need reassuring (long)


Hi everyone,

Just need to vent a little, I'm going on my third rest week!!! I could kick myself. It started after our Thanksgiving (Canadian) Oct. 13, took the week off and could not help myself from leftovers and goodies. Why is it when I don't get my workouts in everything goes down the drain? So the week was a right off. I was going start fresh on Monday and worked out in am treadmill and weights. Felt better but could feel a cold coming on from my kids. I wasn't feeling good by that night so again took another break. I wanted to start back by the end of the week but couldn't get myself to and of course eating everything in sight...feeling terrible. Finally Friday night I said that's it enough is enough...tomorrow ccpp and were back on. So I do press play Sat. and all is well, eating on track when suddenly I'm in pain Sat pm and could barely walk or bend down, something in my lower back into my glutes. I don't think it was the treadmill...who knows?! So sunday (today) out of comission and I'm pretty sure tomorrow and who knows how long...oh and still hanging on to this chest cold. We are going away for Haloween weekend leaving on thurs. am and that will also be a complete rightoff. I swear my clothes already feel tighter and I feel blah!!!

Just wanted to vent, sorry so long. Does this ever happen to anyone? What is the deal with all the bad timing?! thanks for listening, Aggie
I sympathize, I really do. I am in the exact same boat. I took one rest week on purpose. I worked out sporadically last week. I am hoping to get back in the game starting tomorrow.

My stress level is thru the roof right now with my job, and as a result I am EXHAUSTED. As an early am exerciser, it has been all but impossible to drag myself out of bed lately. Yesterday I took a SIX hour nap. That's ridiculous!

Sending you (((((workout vibes))))) and I hope that whatever you strained feels better soon!

I can't tell you how many times I have said "I'll start again Monday!" You are NOT alone! You just have to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and do it again until one day you will look back and say "Hey, it has been 3 weeks and I have done SO well!!!" Life will always throw you curves but it is what you do with these challenges that truly lead to personal growth! Start off with shorter workout times and set small achievable goals, like 30 minutes per night and work your way up until you do a full hour or more... it won't happen overnight but it WILL happen!

hang in there and don't give up on yourself! There are lots of us that have been in your shoes, some have succeeded and others have had to start over again! I had managed to work out for about 5 weeks (5 days a week) and then took a business trip a few weeks ago. Wanted to utilize the exercise facility at the place, but just couldn't get into it and ate entirely too much (definately not healthy) food.. I ended up only working out ONE night.. I felt horrible, had a miserable weekend last weekend and then after the pity party, I "started again monday" and have done a workout every night (even after a late haircut I did a short 30 minute one!) and today, after my workout I feel SO strong!

Another suggestion: If you are not already, join a check-in & challenge group, make yourself accountable to others that are in the same boat. I swear it helps keep me on track for the most part!

Best of luck to you & Here's to Monday!
I hear you. I got back from a three week cruise on the 10th. I worked out a lot on the cruise, even got to use my Cathe DVD's in the aerobics room when it was not in use but have not worked out once since I've been back. I need to weigh in at WW by the end of the month and for the first time since reaching goal over two years ago I risk having to pay for a meeting. I didn't go crazy with the eating on vacation but still put on a few pounds. It didn't help that we came back to find that one of our cat's had developed a tumor and needed emergency surgery. He's doing o.k. now but it was malignant and could come back at any time. Then DH went out of town for business, I opted to stay behind with to care for the cat. I thought I would start back up while he was away but running our home based business by myself was more time consuming than I had anticipated. I told myself I would start again today and still managed to blow it off.

Hopefully tomorrow will be the day.
I can totally relate. I have been on a "break" since a week before my shoulder decompression surgery (that week before was by choice - laziness, a "why bother now, I'm gonna be out of commission for at least 6 weeks anyway" attitude). Now, 2 weeks post-surgery, I've been given the okay to do cardio (treadmill, elliptical, walk, etc. - no kickbox or step) but can't get myself motivated at all. AND I'm eating everything in sight (um, today, an entire loaf of italian bread, toasted with Brummel & Brown on every single slice). I am going to try again Tuesday a.m. to start getting back into treadmill, etc., but really really miss my Cathe workouts.
Thanks all you guys...I feel so much better knowing I'm not alone. I do know that eventually, hopefully sooner then later I and all of us will get back on track.

Isn't it amazing how you feel so empowered and good when your on the workout and eating right wagon and you feel horrible when you fall why is it so hard to get back on?!

Thanks again,
Aggie, I just wanted to let you know that I feel for you and I do the same thing, too. Once you get back on a workout routine you will feel great again! This will pass. :)

Can I tell you how good this thread made me feel? OK, not good, but how about not alone? I love how strong and empowered I feel when I eat well and exercise. But, from time to time, I manage to let it all fall apart. My "off the wagon" episodes used to last a long time and I consider it a good thing that they only last a day or two now. I find that I feel like such utter crap and the food I'm stuffing myself doesn't even taste that good that it isn't worth it. I'd rather jump around with Cathe and eat salad if I get to feel this terrific. But man, somedays, it just does NOT happen.

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