Week 2/ Day 10/ S&A

, ARX/ Round 2
Good Morning Ladies,
Yesterday I did half of Plyo and followed it up with Magically Hips. Eoin never felt soooooo good!!!! Those Fifer Scissors make my hip flexors TIGHT! It feels like I get more out of yoga when I'm sore and tight. I mean I can feel the tension (soreness) easily and can place myself in the proper position based on it. I'm more aware and present.:7
I don't know if the cold is getting better or worse. I have to let my head drain couple more hours from sleeping before I can assess.
Why is it that I get the desire to go to the library and other places when I don't have a car? The mechanic says it should be finished by tomorrow. I can't wait!!!
Tracy-X: Nice lower body workout yesterday. I don't have push/pull either. But, knowing you it was tough!!! Are you going to start using your elliptical instead of running once the weather gets colder? You know on back twists... Do you ever grab your foot opposite hand while twisting and turning? I tried that last night and my triceps get in the way! OUCH!!! I don't know if my triceps are too bulky. I know they were too tight. But there was no way it was going to happen last night. Just wondering if that's ever happened to you. Best wishes for today's meeting!!! Oh! I was getting into that starvation mode phase. One of the reasons I started back on the heavy weights. I just had no appetite. I'm already up two pounds. I think it's water retention weight/fat/lactic and not muscle. But, my appetite is finally back to normal.
{{{{Traci-X}}}} I don't think it's all in your head! I mean come on! You've had to deal with PAIN, restless nights, PAIN, and readjusting how you use your arm. Your body is getting shocked just by having to take over in different ways for the daily movements. Okay, I'm no doctor, but take it easy on yourself. Don't be so tough on yourself. Heck, I wouldn't do a thing if that happened to me!!!! My mom had surgery on her shoulder ~5 years ago. She still feels the tightness effects of it every once in awhile. Keep yourself safe!!! Do your personal best and let it go!!! Um, I should have just told you to read your post to Nicole!!!

:7 LOL on not cleaning for Mr. Magtag Man. Thanks for being so kind about my venting. I spoke to my mom about how I felt. I told her that I extremely admire how she can forgive ds so easily. I admit that I currently struggle with it!!! My sister owes my mom a LOT of $ she borrowed last year. Lied about the reason why she needed it too! I know her husband got a HUGE $$$ bonus plus a huge income tax return. And, she never paid my mom back. She won't bring up that fact. Got mad when I found out as an excuse to stop talking to my mom and me. She acts like if she doesn't talk about it, that $ never existed. She only started talking to me and my mom when she found out we were going to Thailand. Then she had to nerve to cry and demand that my mom buy her a ticket!!!! My mom isn't a rich person. It just makes me sick!!! It's not the $ that bothers me. Although, it does a little since took advantage of my mom's generosity. It's her "never say you're sorry" attitude, jealousy and blaming others to cover her sin that cuts. OMW! I just realized that I was venting AGAIN!!!! I need to get over this... Where's EOIN!!!!!!!
TG: Thanks for the magnesium info. Now, I've gotta look for my horse pills multivitamins.
Debra-X: I tell you, if my car wasn't in the shop, I would have sought out a masseuse without guilt yesterday!!!! OMW! Now that's something to dance and celebrate!!! An inch off each thigh is HUGE!!! Don't hurt yourself jumping up and down on the bed!:+ Did you move your old mattress into the basement for ex to sleep on when he returns?}( I would be so happy for my mom if she moved back to Thailand. She loves it there. She never wanted to leave. I think she secretly wished my father would move there instead. Anyhow, even though she has a lot of Thai friends in Florida, it's not the same. She's very self conscious about her English and has never fully understood grasped America's culture.
Traci-X: I'll have to check out the triceps article today!
Laurie-XX: ^^5^^ on the weight loss!!!! You've peaked my interest in LGI8. I do get tired with P90X. CS is sooo good! It gives me spinal doms almost every time! I only have one sister. I wonder if it would have been easier if I had more.
Carol: Look at you waving your often rested finger at me! LOLOLOLOL Thanks for the belly laugh! Now go eat SOMETHING!!!!:+
Jeanette-X: That generator sure comes in handy! I hate it when our electricity goes out. I'm so spoiled with modern technology! ROFL about the guy's pink tee. OH! Is he your new gay?}( You're becoming quite popular with the golf! How great that your grandmother still cares about her teeth! It might be more practical than cosmetic in her mind. It might help her to chew. From my limited understanding, dentures significantly reduces your ability to chew foods.
Nicole-X: Didn't you see that chiro yet? What are you waiting for? Take it easy!!! You only have one spine!!!!!!! Thanks for the well wishes too! I love to hear y'all give me 101 reasons to take a rest day when y'all don't use your excuses!

Amy-X: Your AM is AWESOME! Come over here when your done with your laundry. I've got a few loads that needs washed too! Ahhh, do you have a hard time sleeping when dh is away? Who will capture the bat now? I hope he trained dd to do it in his absence! :7
Amy: How's the transition diet working?
Cheryl: I wouldn't necessarily call my dancing ninja pj pants cute. Phil hates them! LOL But, the flannel has thinned over the years and they are so comfortable. They were eldest ds's pjs when he was 14!
Sandra-X: I forgot you can freeze cakes. Thanks for explaining the frosting. I made a basket weave once. Even with a thicker weave, it's still time consuming!!! We're leaving Nov.21st. I told my mom we were going to Chaing Mai. At first, she tried saying it was too expensive. That wasn't going to work. It might be too expensive compared to a rural area. But, a decent hotel room would only be $10 a night! Everything is pretty much cheaper there. For instance, I'll be able to call home for 1 cent a minute using one of their phone cards!!! See just laughed when she realized that she was caught! See, this is why I'm learning as much as I can about the country before we go. She'll try to get me to think something else if she doesn't want to do it!
Lea-X: Have you decided if you'll do another round of the X?
Well, ladies, gotta go make friends with the neti pot. Hi to all I've missed! Didn't mean to forget anyone if I did.
Ballistic Hugs to ALL!