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    I'm kind of worried and need to talk

    Ditto again on the doctor's appointment! You should see a doctor to find out exactly what it is...and isn't. Right now you are just speculating and causing yourself more stress and worry wondering what it is. Take care and keep us posted! :-) Nicole
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    Spill it ladies! = )

    OH! OH! I got an IPOD Nano with a pink armband from hubby! A gift card to Sports Authority! A new set of dumbbells! Yippee!! I'm so excited! (And I bought myself some new workout shoes, so Merry Christmas to me!) :D Nicole
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    What is with my back?

    Hmmmm....Janice, your post is very interesting! I've been having the same problems for the past six months. It started in my upper back, and now has migrated to my lower back and even my neck. I've exercised, stretched, sat in the jacuzzi etc. It will feel better as the day goes on, but then...
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    new to the forum

    Hi tracye! Welcome to the forum! You'll find lots of help and words of encouragement on this forum so you came to the right place! And don't worry, we all fall off the exercise wagon every once in a while! Glad you're here! :-) Nicole
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    One more gift card question

    Will we be able to use a gift/loyalty card to purchase during the next presale? :-) Nicole
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    What do you know about MAC cosmetics?

    Nancy, You look great! I'm so glad that MAC has worked out for you. I'm worried that when the time comes to buy new make-up, I won't be able to resist buying the "extras". Glad you had a good time! I love buying makeup. And I'll have to remember those colors. They look really pretty...
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    What do you know about MAC cosmetics?

    You're very welcome! I hope it works out for you! :-) Nicole
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    What do you know about MAC cosmetics?

    Hi Nancy, I use MAC cosmetics and I have sensitive skin. I absolutely love the foundation and powder! I don't use blush and I'm minimal on eye make-up so what goes directly on my skin is key. I have yet to try anything else from their line because I want to use up what I have left of my...
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    Thanksgiving Day Recipes

    Ohhhh! Thanks so much! It looks absolutely DIVINE! Does it take long to make? I can't wait to try it!! :9 Nicole
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    What's your Turkey Day specialty?

    Ok...I have to agree with Shelley. You guys gotta cut loose with your recipes! Maybe we should start another thread? Something like "Turkey Day special recipes" or something like that. I personally want every singe recipe mentioned! They all sound so yummy! Whattya think? :-) Nicole
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    What's your Turkey Day specialty?

    I'm getting ready to do some grocery shopping for the big T-Day and I was wondering...what does everyone make that is their "specialty" for Thanksgiving? Something you only make this time of year, or something nobody else makes, or at least not the special way you do. My specialty is...
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    Hey Roadtrippers (and anyone else....)

    Shelley! I'm up for the challenge! I wasn't at the roadtrip obviously but doing those three workouts in one day would be a marathon for me and I'd love to do it. So count me in! :D Nicole
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    What is your favorite cheesecake flavor?

    Can I have more than one favorite? :D DH makes one that's basically a regular cheesecake but he adds a bit of lemon and orange zest and uses vanilla wafers for the crust. Yum! I love chocolate cheesecake and pumpkin cheesecake too! Hmmmm...come to think of it I don't think there is...
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    New shoe frequency

    Shelley, I don't know if there are any hard and fast rules regarding aerobic shoes. I've heard you should replace them about every 4-6 months, depending on use. I think that's about how long mine usually last. Right now I know I need new shoes because I can tell my feet aren't feeling so...
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    My dad may have cancer! :(

    Janice, I'm so sorry to hear this! I sent you an email. My prayers are with you. Nicole
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    Who has Ryka N-Gage shoes?

    Has anyone tried the new Ryka N-Gage studio shoes? I need new shoes and since they discontinued my favorite Ryka's I'm scrambling to find a good replacement. Problem is, I have wide feet, so I'm curious how the N-Gage fits in the toebox. My old Enlight II's had plenty of room even though...
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    We're sooo proud! (VERY looong!)

    Debbie, what an amazing story! I read your post and then read it again out loud to my husband who is active duty and couldn't finish it without crying. Your FIL is an inspiration and should be VERY proud of his service. I'm guessing he will be very humble though. DH's father and mine both...
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    Domino's new product...

    I really don't know what the point is can't help you there!! I checked out their website and it seems it's a combination of regular sugar and sugar substitute so it's less calories than sugar, but it can still be used like regular sugar (for baking, etc.) while most sugar...
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    Crap. He's doing it to me again.

    That's just awful! Are you supposed to entertain this girl while doing your job? I don't understand why he can't look after his own daughter. Does he think his job is so much more important than yours? Sheesh! I remember my dad would take me to work with him every one in a while when I...
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    Thanks Wendy! I got mine and it printed beautifully! What a great job you did! I really appreciate all the work you put into it. :D Nicole