I couldn't wait to get home and share this with all of you. Who else would I think of when I have something disgusting to say.
I couldn't mention this to anyone at work and you'll understand why but please be fore-warned that it is pretty gross. I'm in my co-worker's office and we're looking at a catalog. She's sitting and I'm standing next to her when she starts delving into her ear closest to me looking for Lord knows what and then.....she scores. This monstrosity flies out and lands on her thigh. I'm trying not to look and my stomach is already beginning to get queasy but then she goes into the other ear and begins an excavation process in that ear then back to the other one. I will NOT even tell you what she did with the gold that she was apparently finding. Let's just say that my appetite is ruined.....FOR LIFE!!!!
I was going to say something to her but I kept thinking she'd stop. I'm just sick thinking about it.x(
So what stomach turning thing have you seen a co-worker do? At least when I do my gross and disgusting things, I do them in private where I don't have any witnesses!
The permanently scarred,
So what stomach turning thing have you seen a co-worker do? At least when I do my gross and disgusting things, I do them in private where I don't have any witnesses!
The permanently scarred,