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    Would WW Core Plan be equivalent to Clean Eating?

    Hi Brenna! I've been wondering the same thing. Maybe some WW veterans out there can help answer! :D Nicole
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    In search of the perfect workout shoe....

    I have been hearing so much about Freddy shoes, but can't find them anymore. US Bodyware I've heard is going to stop selling them, so where do we go now to get them? I would really like to give them a try? Does anyone know? :-) nicole
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    Sometimes the "D" stand for something else for me...but the "H" always stands for husband! Ok..feeling a little punchy tonight..couldn't help myself! }(
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    So, who is doing Cathe's March/HC rotation and which one?

    RE: So, who is doing Cathe's March/HC rotation and whic... Hey Janice! I don't want to hijack this thread, but just wanted to say you and I are somewhat in the same boat. I'm trying to decide if I want to go to Nursing school and I have to decide soon. I haven't been admitted yet, but it...
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    In search of the perfect workout shoe....

    Hi Lois! I have been in your same position...searching for the perfect workout shoe. It's difficult when your feet aren't perfect isn't it?! I am also wide in the toe box. That has been my biggest limiting factor in finding comfortable shoes with good forefoot cushioning. I agree Nike's...
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    So, who is doing Cathe's March/HC rotation and which one?

    RE: So, who is doing Cathe's March/HC rotation and whic... Hello! In the "Video & DVD Rotations" forum. It's almost at the bottom of the list when you first get to the forums page. BTW are you coming along with your Nursing school decision? :-) Nicole
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    cute workout outfits

    Hi and Welcome! I just wanted to add that Sharon at Active You is very helpful! If you email her she will be glad to tell you all about the different outfits and can even send you color catalogs. :-) Nicole
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    Healthy Eating/BFL Check-in Friday 2/25

    Hi Everyone! Here's my first planned menu...I really like doing keeps me focused: B: egg beaters w/ham,bellpepper,onion,whole wheat tortilla S: cottage cheese, apple L: grilled chicken breast w/salad,baby carrots,lite italian, orange S: nonfat plain yogurt, blueberries D...
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    Can you help me with a program for my husband?

    Hi naveywifey! Great question! Obviously I'm not Cathe but I was very interested in your post and I really hope Cathe will answer it. My husband is in the Navy too and has done many a physical fitness test, so I know exactly what you are talking about. The only difference is, my husband...
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    Newbie here, is anyone doing weight watchers & Cathe's ...

    RE: Newbie here, is anyone doing weight watchers & Cath... I'm doing Weight Watchers too! Just started about a month ago. I would also ask if you are eating enough. Are you doing Flex? Are you using your Flex points? And are you using your activity points to eat more? And, if you have...
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    Healthy Eating/BFL Check-in Friday 2/25

    Thanks everyone! I'm working on my menu as we speak. Do you all plan your day in advance? That's what I want to do. And I too would appreciate any critiques of my eating plan. Also working on my workout plan to take me through the end of March. When I have it all down on paper here in a...
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    Myoplex Light Users

    I wonder if it's just the difference in composition between regular Myoplex and the Lite. There is about 100 calories differnece between the two. My DH used to use the regular Myoplex packets and his shakes were very thick. If I use the Lite vanilla with water only, it is very thin. So, I...
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    Healthy Eating/BFL Check-in Friday 2/25

    Hi! I was just wondering if I could particiapte in this check in? I'm going to weight watchers but I follow BFL in many ways, using the Eating for Life cookbook alot. I would love to have the additional daily accountability and be able to compare what I'm eating with all of you educated...
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    Marion! i'm going to eat raw cookie dough now!!!!

    Oh Jes! That sounds soooooo goooood! It's my favorite too! I hate to say I can whip up a batch without even looking at the recipe just so I can eat the dough. I'm so pathetic... :9 :9 :9 Nicole
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    How do you feel if you can't do all the moves in a strength workout?

    RE: How do you feel if you can't do all the moves in a ... I am by no means an advanced exerciser (yet!) but I really love using Cathe's workouts precisely because I CAN'T do her workouts "as-is" the first or third or maybe even the tenth time I do them. That's exactly why I continue to do her...
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    What about the "Check In" threads?

    Hi Everyone! I'm very curious about the Check In threads....the Daily check in and the Healthy Eating. Can anyone participate in those? I always seem to read them but I'm not really sure if I should post anything. I'm currently doing weight watchers (I really need the accountability) , and...
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    proper weight for a 15 year old

    I have to agree with all of the previous posts. I wouldn't worry, especially if her doctor isn't worried. When I was 15, I was 5'3" and weighed 110-115. I was athletic and played softball, track, tennis. I wore a size 5-7 in junior clothes (this is when the smallest size I believe was a...
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    beginner workouts

    Basic Step & Body Fusion are two different workouts on the same DVD. Basic step is just that, a basic step workout. All cardio on the step. It is very good for beginners to Cathe or beginners to step. Body Fusion is also a step workout, but is longer and includes intervals of weight training...
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    Other than on this site, where can I purchase a step? sells them too. They are about $50. :-) Nicole
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    What dumbbells are you using in Hardcore?

    Hi Cathe, I was just wondering what is the set of dumbbells you are using in Hardcore? They look like they are rubber encased like the barbell set and I would really like to have a set like that. Thanks! :D Nicole