What my co-worker did. WARNING-EXTREMELY GROSS!


I couldn't wait to get home and share this with all of you. Who else would I think of when I have something disgusting to say.:) I couldn't mention this to anyone at work and you'll understand why but please be fore-warned that it is pretty gross. I'm in my co-worker's office and we're looking at a catalog. She's sitting and I'm standing next to her when she starts delving into her ear closest to me looking for Lord knows what and then.....she scores. This monstrosity flies out and lands on her thigh. I'm trying not to look and my stomach is already beginning to get queasy but then she goes into the other ear and begins an excavation process in that ear then back to the other one. I will NOT even tell you what she did with the gold that she was apparently finding. Let's just say that my appetite is ruined.....FOR LIFE!!!!:eek: I was going to say something to her but I kept thinking she'd stop. I'm just sick thinking about it.x(

So what stomach turning thing have you seen a co-worker do? At least when I do my gross and disgusting things, I do them in private where I don't have any witnesses!:p

The permanently scarred,
OMG Bam!! You poor thing...I do not get grossed out very easily and I have to say when I first read this I thought you said ear closet!! So I was LOL....your description was remarkable....I cannot believe people do this in FRONT of other people!!!! I have absolutely no story to share, but I hope you feel better later...
Thanks Carole! Me and my bottle, er, glass of Pinot are trying to work this out.;) It is amazing what people do. She's a very nervous person but come on, REALIZE your behaviors in front of others. Geesh!

Perhaps you should remind her that you shouldn't stick anything smaller than your elbow into your ear.

I guess you should count your blessings, at least she wasn't digging in her nose.
i can't believe someone did that!!

oh i have one.. and this is even grosser.

One time a co-worker laughed and a something fly out of his nose and landed on the arm of my sweater. yuck... talk about being scarred. it was disgusting and so awkward. ugh.. i never wore the sweater again.
She EVENTUALLY got rid of the beast on her thigh but it did take awhile.x(

I know she wasn't digging in her nose but I have to say, I don't think it would have been grosser than what I saw. :eek:

The thought of something flying out of someone's nose and landing on your being is pretty gross!

Honestly, I have been kind of sick all day when I think about it. My stomach has not yet recovered.

it must have been pretty nasty.. yuck.

and so odd that she would do that. i don't know what gets into people sometimes...
OOOH, I know what to get the "ear digger!" Go get that product called "eargate" by Murine. Its a canister with a nozzle that allows you to totally clean all the wax out of your ear by squirting saline water into it!:) Yes, I have one. I enjoy gross things..BUT IN THE PRIVACY OF MY OWN BATHROOM!! Huh, sorry bout the shouting.

Seriously, present her (calmly) with your "ear irrigation" gift. Even if she chooses to start irrigating right then and there, don't worry, its just water, and nothing shoots out of the ear.:) water dribbles out, thats about the extent of it.
I like my idea!:7
Tneah, thanks for your great idea! Too bad I didn't get her for my Secret Santa. Boy, would that have resolved a lot, lol.:)

I've never had someone do something like that really...well, I guess the closest I ever came to it was a woman I worked with wiped the corners of her eyes and then wiped them on her chair. I was kind of shocked more than grossed out because I didn't see any of the "results" of her action like you did.

Yeah, people can be so gross. If she's producing that much "gold" from her ears she's either producing huge quantities, or not cleaning them very much. That's so gross! I constantly clean my ears out. I can't imagine doing that in public, let alone right beside someone! EEWW! :p
Reese, some people are just so uncouth. She's an enjoyable person otherwise and I hope I don't get tainted by this action. I'm really going to try and forget it as best I can. Of course talking about it on this forum takes precedence.:)

Yeechh, pretty gross!

I don't know which "lady" was doing it, but someone decided it would be neat to pick their nose and fling the boogers on the inside of the bathroom stall :eek: I put up a carefully-worded :p sign, and it stopped.

One guy now walks around brushing his teeth in the office. Barf.
Oh YUUUUMMMMY! Makes me want and ear wax sandwich right about now! :9

Just kiddin'!:p

Sorry you had to witness that. Some people just never cease to amaze me!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:
Wendy, if you were able to "read between the lines" in my post, you could decipher that she had that sandwich.....without the bread. Positively nausea provoking.

Lisa, thank goodness the sign worked. Imagine, grown adults doing that! Sad, sad, sad!:(

>Wendy, if you were able to "read between the lines" in my
>post, you could decipher that she had that
>sandwich.....without the bread. Positively nausea provoking.

I guess she's watching her carb intake these days!!!:7 :7 :7
LOL, Wendy, you could be right! :+ O.K., I'm officially sick before going into work. Wonder what "treats" are in store for me today!x( :7 Off I go into the crusty depths of the ear drum.....I think I've lost it!:p

Is it possible to laugh & puke at the same time? :+

OK you all know the story about my boss tinkling on the toilet seat. I also had one incident when an angry resident came in & kept spitting when he yelled, hitting me in the face. I'd take one step back, he'd take one step forward, & eventually I ended up backed into a corner with him about 12 inches from my face, spit landing all over me.

He called me a year later b/c he needed help with something. He did not get it. ;-)
Warning: equally as gross!

Not a co-worker, but your experience reminded me of something that happened when I was around 4 or 5, and will never forget. I was with my mother in the waiting room of a doctor's office, and the girl in front of me (about 8?) was picking her nose, then when she found some buried treasure, she examined it...then ate it!!! (Makes me want to puke just thinking about it...and what's the point in examining it beforehand? Is some edible and some rejected?)

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