Search results

  1. L

    appetizer recipes?

    Hi everyone, Hope that some of you can help me out...we are going to a friend's house for New Years eve and everyone is bringing food...not meals, just apps. I am bringing a few regular standbys but am wondering if any of you have any yummy show stopper additions I could add. thanks in...
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    Ipod shuffle?

    I have a 2gb shuffle and before that a 1gb. I love them...can hold more than enough songs and I even have some itreads on it. I also put cardio coach too when I need it. What I love most is the size...It would bug me to have it wrapped on my it just clips to my jogbra. Love it!!!!
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    p90x question/opinions

    Thanks for all your input, I'm actually going to start tomorrow and try to follow as closely as possible even though i will probably have to miss or modify here or there, the timing is kind of bad but who knows when it will be good!!! I really tend to have the best success when I'm following a...
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    p90x question/opinions

    Hi everyone, Just wanted some opinions...after about a month break from working out due to pulling a back muscle and a chest/sinus infection, I'm ready to get back into it. I got p90x not too long ago and want to start but I know that the 90 days will not be consistent due to the Christmas...
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    calling your fave xmas cookie recipes

    Jess, what are snickerdoodles??? They sound yummy, please can I have recipe? Aggie
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    OMG Kettlebells

    Which dvd is better, providence or newport or the other ones mentioned...I think I might have to indulge in this kettlebell thing!!! Aggie
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    need reassuring (long)

    Thanks all you guys...I feel so much better knowing I'm not alone. I do know that eventually, hopefully sooner then later I and all of us will get back on track. Isn't it amazing how you feel so empowered and good when your on the workout and eating right wagon and you feel horrible when you...
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    Let's get controversial! James Bond!!

    I was a little leary about Daniel Craig before seeing the movie...but now he is my favorite Bond and then Sean Connery. Casino Royale by far my fave!!! Aggie
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    need reassuring (long)

    Hi everyone, Just need to vent a little, I'm going on my third rest week!!! I could kick myself. It started after our Thanksgiving (Canadian) Oct. 13, took the week off and could not help myself from leftovers and goodies. Why is it when I don't get my workouts in everything goes down the...
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    bm2 premixes

    Would someone be able to tell me about the bootcamp and scrambled eggs premixes on bodymax 2? Thanks, Aggie
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    Any moms who wish they had had more kids??

    I am the mom of 4 year old twins...a boy and a girl...although sometimes I'm pulling my hair out, I feel truly blessed. I'm 41 years old now and at times want a third but I'm kind of on the fence, things are pretty good right now so I'm leaning more towards keeping things as is. Clocks a...
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    4ds worth it?

    Hi everyone, Just wanted to know if it was worth getting 4ds for the weights, bc, and kickbox portions as I don't know how much I'll use step...scared of complex coreography!!!! Also how were your results, did you bulk up too much with the heavy weights? Thanks for your opinions, Aggie
  13. L

    cardio coach 5,6 & press play

    Hi everyone, I have cc 7 and 8 and love them both... I use a treadmill. I would like to get another, for sure the new one when it comes but in the meantime #5 looks pretty good and I haven't heard anyone comment on what do you all think. Also can someone tell me a little more...
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    favorite perfume?

    I have a hard time with perfume....strong sense of smell I guess. My all time favorite is by Perscriptives called "Calyx"...smells very fresh and clean...I'm always getting asked what I'm wearing but I can't smell it on me, which I'm told is the way perfume is supposed to be. Aggie
  15. L

    6 week body makeover

    I did this program a few years ago and never finished it. I also found the diet way too restrictive and after awhile I just couldn't stick to it. Just eating clean works so much better and having a cheat day helps too. As for the exercises I had the old program and they were pretty...
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    DH etc.

    Just a quick question, when referring to husbands what does DH stand for....I have no idea, sorry!!! Aggie
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    Hi everyone, What are your thoughts on BM2? I definately will purchase drill max and butts and gutts but am not sure about BM2 and also 4dsplit....worried about choreography. Any input would be helpful, thanks, Aggie
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    Working out with 2 year olds in the room?

    Hey Jen, I also have twins who will be 4 years old in a couple of weeks. All I can say is what works for me, which is to get my workout in before they are up...yes you have to get up early but there are no interuptions. Only now am I able to workout with them in the same room because their...
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    cardio coach 7

    Hi everyone, Just wanted to know about cc7, have cc8 and love it but thinking of getting cc7...for treadmill, how do they compare. Also thinking of getting itread 13 and 19 30 min...have not tried itread yet, there also seems to be a new one, itread 32...anyone try it? thanks, Aggie
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    Hi, not Cathe here either but just wanted to say that I'm from Montreal too!!!!....and welcome also. Aggie