susan p
Hi everybody, can you help me please? I am getting a little discouraged and I think maybe you guys can see what I'm doing wrong that I can't see myself. I started doing regular strength training April 1 with MIS. I had done minor toning before but no serious strength work. I started off with what I affectionately called my "weenie weights" and eventually saw quite a bit of progress. I did MIS one day a week and Tough tape one day a week. At the beginning of August, I switched to the PS series. I have been doing these for 4 weeks now and I am still SO sore after doing these tapes! I use weights that would probably seem weenie to most of you (for example, 8 lb dumbbells, a 20 lb barbell for biceps, 20 or 30 for lower body, etc), but I am all in when I'm done. I am successfully working most muscle groups to failure (except back). I haven't been able to increase my weights in 4 weeks (but since that's only 4 times through each tape, that's OK isn't it??), but I'm still sore as can be with my original weights. Particularly after SLA. As a matter of fact, SLA kind of sabotages me because I am SO sore I can hardly work out again for a couple of days). And if I'm going to be that sore, I want my hamstrings and butt to be that sore, and its usually my quads instead (the back half is slightly sore but nothing like those burning quads!). I don't want to do low wt-high rep work because I am a skinny ectomorph who wants to add some muscular SHAPE and I'm not seeing much visible progress. Do I just need to accept that this is an ectomorph thing?
Am I trying to work too hard? I am getting discouraged. I have considered myself "in training" for the Cathe trip since May, and I have pushed myself really hard and have made progress with MIS and with cardio, but PS has me stumped (As does IMax!). I know there are many of you out there who have made it "over the hump" to advanced status, is this just part of the process? I feel like I'm stuck at Step Jam level and at "weenie-weights-with-MIS" level and I KNOW there are some of you out there doing PowerMax and StepWorks and IMax and PS! So how did you get where you are? -susan p (P.S. don't tell Cathe I posted this whiny missive!! grin).
Am I trying to work too hard? I am getting discouraged. I have considered myself "in training" for the Cathe trip since May, and I have pushed myself really hard and have made progress with MIS and with cardio, but PS has me stumped (As does IMax!). I know there are many of you out there who have made it "over the hump" to advanced status, is this just part of the process? I feel like I'm stuck at Step Jam level and at "weenie-weights-with-MIS" level and I KNOW there are some of you out there doing PowerMax and StepWorks and IMax and PS! So how did you get where you are? -susan p (P.S. don't tell Cathe I posted this whiny missive!! grin).