Search results

  1. kisuzu

    Core Max - surprise

    I am disapointed with Core Max.I did not find it that challenging.Thank you people for suggesting Tough Core premix.I actually found the core / ab work at the end of Muscle Max more challenging than any of the routines.I am also not a big fan of Stretch Max oh well overall it is the best series...
  2. kisuzu

    So tell me about Stretch Max

    I am extremely disapointed.I have done all three routines.Cathe's form & cueing are superb as usual but I found the routines dull.I love Dynamic Stretch by J.Safell.I am also dispointed in Core Max. Kisuzu
  3. kisuzu

    Gym Style Chest and Triceps - Love It

    I can't beleive this workout ! I am so happy ! I am 41 yr old male diehard Cathe fan & I have never been satisfied with her chestwork except in Slow & Heavy & now Gym Style the ultimate chest workout of all time!I am now in pectoral heaven & I will finally get that developed chest like the male...
  4. kisuzu

    What IS it about Kick, Punch, Crunch?

    Hi Donna I can't amswer your question but we are all diferent.I have no problem with any of Cathe's video except (I am embarrassed to say)Step Jump & Pump.Everyone comments on how easy & fun this is.I do not get it my legs become like jello by the end and tighten up completely on the last low...
  5. kisuzu

    Elite Forces-Ever heard of it ?

    Thank you very much Diane.I will do that. Ki
  6. kisuzu

    Elite Forces-Ever heard of it ?

    Hi On my quest to find new intense videos to ty me over until the Harcore series comes along I stumbled across The Elite Forces Readiness Workout.I was searching reviews for Billy Blanks new one on Amazon & in a review someone mentionned this workout.The reviews are good for what seems like a...
  7. kisuzu

    Push Pull/Supersets

    Hi Rach The article is called body Part Training is Dead written bt Joseph Arangio,M.S.,C.S.C.S Director of Peak Strength in Penn ( can be found in the August issue of Men's Fitness.Basically Mr Arangio explains that there is a faster,more effective way to build muscle than...
  8. kisuzu

    The "working out at home" thread has me curious

    RE: The Hi Patricia I alternate between home & our gym @ work.I do take my old VHS Cathe tapes(I replaced with DVD) to the gym as we have little tv/vcr combo in the facility.Cathe can be with me in the gym!I remember when I was doing Circuit Max after work& the aerobic instructor was setting...
  9. kisuzu

    Just did Rhythmic Step!

    RE: Debbie... Hi Debbie I believe that CK sales does not wish to take away the American business away from cathe.The company is in Canada & was originally set up for the Canadian consumer as Canadians must pay incredibly high import / duty taxes for anything ordered from the USA.We must also...
  10. kisuzu

    Push Pull/Supersets

    Hi, I know this is a Cathe forum but I just had to jump in.I love Push / Pull / Superset series.I do the premixes full body 2x each program once per week.I have seen amazing results.My latest issue of Mens fitness says that separate body part training is dead & that full integrated body...
  11. kisuzu

    CTX - Step & Intervals

    Hi Beth, I love the CTX series.I too had the series for a long time before I cracked them out.I thought they were short little workouts for days when I was not up to heavy training.I was very wrong.They have become my favourites-the music etc & you can do so much with them.I combine All Step &...
  12. kisuzu

    Circuit Max

    I agree with you two.Cicuit Max is the most challenging circuit style workout & Mic is the most intense but I do not know what it is but SJP seems to really get me & HSA, BC & the terminator compilation don't.I can't figure it out & we are all different.I think with me when I have to...
  13. kisuzu

    Circuit Max

    I agree with you two.Cicuit Max is the most challenging circuit style workout & Mic is the most intense but I do not know what it is but SJP seems to really get me & HSA, BC & the terminator compilation don't.I can't figure it out & we are all different.I think with me when I have to...
  14. kisuzu

    Canadian Ladies

    Hi I made the mistake of ordering from Cathe's website many years ago.I waited forever & got nailed big time duty.I am so thankfull CK sales is here.I strongly suggest you use there service.It is also in Canadian $.I live in Ottawa Cheers Ki
  15. kisuzu

    Do you work out exclusively with Cathe?

    I alternate between Cathe & Mindy.On lighter days I use Gilad & Janis Saffell.I feel it is important to have variety & not get accustomed to one style of working out.Cathe is one of the best & definetly best production.I do find Mindy is as intense if not more in my opion on her cardio...
  16. kisuzu

    "The Step" in Canada?

    RE: Hi Patricia I live in Ottawa & I was unable to find the high step in Canada.CK sales tried to bring it in but they couldn't work out a deal.At the moment there is no Canadian distributor.I purchased mine when I was in the U.S.Fitness Depot may carry it in the future. Ki
  17. kisuzu

    Jump Roping?

    Hi Mindy Mylrea is a fitness trainer who works out of Santa Cruz California.Mindy is internationally know & has won various aerobic championships.Mindy also was named IDEA instructor of the year.Mindy has done many videos.Her older videos unfortunately suffer from poor production quality but...
  18. kisuzu

    Jump Roping?

    Hi Wayne I do not find any comparison.I have tried both & for me the rope increases the intensity.I do not understand why this exercise does it for me.I guess I must push myself harder in my other cardio activities such as jump higher in high low,increase my step to 3 risers and sprint faster...