New shoe frequency


How often do you get new aerobic shoes? Is there a standard formula to use (e.g. every X number of workouts...) or do you judge it some other way? I know with running shoes it's every X number of miles or kilometers, but I'm not sure about aerobic shoes.

Any help would be appreciated.
I've read before that you should replace your running shoes every 300 miles--I've never seen anything about how often you should replace aerobic shoes. I get a new pair every 10 to 12 months.

ETA I think I should replace mine more often that that but I'm a tight wad when it comes to aerobic shoes.


I don't know if there are any hard and fast rules regarding aerobic shoes. I've heard you should replace them about every 4-6 months, depending on use. I think that's about how long mine usually last. Right now I know I need new shoes because I can tell my feet aren't feeling so cushy during my workouts anymore. Especially during step.

Now that I think about it, I got two new pair last Christmas. So each lasted about six months (although I use them until they die, so many 4 months is a better estimate of when to replace).

Sorry to be so long winded! Whew!

:) Nicole
This sort of confirms my thinking then. I got a new pair towards the end of May and I'm feeling like they aren't really cushioning my feet anymore, especially during things like Imax 3. Guess it's time to switch to a new pair then:)

I replace mine at least every 6 months. I can tell when it's time, because my back and knees ache when my shoes are worn out.

Took me a while to figure that out!
I usually put inserts in my shoes after the cushion begins to wear out and then once the inserts aren't as effective, I get a new pair of shoes.

I get my aerobic shoes at the same place I get my running shoes. I'm a regular at the store and I have them look at my shoes when I'm in doubt and they let me know if I need a new pair or not. They are always very honest with me because they are the only ones that I buy my athletic shoes from and they know I'll need a new pair eventually.

I have been wondering the same thing myself. I worry about my knees, so, since I do cardio six days a week, either step or kickboxing, I have been changing my shoes every three months.
Used to do the shoe thing for a living, hopoe this helps you a bit...

The general rule is 6 months depending on use. If you are working out 5+ days then maybe closer to 4.

Honestly your best indicator is just what you described...

If you come away from your workout and your feet, ankles or shins are more sore than they normally would be then it is time for new shoes. And I mean a different sore than "wow that was a great workout".

Hope that helps! :)

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