Ok I'm FINALLY asking for help... I don't know what I did, but my left arm (weaker arm) has been hurtin for at least 3 weeks now... it actually fells like something is "pinched" Its really hard to describe but, I can move it just fine (no pain to very little pain) when my arm is extended, but if its bent in anyway... OMG OUCH!!! it seems to be comming from my shoulder, and it even sometimes makes my fingers tingle.. kinda feels like a "charlie horse" in my arm.. What could it be?? I've tried to "stretch" it, and it dosn't help. I had DH "rub" my shoulder/arm and that even hurts... is it a strain, or pull... or what?? To the touch, when rubbing my arm it hurts most in the "upper bicep" area, under the arm and shoulder. I haven't been doing much weight training since this started, although when I did, it didn't make it any worse... Any suggestions on what it could be, and how to help it heal, what to try, what to avoid. Thanks!