BBC Arms and Abs-Welllll...

>And please don't forget everyone that although we Catheites
>all seem to adore and look to get DOMS as much as possible, it
>doesn't mean that you didn't get a good work out just because
>you didn't get DOMS!:)

So true! I always forget that. I did the 4DS Kickbox workout last night and today...nothing! No DOMS at all. I actually woke up this morning and was disappointed when I felt fine! How crazy is that!??!?!

I'm on week 2 of BBC and I can feel the difference already. I get SO winded on the cardio portions. I think it is working because it is so different from Cathe's. I have to admit I think Cathe's are much safer for the joints. But I will do this for 2 week rotations to shake things up.
>The cardio, is quick and intense, although I have felt some >negative pain in the back of my knee afterward, and all the impact >bothers my feet. And personally, I will never jump on one leg for >more than eight counts. This is something I learned five years ago >when I was becoming certified through AFAA with my primary group >aerobics certification. So, I alternate legs throughout that whole >section.

what about when cathe has you do genie hops? are you saying that AFAA says not to do that as well?
When I did two months of BBC I got awesome results. But, I can't honestly say I remember a day when I had DOMS. I lifted to failure that's for sure, but I don't remember feeling sore. As far as HIIT. I was under the impression that for it to be a true HIIT, you need to allow for periods of recovery between intervals. BBC isn't set up that way. That's why when I did do the cardio I paused between the blasts to allow my HR to lower. I didn't enjoy the cardio as much as I enjoy Cathe's, so I didn't do it too often. What Shelly said. Do all the workouts the way they were designed and if you still don't like it then make a decision.

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