6 week body makeover


Has anyone tried the 6 week body makeover program by Michael Thurmond and can tell me about it? I need something to help me get my eating habits on track- it's not that I eat bad, but I'm really confused on what and how I should eat to make my body look it's best. Like I read some have 6 mini meals a day, while others have 3 clean meals and think a piece of fruit and some nuts is a good enough snack in between. I'm wondering if the plan is basic (not alot of cooking/preparing) and how restrictive it is? Would the eating plan go well with Cathe workouts or is it more ideal to do the workouts it comes with? And if you tried the program, could you share a day or 2 of what the eating is like? Thanks!
Don't have the complete program but read the books

Has anyone tried the 6 week body makeover program by Michael Thurmond and can tell me about it? I need something to help me get my eating habits on track- it's not that I eat bad, but I'm really confused on what and how I should eat to make my body look it's best. Like I read some have 6 mini meals a day, while others have 3 clean meals and think a piece of fruit and some nuts is a good enough snack in between. I'm wondering if the plan is basic (not alot of cooking/preparing) and how restrictive it is? Would the eating plan go well with Cathe workouts or is it more ideal to do the workouts it comes with? And if you tried the program, could you share a day or 2 of what the eating is like? Thanks!

I got the 2 books written by Michael Thurmond, but don't have the complete "6 wk body makeover" program. I think the premise has some merit because of how working out according to my body type has worked for me - I found it out before I knew I was doing it according to his "blue prints." I have NOT tried the eating program, so I can't vouch for how difficult it is or isn't. I just know the exercise programs are right on target. Hope this helps. If you decide to buy the complete program, you can buy it a lot cheaper on ebay.
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i do the plan and have lost a lot of weight. however.... it is the most restrictive plan i have ever done--- no salt and oils/fats of any kind....not to mention sugar and flour..took a loooooong time getting used to--- basically, my trainer told me, a body builder's diet:
6 mini meals a day.
br--turkey burger and potato or oatmeal

sn-fruit and chicken

lch- salad, chicken, potato

sn- fruit, chicken

din- veg, turkey, rice

sn- fruit-chicken

i don't eat a lot of variety---picky eater--- if you go to their forum- you can read the recipes-- will give you a better idea . lots of fish (yuck)
I did this program a few years ago and never finished it. I also found the diet way too restrictive and after awhile I just couldn't stick to it. Just eating clean works so much better and having a cheat day helps too. As for the exercises I had the old program and they were pretty basic...more for someone that has never exercised before.

Just re-started South Beach Diet. I was very successful first time I did it after having baby #3,...kept all the weight off,...until my late pregnancy. Anyway, I had 10lbs to lose & I couldn't fit into any of my pants. After 4 days on South Beach Diet, I fit into my clothes. They are still a little snug---but I"m confident by end of next week ALL my clothes will fit.

I don't find it too restrictive, b/c you can eat lots of things. Have you ever tried this one?
I tried the 6wk body makeover and I liked it. At first I stuck w/the no sugar and basically ate protein w/every meal. 6 meals a day; I did the rapid loss which consisted of protein w/veggies or w/fruit. He encourages you not to do exerting exercise in order to burn fat by walking anywhere from like 45-60 min; there were sculpting exercises for your body type.

For the first 3 days of doing the program I felt very sluggish. I almost couldn't complete my 60 min of cardio, but after that I had tons of energy, my body didn't crave sweet stuff and I always felt satisfied. After about 8-9 days I really noticed a change in my stomach area, I guess that's where I lose weight first, the I noticed a change in my thighs. So it definately works. One thing I realize is that you have to eat for a healthy lifestyle; it's all good at first but when you start to slip the weight creeps right back on.
I know this sounds dumb but, how much protein do you eat at every meal (visions of bone-dry chicken breasts already have me choking)? I've read that most people who take in a lot of protein are actually getting too much. I'm at 183.5 lbs. (as of this morning) and want to get waaaaay down.

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