OUCH!! advice please


Ok I'm FINALLY asking for help... I don't know what I did, but my left arm (weaker arm) has been hurtin for at least 3 weeks now... it actually fells like something is "pinched" Its really hard to describe but, I can move it just fine (no pain to very little pain) when my arm is extended, but if its bent in anyway... OMG OUCH!!! it seems to be comming from my shoulder, and it even sometimes makes my fingers tingle.. kinda feels like a "charlie horse" in my arm.. What could it be?? I've tried to "stretch" it, and it dosn't help. I had DH "rub" my shoulder/arm and that even hurts... is it a strain, or pull... or what?? To the touch, when rubbing my arm it hurts most in the "upper bicep" area, under the arm and shoulder. I haven't been doing much weight training since this started, although when I did, it didn't make it any worse... Any suggestions on what it could be, and how to help it heal, what to try, what to avoid. Thanks!
The tingling sounds like a pinched nerve to me. However, its hard to feel a pinched nerve and the description of your upper bicep, under arm and shoulder hurting sounds like a muscle pull to me. If you can do some light stretching in the upper body I'd try that. Not sure what else to tell you, I sure hope it gets better. Three weeks is a long time to have a muscle pain, though.
Yes, it's odd.. It almost feels like the shoulder is out of socket or something...but I have full range of motion, its just that there's pain involved. I'll continue stretching and avoiding upper body weight work. Otherwise, I'm at a loss, as to what else to do.
That's a long time to have pain. I would go see a doctor or physical therapist. It sounds to me like you've injured a nerve. They may have some treatments to help. Either way, I'd find out what's going on.
What you have described sounds exactly like what my husband has been going through for the past several weeks. I finally made him see a doctor and they determined he has an impingement (sp?) and inflammation of the shoulder joint. It is essentially an overuse injury he developed from working out too hard in the pool (he is a swimmer) and doing way too much of the same strokes for very long workouts. He was doing almost exclusively freestyle and butterfly and really pushing himself.

So now he is seeing a physical therapist three times a week for three weeks and then they will re-evalute. For now he's taking Naproxen for the pain and swelling and doing much better. He has to lay off the swimming and can't do any weight bearing exercise on his shoulder like push ups. He's not a happy camper right now, but I said now's a good time for that cross-training!

Sorry this is to long...probalby TMI, but I would say get to a doctor asap. Pain that's lasted this long seems like a sign of injury.

Take Care.

Good point, I sometimes forget what a "delicate' muscle and joint the shoulder is...and I did work it quite a bit, and beings its my weaker side (my other shoulder is FINE) It could be inflamed, I didn't really think of that.. thanx...I'll try some other things and really rest it good..

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