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  1. L

    pure strength worth having after gym style and slow and...

    RE: pure strength worth having after gym style and slow... I bought PS years ago and I still use it a lot. It's the workout I choose when I don't feel like working out, but I know I have to get some weight work in. It's not super tough, like the Gym Styles can be, so there's no dread factor...
  2. L

    What my co-worker did. WARNING-EXTREMELY GROSS!

    Perhaps you should remind her that you shouldn't stick anything smaller than your elbow into your ear. I guess you should count your blessings, at least she wasn't digging in her nose.
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    What's going on?

    Several factors could be at play... How's your diet? Sometimes I find that when I start a new rotation and I'm working out more intensely I eat more than I should. I also notice that when I work harder than my body is use to my muscles retain water. It's a temporary problem and usually...
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    Does anyone else find ab ripper x surprisingly easy?

    RE: Does anyone else find ab ripper x surprisingly easy... I find Ab Ripper to be very hard on my back. IMO, the exercises are not safe for anyone with back issues, so I avoid this workout.
  5. L

    Do your teeth ever hurt???

    I didn't get braces until I was an adult and I wear a retainer almost every night. After all, unlike when your a kid and your parents fork over the money, I had to pay for the experience and I don't want them going back to what they once were! Maybe you should keep your retainer at your...
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    Ken Burns

    How old is Ken Burns anyway???
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    did I do something wrong?

    You did the right thing. Heck! If I didn't write my husband a letter (e-mail didn't exist at the time) after our first date telling him what a great time I had (I didn't, but I liked him anyway!;-) ) he never would have pursued me.
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    Do you have Yoga Shakti or Fluid Power by Shiva Rea?

    RE: Do you have Yoga Shakti or Fluid Power by Shiva Rea... I guess that's one of the reasons why I like it. I can't stand being still for too long, and with most yoga workouts you have to hold the pose for a series of breaths. That can be very difficult for a person like me who constantly...
  9. L

    Do you have Yoga Shakti or Fluid Power by Shiva Rea?

    RE: Do you have Yoga Shakti or Fluid Power by Shiva Rea... Gee Tracy, we must be connected! We both had the same number of posts when we posted on this question! What are the chances of that happening?
  10. L

    Do you have Yoga Shakti or Fluid Power by Shiva Rea?

    RE: Do you have Yoga Shakti or Fluid Power by Shiva Rea... I love Shatki! It's probably my favorite yoga workout. The matrix is key. It's such a wonderful tool. I recently acquired Fluid Power but there's more of a learning curve to it because it's free form, and for me that's stepping out...
  11. L

    DH wants me to quit exercising

    I agree with others who've mentioned he's probably jealous of the time you're spending away from him, esp. if he's the controlling type. Suggest you take a day off once a week and spend it hanging with him. Do you have to exercise when he's home? I don't know if your schedules are the same...
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    Want smaller thighs - less muscle

    I'm pear-shaped with muscular thighs and I avoid heavy weighted lower body work like squats and lunges with a loaded barbell. What works for me is power walking (don't like to run), yoga and barre work. In fact, barre work like Squeeze, Lotte Berk and Bar Method has made the most difference in...
  13. L

    Do dried beans bother you more than canned?

    OMG! I have such terrible indigestion. I've been sipping ginger ale for two days now. Yesterday I made a pot of black bean soup using dried beans that I cooked ahead of time. After eating some I developed serious indigestion, but figured it was just a one-time thing. I had more soup today...
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    turbo jam fun

    My favorite ones are Cardio Party 2, Kick Punch and Jam (which reminds me of Cathe kickboxing because it's more athletic) and Fat Blaster. I wish Chalene would make more pure cardio workouts because they're so much fun and her toning workouts are pretty lame.
  15. L

    Anyone else think that Jari's R&C is bo-rrrring?

    I find hi rep/low weight workouts boring in general. Jari's is no exception. I must admit that I get great results from her workouts, but after three weeks I can't take it any longer and I move on. Too bad, because my bod responds well to this type of training.
  16. L

    Best Way to buy P90X?

    When I order their products I prefer to pay for it up front. I never do the three month plan. Too many people have complained that they'll receive an extra charge on their cc's when paying in installments. I've never had any problems with them when I order online, except their shipping to CT...
  17. L

    So, I went to the reunion - Whoop Whoop

    I've never been to any of my reunions either but I do remember my early 30's (before kids and when I had lots of money to burn!) and it was true, many people at that age are still very much into themselves. It wasn't until I hit my early forties (I'm 44 BTW) that I felt comfortable in my own...
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    Eavesdropping on a trainer at the gym...

    Christine, don't you just want to jump in and say something when you see that at the gym? As far as that trainer's advice, if that woman is new to fitness I'm not sure I'd suggest HIIT and only HIIT. Interval training is tough and even though I'm younger and have been working out for years...
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    2006 Series-Just Love IT

    I love this series and think it's her best to date. I'm the opposite of Allison. I haven't done it much for fear of burning out on it, like I did with the Intensity Series. I can't do Cardio and Weights anymore for that reason.
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    BBC Arms and Abs-Welllll...

    When I did two months of BBC I got awesome results. But, I can't honestly say I remember a day when I had DOMS. I lifted to failure that's for sure, but I don't remember feeling sore. As far as HIIT. I was under the impression that for it to be a true HIIT, you need to allow for periods of...