Hey Roadtrippers (and anyone else....)


Crazy as this may sound, I was thinking of "reliving" the Saturday of the road trip, workout-wise, one day soon. In other words, the early morning step class, the mid-afternoon sculpting class and the early evening kickbox class.

Anyone wanna be crazy with me? Non-roadtrippers, feel free to chime in here.

If nobody replies, I'm gonna go sulk in the corner.;)
I think it sounds like fun Shelley!! Count me in (unless it is Sat Dec 3 or 10th, I have class)! Do we get to raid the mens shower room too?? ;-)
Well, gee, Sabrina, if you want. Personally, I don't actually HAVE a men's shower room in my house;)

How about Sunday, December 4th?
I don't have one here either but there is a Y down the block. The 4th looks good to me. I just might be walking into class funny on Monday evening or I might fall asleep in class. LOL!!
Hi Shelley,
I didn't make the roadtrip but I'd be up for a challenge! A gym I used to go to did a sort of marathon day around the holidays and it really was fun! So...yes! I'm up for it :)! I am hoping to make the next roadtrip ... it looks like a lot of fun!
Cath :)
I'm not going to re-live the workouts, but, Gee! Wasn't it fun???!!!! Working out with Cathe was a true moment to remember! I can't wait to do it for real again!
Just Do It! :)

I'm up for the challenge! I wasn't at the roadtrip obviously but doing those three workouts in one day would be a marathon for me and I'd love to do it. So count me in!

:D Nicole
I will be with you in spirit, just like last July. If I take a day off and try to fit 3 workouts into it, my DH would kill me. He would understand if I was doing it live with Cathe, but not on my own with cyber buddies. He already thinks my connection with cyber buddies is wierd and keeps saying, "They aren't your friends." He doesn't get it.
"They aren't your friends."

Pfffffffffffffffftttttt..... you tell him I'm coming over there to beat on his a$$.

I'm so lucky that my SO gets it. I've met women on this board (and subsequently on the Road Trip) who have become my best friends EVER. I don't know what magic Cathe uses in the water in this place, but, per capita, there are more smart, understanding, funny, amazing women here than I've ever encountered in my life.

Robin, I'm pretty sure that if I met you in "real life" we'd get along just as well as we do here.:)

Moving right along, I'm happy I'm not the only loony one who wants to do this:)
Yeah, I figure we would do the same.

Maybe Step Blast or Rhythmic Step for the step workout, MM or ME for the sculpting and KPC for the Kickbox? Whaddya all think?

I'd say eat something light first thing, then lunch (pasta?), then a snack or protein shake after weights, then PIZZA for dinner after kickboxing. Just to make it realistic:)
It doesn't matter on which workouts to me except we definately have to do KPC! Love it! Are we going with Sun Dec 4th?
Since I didn't sleep even ONE SECOND that Friday night (not because I was having fun - I just couldn't sleep), do I have to relive that part again too?
Hey Shelley :) I'm in! Sounds great, I'd love to relive it (at least I'll give it the ole' college try, lol)...so long as we don't do anything AFTER dinner, lol...that relay completed wiped me out! Step Blast, ME, and KPC sound great! :)

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