So, who is doing Cathe's March/HC rotation and which one?


So, who is doing Cathe's March/HC rotation and which one of them are you choosing to start with?
I am so tempted to start with muscle strength, then muscle endurance to lean the muscle and to top that do the fat loss to show the ripped muscles!!! ;)
What's your plan?
Would you want to form a HC Cathe's rotation check-in?
:) :)
Hello bfj!! I'm going to start with the fat loss rotation and then move onto building strength one. I'll start mon. and do the check-in/challenge to keep me GOING with this rotation. I AM GOING TO STICK WITH THIS ROTATION :D
RE: So, who is doing Cathe's March/HC rotation and whic...


I was thinking about trying out all three rotations too. I can't decide which one to start with. It would be a good 12 week rotation to do all of them, starting with the strength then muscle endurance and then fat loss.

I need to decide because I am starting Monday.. :7

RE: So, who is doing Cathe's March/HC rotation and whic...

Hi Bfj!

I am definitely going to do strength then endurance then fat loss. I will check-in with you if you want to do that order too. I will be starting on Monday morning.

RE: So, who is doing Cathe's March/HC rotation and whic...

Okay, I have decided, I am going to do all three rotations starting with Strength, endurance and then fat loss. This will be fun and lets check in!!! It will be the end of May when we complete this and we will be ready to hit the beach or pool... ;)

Let's do it!!!

RE: So, who is doing Cathe's March/HC rotation and whic...

I'm doing these too except I was considering doing Fat Loss, then Strength, and then Endurance. (So many choices!) I'm starting mine tomorrow however as I always like to start my rotations on Sundays. I guess I better hurry up and decide for sure! :) :)

RE: So, who is doing Cathe's March/HC rotation and whic...

Hi Aila,

I got back on Wednesday night. Georgia was okay, sat in conferences most the week. It was nice to see my family in Indiana. I went there for a week after I left Georgia. My dad looked really good for having a trach and feeding tube. My mom is holding up and they were happy to see us. My husband and kids met me in Indiana.

It is good to be back home and I am ready for these Hardcore's. This 12 week rotation will be great. I am just going to add in some runs on some of the strength days.

RE: So, who is doing Cathe's March/HC rotation and whic...

Sounds like you had a nice visit with your family:) .

I think these rotations look good. I will probably add some pilates and cardio too. I like checking in. It keeps me in tact! It will be fun to check-in too.

RE: So, who is doing Cathe's March/HC rotation and whic...

"I'm doing these too except I was considering doing Fat Loss, then Strength, and then Endurance. " too
RE: So, who is doing Cathe's March/HC rotation and whic...

Great! Thanks for your responses. I am starting from tomorrow. I know the check-in will help us adhere to our plan. It doesn't matter which order we choose to do our rotation, I think 12 weeks is a great period. For the fun of it, I am going to do measurements and pictures before, during and after too!! Should we name our daily check-in "HardCores"?!!:)
RE: So, who is doing Cathe's March/HC rotation and whic...

I'm doing fat loss first and then strength gain, and then we'll see if Cathe posts an April rotation that includes more of her other workouts. I hate to admit it, but I think I'm gonna be bored with the HCs soon if I don't start rotating in some other ones!

I started the rotation yesterday, in order to adjust to have Fridays off.
RE: So, who is doing Cathe's March/HC rotation and whic...

I've never done a set rotation before so I think I'll give this a try. For me I've already sort of been working on strength so that's where I'll start. Sounds like we'll all be ready for summer!!!!

RE: So, who is doing Cathe's March/HC rotation and whic...

After my 1 full month off of working out, I desperately need to start with the Strength rotation! All my strength went away! haha oh well... i'm sur this will build it back FAST! }(
I'm going to do all three rotations starting with the weight loss . I'm also buckling down on my "clean "eating ...Started a new food journal yesturday !!! Will check in daily too . :) :)
Ok, I cannot believe I don't know this, but.......

Where are the rotations posted each month? Can you direct me? Thanks!
RE: So, who is doing Cathe's March/HC rotation and whic...


In the "Video & DVD Rotations" forum. It's almost at the bottom of the list when you first get to the forums page.

BTW are you coming along with your Nursing school decision?

:) Nicole
RE: So, who is doing Cathe's March/HC rotation and whic...

Hey Nicole! Thanks! Umm....dontcha know I am NEVER decided. Have to by July though.......that is when nursing school starts! I will be sure to let everyone know the final decision since everyone so compassionately has followed along in my career saga. Thanks for thinkin' of me!!:)
RE: So, who is doing Cathe's March/HC rotation and whic...

Hey Janice!

I don't want to hijack this thread, but just wanted to say you and I are somewhat in the same boat. I'm trying to decide if I want to go to Nursing school and I have to decide soon. I haven't been admitted yet, but it may happen soon. I would love to hear any of your thoughts or experiences if you care to share them. I feel like I've been picking the brain of every nurse or prospective nurse I come across!

:) Nicole
RE: So, who is doing Cathe's March/HC rotation and whic...

I'm going to start the Hardcore Rotation in a week, as I still have a handful of new Cathe DVDs to sample before I start a rotation. I can't decide on the rotation and since I'll get bored doing this rotation for 3 months and do one each month, I've opted to do a week of strenght a week of endurance and 2 weeks of fat loss when I do my rotation. Then I'll probably do the April rotation, etc. Good luck to everyone.

This is my first Cathe rotation. I'm new (to Cathe) and just purchased a bunch of her DVDs.

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