I'm back....


It's been a while since I last posted. My Dad died on August 24th which in and of itself is incredibly difficult and awful as many of you know. Two weeks later I had to put my beloved cat, Midnight (hence my username), to sleep. Needless to say, I was pretty fragile emotionally before the cat and losing her just about put me over the edge. There is less pain now, on both counts, but life has changed permanently. Since we were down to one cat, we adopted two 9 week old sisters, Maya and Meeka. They are gray tabbies. As you might expect, they are typical kittens - very busy and into everything. It was heartening and amazing to see our other cat and our dog accept them almost immediately. A new chapter begins.

I've been working out and ever since my Dad got sick all I have wanted to do is kickboxing. It's helping me work out some of my grief and anger around my losses and lets me concentrate on something different. I've been doing it exclusively for cardio for over two months now!! It's amazing I haven't burnt out yet.

No personal trainer job yet. I am getting the "not enough experience" runaround. I also suspended my job search for a while and am just getting back into it.

I hope to get back into posting and responding again. I've missed you guys!!


"If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning" - Mahatma Ghandi
Lois... glad to see you back. I have thought about you often. I'm sorry for your loses. I'm glad you are finding an outlet for your grief. Welcome back.
Lois...I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Having to grieve for more than one major loss is tremendous. Your post struck me though as I lost my father in law last year and one week later had to put my cat to sleep (it will have been one year ago next week).

I'm so happy though that you found room for two little additions to your family. I'm sure they will bring you much joy.

Glad to see you back,

Hi Lois, I've been wondering about you for a while now. I'm sorry about your losses. I do hope you find a position soon in a place where you feel you can extend yourself. We all deal with grief in our own ways, and if kickboxing helps, then do it. Welcome back.:)

Lois, I'm sorry for your loss. It must have been a very trying time for you. Congratulations on Mya & Meeka.


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