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  1. J

    Baby Eric Pictures

    Amazing !!! Chris, thanks so much for posting the pictures. Cathe, I've never seen you look happier than in that picture of you and Eric. You look positively joyful, peaceful and beautiful. Congratulations again to you and Jon. Wondering how the pups are adjusting to the new addition!
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    Baby Eric Is Here!

    Congrats Cathe and Jon ! Wow. When it rains, it pours huh? The house date moved up; the baby date moved up. What's left for 2000? Just kidding. Best wishes to both of you and your little 1999 tax write-off. Please post pictures soon. How did the baby coach kit work, Jon? Ha ha.
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    I'm back!

    What's this all about? Lorrayne, did you and Brenda take a class at Cathe's? Whatever do guys did, it sounds great. Do tell us all about it - please !!!
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    Hpppy Holidays Cathe, I just knew it. I knew that you would take time out of your terribly busy schedule to wish us all a Merry Christmas - I had to come and look! Best wishes to you and your family for a fantastic Christmas and a new year in your new home with baby Eric. And thanks for the...
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    Frustrated with Endurance Workouts

    Hi Cathe. I've been alternating 'endurance' weeks with rotations of the PS series, but I get so frustrated with endurance videos because I like to lift as heavy as possible - and tapes that move quickly from one exercise to the next don't allow time to switch weights. Plus, I find myself...
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    Where Does Low Wt/Low Reps Fit In?

    Thanks Cathe ! nm nm
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    Where Does Low Wt/Low Reps Fit In?

    Cathe, I love the PS series and have seen fantastic results. I like to alternate my PS rotations with more endurance-style rotations incorporating videos like Body Pump. But what about videos that, for example, use 5-8 pound weights because they incorporate faster combination exercises and...
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    Happy Turkey Day!

    Happy Turkey Day to You, Jon and Eric Well, he's not really here yet but ... Hey, your last Thanksgiving being non-parents. How exciting, huh? Have a great day.
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    Anyone interested in chatting tonight???

    I'll Try to Remember Nancy ! And that photo of you and hubby IS cute.
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    Interval Max VS. Intense Moves

    No Comparison for Me I had Interval Max first, and just got Intense Moves. On a scale of 1 to 10 for intensity and 'toughness', I'd give IMax a 10 and Intense Moves about a 6-7. As Irene and Joyce said, Gin's intervals aren't as long and I don't think the moves are as difficult. There is no...
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    Joining a Gym

    It All Depends I've heard that most people stick to their workouts and membership if they live within 5-8 miles of their gym. Mine used to be about 6 blocks away and I went religiously. Then I loved 20 miles away (although I still worked within 6 miles of the gym) and my attendance very...
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    Early morning workouts

    No Easy Answer I get up 5 mornings a week at 4:45 am, after going to bed at 10 PM. One trick is to set your radio volume really loud so you practially jump out of bed when the alarm goes off. I've been exercising in the morning for 20 years or so. I guess you just get used to it. Even when...
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    I need advice or encouragement or something. . .

    Keep at It Susan Susan, I agree with Liz. Just keep at it. Four weeks is a relatively short time to see lots of progress after you've already been using weights. Keep in mind also, that MIS is an endurance workout. It's objective is to build endurance so you can work out longer. You'll...
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    squat rack???

    Thanks !!! Wow, they're not cheap, are they?
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    squat rack???

    Can't Find the Thread Nancy, would you please re-post the link or tell me the name of the VF thread? I can't find it and would like to see the York website. Thanks.
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    squat rack???

    Haven't Found One Yet Nancy, I've only looked in one store for a used squat rack and they didn't have any. I'm going to keep looking. I just did SLA this morning again and I REALLY need the rack - I use the same weight for squats and for front and rear lunges. I can still clean and press my...
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    Pure Strength vs. MIS

    Hi Cathe. Although I love all of your videos, I'm really debating about whether to get the new Pure Strength videos. I have MIS and BodyMax, and I know MIS is a strength workout and BM is for endurance. My goal is merely to have nicely toned muscles, and I'm not sure I need to work each...