you decide to utilize this concept, I believe a compilation DVD, as mentioned in another post, would be the most appropriate.
  5. fitnessangel

    How to maintain lean muscle muss but burn fat?

    Bumpety Bump:) Let's keep moving it up!
  6. fitnessangel

    Anyone done the new Step Boxing 2 by KC-M yet?

    How does it compare to the first Stepboxing? Thanks in advance:)
  7. fitnessangel

    Do you have to do rotations?

    I always start a rotation, but never finish the first week or two (at max). I like to mix up other videos with Cathe's. I also utilize my treadmill and eliptical on days that I am not up to a video. I have found that this works for me, but everyone is different. Maybe, one day, I will actually...
  8. fitnessangel

    in tears over scratched dvd

    Have you tried having the disc cleaned first? I know several places around my house that will do it for you (using a machine) if the scratches are not too bad. The manager at Hollywood Video removed the large number of scratches off a movie I own for free (I think they usually charge at places)...
  9. fitnessangel

    I'm not feeling it......

    Julie, Pushups also have a lot to do with leverage. Core strength is important, like the other posters mentioned. Have you tried negative pushups? They really helped me when I was building up my chest strength. Take care:)
  10. fitnessangel

    Blog: UPS Truck

    Try again. I just went and everything is loading properly (a bit slow though). Love the CPS (Cathe Parcel Service) Truck:)
  11. fitnessangel

    Hi Cathe ! Are you still here?

    Cathe, I LOVE high rep calf raises, but I agree with you on dreading all forms of slow and low lunges and high rep bicep curls. I just knew you were the energizer bunny... or bet yet, a kangaroo! Have a great week:D
  12. fitnessangel

    Congratulations Solara/One Buff Mom !!!!!!!

    Wow! I love your transformation- from head to toe! I even love your new hair cut and color to accentuate your new bod! You truly are an inspration:)
  13. fitnessangel

    How many of you don't eat bread?

    I believe in eating everything in moderation:) If I desire a piece of chocolate, I eat a piece . I also eat ezekiel bread, as well as stone ground wheat bread. When I visit Carabbas (not often), I splurge and eat their white bread dipped in lots of olive oil. Obviously, I don't do this all of...
  14. fitnessangel

    what do you do when you are pregnant

    It all depends on your body, how you feel, what your fitness level is like before pregnancy, and what your doctor seems safe (if you're high risk, etc.). Personally, I was out mowing grass until I delivered both my children in hot summer months. I also exercised regularly with both children...
  15. fitnessangel

    SNM - Can't View Older Clips

    not SNM, but I just checked on my computer and I am not experiencing this problem. Have you tried clicking the appropriate connection speed? Just a though- not meant to cause any problems. Also, here is the link that I used to get to the video clips. Take care...
  16. fitnessangel


    and a little bump again:)
  17. fitnessangel

    Cathe, how is Brenda doing?

    Well wishes for a speedy recovery, Brenda. You are in my prayers:)
  18. fitnessangel

    lack of flexibility in lower back

    I try to complete these using a 45 degree angle because I find the full 90 degree angle (or whatever Cathe's angle is which is parallel to the ground) is too hard on my back. I still see great results but without the pain. Take care:)
  19. fitnessangel

    Oh My Bod Clothing !!

    I don't think the price is all that bad considering they last so long. Also, other name brand clothing (Nike, Addidas, etc) are also expensive- sometimes even more so. I think you get what you pay for in this instance. I am anxious to order a couple sets in a couple of weeks:)
  20. fitnessangel

    Oh My Bod Clothing !!

    I am taller, but wear a 0-2 and Oh my bod clothing works great. I just order a longer inseam when I purchase pants from them. I ordered the outfits from Cathe's last series. I am saving now for her next series. They really fit well and are super comfortable:)