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    It's here!!!

    Dani, I've been wondering how you are doing on your treadmill! I really want to get one and I'm anxious to hear your reviews. What kind did you get? How do you like it? Please share! :-) Nicole
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    free shipping and handling?

    I would email SNM. If I recall correctly they still let you get the free shipping. You just have to tell them you pre-ordered and you need your order number (from the pre-sale) so they can confirm. Again, email them to make sure, but I think they will still do it. :-) Nicole
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    This is super fun!!

    Ok...mine were: Easy Rider "You just want to maintain a calm, cool and comfortable environment" Abe Lincoln "You are a mild mannered assasination victim. You have a peaceful nature and are good at mediating disputes with the exception of the occasional bloody civil war" HA! Gosh I...
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    Zappos is fantastic! I have ordered many times from them and never had a problem. I have also had to return shoes more than once and they credit your account quickly. The free shipping and free returns make it very easy to shop. And they ship fast too! I guess I can't say too many good...
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    Trip to Hawaii -- advice

    Shelley, You really should get out more often! :D
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    Wierd Food Combos....

    Beer most certainly goes with chocolate! We used to have beer, brownies and salt & vinegar potato chips during our chemistry study groups in college. YUM! DH eats peanut butter sandwiches with macaroni & cheese. Gross.:o :D Nicole
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    Weight wathchers,BFFM, or starvation?

    I agree with TK. WW Core is a wonderful plan that works and is clean eating. I'm reading BFFM now and it's very similar to WW Core. To me, BFFM goes so much more in depth and really explains the details of losing fat...information you won't get at WW. However, WW provides support and...
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    Ok, sorry if this is a dumb question, but can this be used as a marinade? I don't use much soy sauce except to marinade with, so would this work? Also, can you use while your cooking? I usually add a little soy while I'm stir frying, but I don't add any to my food after it's cooked. Does that...
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    I'm back....

    Lois...I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Having to grieve for more than one major loss is tremendous. Your post struck me though as I lost my father in law last year and one week later had to put my cat to sleep (it will have been one year ago next week). I'm so happy though that you...
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    OUCH!! advice please

    What you have described sounds exactly like what my husband has been going through for the past several weeks. I finally made him see a doctor and they determined he has an impingement (sp?) and inflammation of the shoulder joint. It is essentially an overuse injury he developed from working...
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    Trip to Hawaii -- advice

    Hi Vicky! We lived in Hawaii for about a year when my husband was stationed at Pearl Harbor. I just love it there! You will have a great vacation! We lived on Oahu, but took short hops to the other islands. To me, each island is unique and beautiful in it own way. We visited the Big...
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    I feel old :(

    Hi Christine, I agree with Michele. Isn't it amazing how much POWER a number can have? Now I understand why when I was growing up and I would ask my dad how old he is, he would always say "I'm 29"! LOL! As for having children...I sometimes worry I'm too old too, even though I'm older...
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    Share the love

    Missy, What a sweet and thoughtful post! I really appreciate it when someone points out all the good things in other people. Those are the things we need to remember. I think we are all surrounded by so much negativity in our daily lives (from many sources) that it's refreshing to focus on...
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    Feeling really misunderstood

    Hi Lisa, I understood your post too. To me, you were asking a rhetorical question. Asking "how's it going?" is usually met with a response like "fine" or "great" without any elaboration on how one is really doing. Usually the person asking doesn't really want to know the details of how the...
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    A special request

    Oh Michelle, I'm so sorry to hear this. My heart goes out to you and your sister. You will all be in my prayers. I really don't know what to say except I'm thinking of you and praying for things to get better. Take care, Nicole
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    How to get DH

    I agree they have to want to do it themselves. DH and I have had some "discussions" regarding healthy eating and I have to say some bits of progress have been made, but only after many attempts. Small victories is right. Baby steps...definitely. The problem in our house is that often times DH...
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    Whether I should take a job or not

    What was the reply you received from the interviewer regarding this vacation time during each of your interviews? Did he/she mention they would work around it? Or did they just not address it? If they are just choosing to pretend they didn't know about your vacation, or if they said they...
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    Ghost story cannot say something like that and just leave it there! Teaser! I really would like to hear your stories. They sound fascinating! :-) Nicole
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    True or False? Drinking too much caffeine can cause

    RE: True or False? Drinking too much caffeine can caus... What an interesting topic! I had no idea there was a connection. Carol and Autumn...great links. I'm printing some of the info as I type. Autumn, I pm'd you. Hope you don't mind. :-) Nicole
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    My DIL's family

    Jane, My prayers are with your and your DIL's family. How sorry I am for such a tragedy. Nicole