Hi everyone,
Just need to vent a little, I'm going on my third rest week!!! I could kick myself. It started after our Thanksgiving (Canadian) Oct. 13, took the week off and could not help myself from leftovers and goodies. Why is it when I don't get my workouts in everything goes down the drain? So the week was a right off. I was going start fresh on Monday and worked out in am treadmill and weights. Felt better but could feel a cold coming on from my kids. I wasn't feeling good by that night so again took another break. I wanted to start back by the end of the week but couldn't get myself to and of course eating everything in sight...feeling terrible. Finally Friday night I said that's it enough is enough...tomorrow ccpp and were back on. So I do press play Sat. and all is well, eating on track when suddenly I'm in pain Sat pm and could barely walk or bend down, something in my lower back into my glutes. I don't think it was the treadmill...who knows?! So sunday (today) out of comission and I'm pretty sure tomorrow and who knows how long...oh and still hanging on to this chest cold. We are going away for Haloween weekend leaving on thurs. am and that will also be a complete rightoff. I swear my clothes already feel tighter and I feel blah!!!
Just wanted to vent, sorry so long. Does this ever happen to anyone? What is the deal with all the bad timing?! thanks for listening, Aggie
Just need to vent a little, I'm going on my third rest week!!! I could kick myself. It started after our Thanksgiving (Canadian) Oct. 13, took the week off and could not help myself from leftovers and goodies. Why is it when I don't get my workouts in everything goes down the drain? So the week was a right off. I was going start fresh on Monday and worked out in am treadmill and weights. Felt better but could feel a cold coming on from my kids. I wasn't feeling good by that night so again took another break. I wanted to start back by the end of the week but couldn't get myself to and of course eating everything in sight...feeling terrible. Finally Friday night I said that's it enough is enough...tomorrow ccpp and were back on. So I do press play Sat. and all is well, eating on track when suddenly I'm in pain Sat pm and could barely walk or bend down, something in my lower back into my glutes. I don't think it was the treadmill...who knows?! So sunday (today) out of comission and I'm pretty sure tomorrow and who knows how long...oh and still hanging on to this chest cold. We are going away for Haloween weekend leaving on thurs. am and that will also be a complete rightoff. I swear my clothes already feel tighter and I feel blah!!!
Just wanted to vent, sorry so long. Does this ever happen to anyone? What is the deal with all the bad timing?! thanks for listening, Aggie