Can you help me with a program for my husband?


Hi Cathe and everyone,

As you can tell by my login name, my husband is in the military. He asked me today if I could help him with a workout plan to help him get in shape for his annual physical fitness test for the military. He's been playing a little too much X-box lately :). He's not overweight. In fact, he used to be slightly underweight and since being married to me (cough, cough) he has filled out nicely. lol. I'm certainly no expert but I am slightly more knowledgeable than him and thought I could use others input as well.

His test consists of timed pushups and situps, a stretching test and a timed run.

I figured it best to do those specific exercises to build his endurance and supplement with other exercises as well. Perhaps doing pushups and situps 3x/week alternating days of course, and stretching after every workout. Is that enough? Too much? He has done Bootcamp (which kicks his butt as well as mine:) and I thought to add a few segment of that in there for him. I have Stretch Max which I think will be good too. And many of your pushup segments from various tapes. Should he do core exercises too or just focus on the situps?

Also, I just don't know exactly how much to add on each week for him to progress. His test is in May. Any tips would be great. We are going to partner up too on much of this, though I'd prefer to do a step tape then run.

Hi naveywifey!

Great question! Obviously I'm not Cathe but I was very interested in your post and I really hope Cathe will answer it. My husband is in the Navy too and has done many a physical fitness test, so I know exactly what you are talking about. The only difference is, my husband does the swim instead of the run (hence, where my login name came from). I was just curious...does your husband run now? You didn't mention it as part of your plan for him. I know Cathe runs so I'm sure you will get a great answer.

I wish your husband well on his test! That's great that you're helping him get ready now, instead of two weeks before the test which is how I've seen others try to do it.

:) Nicole
Go Navy!

Yes he used to run a lot, but hasn't probably since last PFT :eek:. He's a much better runner than I am. I know he can/will push himself. Yes, running is part of the plan, but he also enjoys racketball and we play some tennis too when the weather is nice.

I'm thinking starting with 15-20 minutes and adding on 5 minutes a week. I'm not sure how long their run is. I think a mile or two. I have to check.
Hi there! This should be interesting... My husband is not in the Navy but he has also filled out since we got married and he is an xbox fanatic. He said that he wants to start working out but then he never follows through... lets see if anyone can help us!

Good luck!
Hi there! This should be interesting... My husband is not in the Navy but he has also filled out since we got married and he is an xbox fanatic. He said that he wants to start working out but then he never follows through... lets see if anyone can help us!

Good luck!
Hi Navywifey,

My husband is in the Air Force and they also do the physical fitness test. The one thing I see folks doing is running. They have to run a mile and a half in certain amount of time.( Not sure what the Navy has to run) I often see whole squadrons running on the track several times a week together. The gym here at Aviano has a fitness plan for Airmen to prepare them for the test. I'm not sure what the exercises are in the fitness plan. Does the gym on the Navy base have a program similar to this?

I'm sure any of Cathe's strength workouts will be beneficial.

Good luck to him.

Hi Navywifey,

My husband is in the Air Force and they also do the physical fitness test. The one thing I see folks doing is running. They have to run a mile and a half in certain amount of time.( Not sure what the Navy has to run) I often see whole squadrons running on the track several times a week together. The gym here at Aviano has a fitness plan for Airmen to prepare them for the test. I'm not sure what the exercises are in the fitness plan. Does the gym on the Navy base have a program similar to this?

I'm sure any of Cathe's strength workouts will be beneficial.

Good luck to him.

My husband is in the ARMY and he has to take PT tests too. I too am interested in the answer to this question.

To improve his overall fitness, I try to encourage him to try other things, but he won't listen to me. He seems to be convinced that fitness is limited to running, push-ups, and sit-ups. He doesn't do anything but that.
My husband was pretty unfit some years ago until I introduced him to Cathe's workouts. When he started he would run 2mi. ( and worked up to 5mi. over time..) and alternated a run day with a Pure Strength workout and one rest day. This really worked for him. He now alternates between the PS, S&H, and the Pyramid workouts. I wish him luck! dmd:)
Some men, like my husband, prefer to workout to men instructors. He started with Gilad and now does P90X. P90X would get your hubby in awesome shape. If he doesn't mind being intimidated by Cathe:) then I think the Pyramids or S&H would fit the bill.


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