Working out with 2 year olds in the room?



My twins will be two in October and I am having a tough working out with them in the room with me. Any advice on how you do it? I have limited time, so I would love to do at least 30 minutes with Cathe with them present. THANKS!!!

Hey Jen,

I also have twins who will be 4 years old in a couple of weeks. All I can say is what works for me, which is to get my workout in before they are up...yes you have to get up early but there are no interuptions. Only now am I able to workout with them in the same room because their playroom is right beside me...they know not to interupt me unless important but I have to say that it's better when I have my full attention on my workout. Hope I helped somewhat.

Hey Jen,

I also have twins who will be 4 years old in a couple of weeks. All I can say is what works for me, which is to get my workout in before they are up...yes you have to get up early but there are no interuptions. Only now am I able to workout with them in the same room because their playroom is right beside me...they know not to interupt me unless important but I have to say that it's better when I have my full attention on my workout. Hope I helped somewhat.


Thanks, Aggie!!
I have been working out during nap time, but my house and other chores are starting to get really messy! LOL I use to workout very early, but I do not like to get up super early anymore! My girl wakes at 6ish...
Thanks for your advice, I think my morning workouts are going to be back!

PS- Are yours heading toward Kindergarten this year?? GOOD LUCK!
Isn't there any time when someone else is there to help out? I am lucky enough to have like a million tvs & tivos in my house. My 15 year old will keep putting on Mickey Mouse until I'm done. BUT, Mia does really love to be in the room w/me. She's good if I tell her to watch out & will move. Otherwise she jumps on the bed & tries to do what I'm doing. :)

My twins will be two in October and I am having a tough working out with them in the room with me. Any advice on how you do it? I have limited time, so I would love to do at least 30 minutes with Cathe with them present. THANKS!!!


Wow, twins!! I have 3 girls that are a little older now (9, 7, & 5), but when they were younger I would either get up early to exercise or work out during naps. I just like to be focused on my workouts, and not trying to keep everyone happy! But... if you do want to workout while they're awake I would set them up somewhere that you can keep an eye on them and give them some of their favorite toys, a snack, or something to keep them occupied. And they might join in too. LOL

Good luck!

best if not there

BUT sometimes I just make do! I have 2 little guys, ages 2 and 5 and they are quite active. They actually are very good if it is a lifting day, I just have to watch when I'm doing flys or movements such as that. Of course I sometimes get a little extra resistance during pushups as my little guy tries to hop on! He's 40 lbs YIKES!!! I NEVER use my treadmill with my sons in the risky and scared they would approach faster than I can stop. What helps me is that my workout room is also where most of the big toys are. When I'm lifting, they play around me. It's kinda cool too when they imitate me-I think of it as setting a good example for a healthy lifestyle. They LOVE Drill Max and 4DS boot camp...they think the drill where Cathe moves weights back and forth (suicides???) is hilarious as I use COWS (little toy ones of course...we have WAY more cows that light weights!)
Good luck with your little ones
I once gave my son, he was a 2 year old at the time, a black eye when I hit him with a weight on accident. He was walking behind me. I would not recommend exercising with little ones around. He was fine after a few days but you can imagine how I felt. He is 7 now. I wake up very early in the morning before everyone else and get my workouts done. The phone doesn't ring the babies don't cry (I have 5 all together). Goodluck.
I have a 3-1/2 year old girl and a 13-month old boy. I work 3 evenings a week from 6pm to 11pm. Otherwise I'm with the kids and taking care of the house, doing errands, chores, etc. Keeping busy, right?! My kids usually wake up between 7:30 and 8:30am. I suppose if I were super motivated I could get up before them and fit in my workout, but what can I say, I like my sleep! haha. So I find what works best for me is to workout during my son's naptime and my daughters "quiet" time. I don't have to worry about my son. Once he's asleep I don't hear a peep from him for 1.5 to 2 hours. My daughter is a different story. I tell her she needs to stay in her room and either play or watch a movie that I've set up for her on the portable dvd player, but more often than not she'll come out of her room to see what I'm doing, to "exercise" with me or to ask me whatever little question popped into her head. Most days I'm okay with dealing with it, but some days it drives me batty! My advice is to be consistent if you're going to workout with your kids in the same room with you or in my case, in a nearby room. My daughter knows that when her brother is sleeping she needs to stay in her room so I can exercise. I tell her (time and time and time again!) that this is "mommy's time" or "me time." She more or less gets it. And for the most part, I'd say 90% of the time, I'm able to get through an hour or 1.5 hour workout and not be interrupted too much. So try not to get too frustrated with having them in the same room or nearby. It can be done! Just be consistent, set guidelines, enforce the rules ... and be somewhat flexible cuz the kiddos are bound to test the limits! (smile)
Great advice, Everyone! Thanks so much - I guess I will be doing the early workouts or do it during their naps...I am struggling with fitting everything in...I guess that IS motherhood! ha Since they have become toddlers, it has gotten more difficult for me...I am glad to know that I am not alone!
I'm glad I'm not the only one in the same boat. When I do work out with my now 3yr old in the room I just don't feel I get as good as a w/o due to having to split my attention, however, sometimes thats the only way we Mothers can fit it all in! I hit my son in the head with my foot one time so trust me, when you ask them to stay put or stay away from you it doesn't work! Its funny b/c last week he started doing the warm up to my w/o with me and he likes to carry around my 2lbs weights and imitate me. I think it is good that our kids see us w/o but the ideal is when they're not around which for me is after he is in bed at 8pm or during his afternoon naps on weekends. I work full-time and getting up at 5am just does not happen.

If you have to w/o with them I find doing weights the best and yes I've had extra weight for push-ups or had him lying on top of me as I do chest flies. If it is a cardio day I don't even attempt to do step but find boot camp type w/os are good b/c you can work around them under you feet or do a w/o that you can do "in you sleep" so you can keep one eye on the little ones under your feet especially with the toys they like to bring out and leave for us to trip on.
No, you aren't the only one having problem fitting everything in, LOL! My daughter is 19 months old and the only way I get a workout in is if I get up at 5:15AM. This is why I love the 4DS series, because I can split everything up into 30-40 minute chunks. But early morning, as others have said, it pure bliss for uninterrupted, purely focused workout time. I really don't think it's so bad after you get used to it.

Now, keeping my house clean? That's what I chose not to have time for!! HA!!!
I don't have young children but between working, working out and the household chores I don't get it all done either !

I also learned when I had 3 small children that some things just need to wait and you have to prioritize by allowing yourself time too.

Can you have Dad bathe the kids and read to them or play with them for an hour in the evenings? To me that would be beneficial for all if it would work with your schedules. One less "chore" for you, bonding for them AND a workout for you. Just a thought.

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