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  1. W

    :::Xers:::- Tidbit Tuesday

    Hi gang. Just popping in to send Nicole (((HUGS)) to you and your family. So sorry to hear about your loss. Lea
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    Xers ~ mystical -magical MONDAY

    Hi there Xers. Again, no workout today. My body just isn't recovering like it use to. Today is DS1's birthday, so I have to decorate the house while he is in school. I could use Sandra's help in the cake decorating. I have to add that I was very sad to read the news this morning about the...
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    Xer *Sunday*- ::Bring It Day! ::

    Good morning. The Traci/y's are a little chatty this morning and bringing it with their workouts! Good going girls. We went to Legoland yesterday and I think that the whole clan was tired, but stayed the whole time. No need to workout this morning since it feels like I worked out from...
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    Xer's::Swayin' to the Music Saturday:

    Good morning. I have been up since 1am, so Legoland should be interesting today. Yesterday I did GS Chest and Tri's and ARX. Now I can't walk and lift my arms. But it hurts soooo good:+ . Traci - So sorry to hear about your niece. I hope things work out. What a scary thing to go through. Good...
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    Hi gals. Did Power 90 Plyo legs this morning, and I cannot walk. I am so out of shape. I remember when it use to be easy. Jeeze. No time for personals right now. I just want to send Nicole a big huge (((HUG)))) for you and your family. What a painful thing to have to watch. Thank goodness...
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    Xers........Workout Wednesday............

    Wendy - you snuck in behind me. I am so sorry that you are feeling sick. Is the neti pot helping at all? What helps for me sometimes is the Yogi Tea. They have teas for colds and I drink a lot of it when I am sick. (((HUGS))) LOL on the desire to go places when you don't have a car. Isn't that...
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    Xers........Workout Wednesday............

    Good morning girls. How are we doing today? I actually worked out today, I'm so happy. YAY!! I did GS back, shoulders, biceps and SH abs. Tomorrow I will do Power 90 plyo legs. I decided not to start my X rotation yet, since I have to build my strength back up. Tracy - Good job doing yoga...
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    Xers...........Monday Magic!!!!!!!!

    Holy cow, you gals are up early. I don't know if I am working out today or not. If so, I might start the X rotation, since that is the only rotation that keeps me working out. We will see. I hope that everyone had a fantastic weekend. I will BBL with personals, hopefully.' Lea
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    Xer Saturday Salutations

    Hey gals. No workout today. I have to get the house ready for my mom to come over and babysit the little one while I take the big DS out for the day. Traci X - LOVE the Meeze. And yes, I was able to sleep in. Have a fabulous day cleaning. Tracy - Your legs must really be in shape now with...
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    Xers......Finally Friday........

    Sandra - Those cakes are amazing. I can see why you don't have the time. You truly have a gift:). Lea
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    Xers......Finally Friday........

    Hello again. Yes, I woke up really early this morning, about 3:30. Oh well, at least yoga X is done. And I loved it. Kids were asleep, no one to bother me. Traci X - I am so glad that you are feeling better. Yay. And yay that you are staying home. Guess I have to read your book that you...
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    Xers......Finally Friday........

    Well good morning Tracy. Thanks for starting us off. TGIF is right. I did High Step Training yesterday and today I am going to do some yoga. BBL for personals. Lea
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    Xers.......Wonderful Wednesday............

    Hi there. It looks like everyone is falling apart. At least I am in good company:). Sorry to hear about all of the big bumps and bruises and illnesses everyone has to endure. No workout for me today as I am still achy and want to heal and not injure myself. Plus when I was doing Yoga X the...
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    Xers ~Birthday Monday! ~

    Traci X - So sorry that you have to go through all of that. Thank goodness you got some answers though. Here are some big (((((HUGS)))) just for you. Feel better and soon. Debra - And so sorry that you have to deal with the XDH today. I would definately be doing some kickboxing afterwards}( ...
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    Xers ~Birthday Monday! ~

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    Xers ~ sizzzzzzlin' Sunday

    Good morning. Hows it going everyone??? No workout today. I woke up completely sore from doing Yoga X, feeling like I received a big massage yesterday or something. Traci X - We are going to head to the beach today. Maybe the beach air will clean up my nasal passages. If not, then I have to...
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    Xers ~ Wild Saturday~

    Ah, thank you Traci.:*
  18. W

    Xers ~ Wild Saturday~

    Nicole - That's right. We got your rain. Thanks a lot!!!x( We needed it though. Very dry out here, don't you agree? Ah, there were several parts in Nacho Libre that were pretty gross to me, but of course, the boys laughed at those parts. The Woody Harrelson movie is old. I think 2001? But still...
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    Xers ~ Wild Saturday~

    Good morning Xers. How is our Saturday? I woke up this morning to rain. Thank goodness, because we really need it(plus it gets me out of watering the lawn). I plan on doing some sort of yoga today. I watched a movie by Woody Harrelson last night called "Go Further" where he and friends are...
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    Xers Happy Dance Day *FRIDAY*

    Good morning oh talkative ones! I did workout today, yay. I did the BM2 cardio and weights premix. I was so happy to finally be able to work out. YAY. And now I finally get to catch up on some personals. Traci X - You are a crazy girl. Happy to wake up with pain? I guess when your arm...