I have a 3-1/2 year old girl and a 13-month old boy. I work 3 evenings a week from 6pm to 11pm. Otherwise I'm with the kids and taking care of the house, doing errands, chores, etc. Keeping busy, right?! My kids usually wake up between 7:30 and 8:30am. I suppose if I were super motivated I could get up before them and fit in my workout, but what can I say, I like my sleep! haha. So I find what works best for me is to workout during my son's naptime and my daughters "quiet" time. I don't have to worry about my son. Once he's asleep I don't hear a peep from him for 1.5 to 2 hours. My daughter is a different story. I tell her she needs to stay in her room and either play or watch a movie that I've set up for her on the portable dvd player, but more often than not she'll come out of her room to see what I'm doing, to "exercise" with me or to ask me whatever little question popped into her head. Most days I'm okay with dealing with it, but some days it drives me batty! My advice is to be consistent if you're going to workout with your kids in the same room with you or in my case, in a nearby room. My daughter knows that when her brother is sleeping she needs to stay in her room so I can exercise. I tell her (time and time and time again!) that this is "mommy's time" or "me time." She more or less gets it. And for the most part, I'd say 90% of the time, I'm able to get through an hour or 1.5 hour workout and not be interrupted too much. So try not to get too frustrated with having them in the same room or nearby. It can be done! Just be consistent, set guidelines, enforce the rules ... and be somewhat flexible cuz the kiddos are bound to test the limits! (smile)