Push Pull/Supersets


Just a quick fan letter in appreciation of Push Pull/Supersets. The more I use them, the more I like them, and, importantly, they have been very effective for me. After several years of video exercising, there are very few workouts that I can point to and say that they really made a difference. Push Pull/Supersets has, so I thank you.

I like both of them and think they complement each other nicely, and I have reached three conclusions:
1. The slower pace of workouts like push pull really works for me for increasing strength.
2. The workouts in the dvd player are more effective than the ones sitting on the shelf, so fun factor is important. I love the stability ball work in these.
3. Your workouts get better and better.

Looking forward to what you come up with next.
I taped PP off Fittv yesterday, as I am trying to decide on what next strength workout I want to purchase. I thought for sure -- The Pyramids, but I did some of PP and loved it. I did those side leg lifts, WOW! I can feeel it in my hips today, big time. it looks easy, but they getcha!}(
I have a new-found respect for SS/PP after I got a puppy! I can get a nice full body workout in less than an hour. It's great for when you don't have a ton of time but feel the need to work every muscle. Good stuff. Alexis
I really enjoy Push Pull and Supersets too. I find myself doing Push/Pull quite often. I love the lower body blast on Supersets..

Great stuff Cathe!!

I am kind of inlove with Push and Pull lately. When this DVD first came out, I wasn't sure how to put it in a rotation because the Pyramids and CST were taking up most of my time. Then when running became my focus I couldn't fit in much weights, lower body being the hardest to fit. Then when I tried PP again ...WOW. It was the perfect answer...the 2 count up and down pace was perfect. The amount of leg work was just right for someone who didn't want to do too much. But it gave the option of more sets if you did. Plus it had deadlifts. I think they look cool.
I know this is a Cathe forum but I just had to jump in.I love Push / Pull / Superset series.I do the premixes full body 2x each program once per week.I have seen amazing results.My latest issue of Mens fitness says that separate body part training is dead & that full integrated body workouts are the way to go.Perhaps for our bodies this works best.I just feel better after having worked the whole body rather than lets say chest & back etc...I have been doing this rotation for quite some time & I know I should switch but I am addicted.I aslo incorporate a circuit training as well & I currently rotate between HSTA & SJP AS well as my regular cardio training.Cheers
Why did they say Split Routines are dead? Just wondering. Because I find that whenever my arms start to look fat and the fatty bits start to show that CST fixes it fast. My problem with splits though is that I get bored with BACK and tend to either avoid or whine when it comes up. It's the lack of variety...hate rows a lot.
I also love the 2 set Push Pull premix. I recently had a difficult time moving on to anything else. I had this in my June rotation, and I ended up doing it halfway through July as well.

I do still like two day upper and lower body splits, however. I like to do, for example, PUB in the morning, then go to the gym at lunch and work legs. Then, a couple days later I'll do PLB in the morning and work upper body at lunch. I'm not overly fond of three day splits though; I usually try to turn them into two day splits by doubling up body parts.

I love both Push/Pull and Supersets! It would be hard to say which is my favorite! It's great that they're so different - I just reach for whichever one calls me off the shelf!
You guys are making me want to do SS and Push/pull again.

How would you incorporate it in a rotation using the pyramids?

Would this work?

week 1 - for the strength training - SS, then pyramid and say a circuit like SJP or circuit max or cardio and weights

Week2 - Pushpull - Pyramids and another circuit?

What do you all think?
Hi Rach
The article is called body Part Training is Dead written bt Joseph Arangio,M.S.,C.S.C.S Director of Peak Strength in Penn (peaksc.com.It can be found in the August issue of Men's Fitness.Basically Mr Arangio explains that there is a faster,more effective way to build muscle than traditionnal body part training.He explains that you can't isolate muscles-there are always other muscles at work.The bottom line your brain recognizes movement patterns not individual muscles,so that's the way you should organize your training sessions.Very few lifters / trainers think in those terms,and that's a problem, because most body- part routines don't allow for balaced workouts, ideal recovery, or efficient training.The article gives examples etc & exercise groupings etc.Unfortunately the article is not on their website so perhaps you can read it while at the newstand.
I happen to agree with this article because I have seen the progress I have made.
Take Care

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