lack of flexibility in lower back


Hi Cathe,

I have trouble keeping my form with double arm rows, which I'm quite certain is due to a ridiculous lack of flexibility in my lower back rather than lack of back strength. I just can't hinge from the hip. I have Stretch Max. Are there any stretches in particular I should emphasize to help with this annoying problem? I feel like it is limiting my ability to maximize my back strength workouts. Thanks for all you do. I can't imagine starting my mornings without you!

I am the exact same way! Not Cathe here obviously. Here is what I do. I do the stretch where you lay down on your back and draw your knees to your chest, arms folded across knees. Downward dog and child's pose seem to help as well. I have arthritis forming in my low back ( it totally sucks, I just had a hip replaced and am only 41!) but its genetic and from years of lifting super heavy weights-I was a bodybuilder in the 90's. So I totally understand your dilemma.
I do the bent rows on a 45 degree angle which helps alot. I also make sure whenever I do abs, I do the opposing muscle group, your spinal erectors. The superman exercise is good for that. Cathe's ab routine in Butts and Guts is one of her best, she includes low back as well as abs.
Lastly, I see a chiropractor (not as often as I should), but after each adjustment, I can feel a tremendous difference in my low back. Heating pads after tough workouts are wonderful as well, it helps the blood flow to the muscle, ice helps with inflammation.

That was probably way more info than you wanted, but I hope I could help a little bit!:7
Also be aware that the problem might also be lack of flexibility in the hamstrings. It's good to combine lower back stretches (like Tneah mentioned) and hamstring stretches.
I try to complete these using a 45 degree angle because I find the full 90 degree angle (or whatever Cathe's angle is which is parallel to the ground) is too hard on my back. I still see great results but without the pain. Take care:)

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