Morning Xers,
Rotation: LGI8 Recovery Week P90X
Workout: XStretch
Yesterday I pinched a finger between two weights. Now I have a lovely black fingernail. Hurts somewhat to type. Only hurts when I hit the L key with the tip of my nail. x( But I will survive.
Oldest DD has a Xcountry meet today, and then has a relay race tomorrow that is during the school day. Of course they will be back for the Homecoming Parade.

HS has been a lot of fun for her so far. She went to the powder puff game last night.
Nicole, {{{{HUGS}}}} to you and your family. It is very hard to see someone going through something like this. I still remember my GF, and how he was lucid for one day. I was 19 yr old at the time, so the memory stays with you. I will probably have all my family coming for my DD's confirmation. I have 6 brothers and sisters, that are all married with children. I think that we have topped out at 27 altogether. But I love having my B&S's around. We are a loud bunch also.
Traci, That was a great article on the triceps. Guess I could use help in this area also. I just happened to notice that Cathe answered that same question yesterday. Thanks for the info on the push-up bars. I have been wanting to get some bars, and I saw this commercial. Now I want them even more knowing that the rotation factor gives even more benefit. ;-) Glad the W/D is fixed. I love how they give you times, but never seem to be there when they say. LOL at the Eoin Quickie. My mind is in the gutter today!
Jeanette, Glad to hear that your friend is doing good with his injury. Your golf game did sound like a lot of fun with the guys. Love the fact that you have a pink golf bag. My oldest had to wear pink on Tuesday (for this homecoming thing) I asked if it was for breast cancer awareness, and apparently their class color is pink!!!! WTH! Have to ask her if the guys in her class where wearing pink on that day. :7 :7
Wendy, I think that having 3 sisters help me a lot. Don't get me wrong we had fights, but you sure got over them fast.

Otherwise you ended up with no covers during a winter night.

Have fun with your heated Yoga today. That virus you have sounds just like the one I had. I couldn't workout a couple of times because I couldn't breath. Had to have a cough drop in my mouth when working out also. Let me know if you want the Word file that I sent to Jeanette for the LGI8.
Lea, I have to get Plyo Legs, that one sounds like a great workout.
Amy, 30lb skull crushes! My oh my! If we all start working our triceps to get them looking good we can be the Xers without flappy arms!
Tracy, Oh what a meeting you had. This is only the start of the school year. I'm going to send you a big {{{{HUG}}}} also. Glad SB was fun, and have a great day off. I think you deserve a day off.
Debra, Sounds like your yoga class was a good one. If I had caller ID only my phone I wouldn't answer when my MIL calls.

I would rather my DH deal with anything pertaining to my MIL. I have been bit one to many times by her. So no I don't think it makes you a bad person. Otherwise I'm really really bad.

Glad you had a wonderful sleep on your new mattress.
Sandra, I can't say that I like Core Syn, but it really does work the core good.

I am looking at other workouts that I can work into a recovery type rotation also. The couple I have from Kimerbly Spreen (Amplify Your Strength and Progressive Strengh) might fit the bill.
TG, Wow your GF was 106. You do have some great genes in your family. It is hard when you need to make a change in your workouts. But if you don't you probably will not make progress.
Have a great day!