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  1. F

    NOV 06' Rotation...Shock Your Body

    Hi Suzette, I don't know what I was thinking but you are right. I can't wait to get it this rotation looks really good. Deb:-)
  2. F

    Nov rotation question

    Hi Cathe, I was just looking at the November rotation and I would love to give this a try when I receive my new dvds. What do you think would be a good substitute for Body Fusion? I am ordering stretch max today it looks awesome:-) I have a treadmill at home so perfect for the runs. It looks...
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    NOV 06' Rotation...Shock Your Body

    It is just me again sorry. I found body fusion on Cathe's dvds but I don't have it anymore, what do you Gals think would be a good substitute? I think stretch max sounds awesome. I need to get that one ordered. Deb:-)
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    NOV 06' Rotation...Shock Your Body

    Sorry one more thing,do any of you have stretch max I am thinking I should add this in to my collection. I have everything else except body fusion. Thanks very much Deb:-)
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    NOV 06' Rotation...Shock Your Body

    Hi everyone, don't think I am crazy because I am not really:-) What is body fusion? Thanks in advance Deb:-)
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    NOV 06' Rotation...Shock Your Body

    Thank you so much Cathe, I am not one to stick with a rotation but would love to try this one. Thank you so much Deb:-) Printing:-) :-) :-) :-)
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    Not to scare anyone but there are reports of freezing issues

    Good Morning, I have a JVC I have had about 5 years and it works great will all my DVDS but I will have to see if it works with the new ones. Dorothy, would you mind telling me which model number you have on the Sony DVD player.:-) Thank you Deb
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    Gym Style Series-Stand alone?

    Thanks Monica, I am going to print this out. How long have you been doing the rotation? Thank you, Deb:-) :-)
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    How long does it take to fill an order?????

    Good one Muffin Top:7 :) Thanks for the laugh today. Deb
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    New DVD Shipping Alert!

    One more doing the happy dance. I have my new high step and club step ready for the new workouts.:-) It is getting to sound like Christmas:-) Thank you for the update Deb:-)
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    Happy Wednesday

    >Hi Everyone! > >Here is something to put a smile on your face. We have spoken >to SONY today and as of right now we are still on schedule to >receive Body Max 2 sometime tomorrow. I'll post a >confirmation and or further update tomorrow. > >Also a friendly reminder...... > >I know...
  12. F

    The excitement builds

    I have the last two weeks off in November for vacation. I plan to stay at home. I will have a blast working out with the new dvds YAY :-) :-) Don't you guys feel like a kid at Christmas? I have to get ready for work enjoy your day:-) Deb:-)
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    Good morning Cathe, I was wondering if you will be putting a rotation together soon for the new workouts? I hope you hear good news today from Sony. I know you were very upset last night. Thank you for all that you do Have a nice day Debbie:-) :)
  14. F

    The excitement builds

    The new workouts look challenging and a lot of fun. The music is awesome. I can't wait.:-) Have a great day everyone Debbie
  15. F

    high step for tall people 5'9"

    RE: high step for tall people 5'9 >I'm a long-legged 5'9" and find 6 risers to be just what I >need. Hi Soooooosan, I am long legged too. I ordered the high step, original club step and I will have a total of 6 risers. I am glad I finally ordered ! Thank you very much, and thanks...
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    New DVD Music

    Hi Cathe, I love thwe music in the new series you have picked out. I just want to say thank you for all your hard work. Deb:-)
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    Love those outfits

    >Hello Brenda, > >It makes total sens to workout better when you look good! >That is so normal. Every single bit of motivation is a great >plus to push ourselves more and more. We may look good and >want to look even better. A great outfit is without a doubt a >very important element...
  18. F

    high step for tall people 5'9"

    RE: high step for tall people 5'9 Thank you Amber and Kathryn. I appreciate your feedback. I am not new to Cathe but took some time off from her workouts due to a death in my family. I am getting back in to her workouts again. I think I will buy six risers but start off with a few less. I...
  19. F

    high step for tall people 5'9"

    Good moring everyone, I am going to order the high step today. I was wondering for you that are tall how maany risers do you use to get in a good workout. I was told 6 would be good. I see Cathe uses six in some of her workouts and she isn't tall:-) I also have the the teal and purple...
  20. F

    SNM - three ways to listen . Thank you very much

    Thank you so much for this feature. I am doing the happy dance too:-) :) Deb