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  1. M

    Go Red Sox!

    I almost didn't read this post; it's too painful!!!!! They've broken our hearts yet again. I tell myself year after year that I'm not going to get sucked in, and then I go ahead and do just that. They were such a likeable team this year--I wanted them to win more than ever. Just another...
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    Hard Time

    Cool! I'm excited to try this! It's so funny how sometimes you just never think of things, and then someone suggests it and it's like, oh, how come I never thought of that!:D Thanks again for the tips! Marie
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    Hard Time

    That's so funny; my dr. told me the same thing--his exact words were, "don't do squats--never do squats!" But I'm definitely hard-headed like you and keep trying them every now and then. They're so effective! What I've been substituting for the last couple of years are leg raises with really...
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    Hard Time

    Hi, Iris-- I'm sorry to hear you're having a hard time. I had arthroscopic surgery on my right knee about 5 years ago. They made it sound like it was going to be no big deal, I'd be back to my regular routine in no time. Well, it took a very long time, probably close to a year, before I...
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    Need advice on varicose!

    Hi, Kim-- I would definitely recommend going to the dr. I had a pretty bad varicose vein (not sticking out from the skin much, but very visible) on the back of my leg that used to give me a lot of pain. I went to a vascular dr., and he injected it with something that made it go away. I'm...
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    Leg Issues

    Hi, I'm not Cathe, but it really sounds to me like you need to build up the muscles in your legs. As you said, you're thin, but the skin looks "loose." I think if you really built up some good leg muscles (which I know sometimes women are afraid to do, for fear of bulking), I think it would...
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    Help!!!! Eyebrows ?

    Hi, Wanda-- Sorry to hear about your troubles; I hope you're feeling much better. Your eyebrows will grow back, as you know, but in the meantime, you can dye them. I have blond hair, which I love, but I don't love my blond eyebrows, so I always dye them. I used to go to a salon to get it...
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    balancing cardio and weight training

    That helps a lot and makes perfect sense. Thank you! Marie:-)
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    thanks for your equipment suggestions, Cathe!

    Hi, Cathe-- I posted over on the Open Discussion forum about my new Troy Lite barbell and Power Systems stability ball, and I just wanted to let you know that I love them both! The barbell actually feels lighter than my padded Firm one even though they're both loaded so I know they do...
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    balancing cardio and weight training

    Hi, Cathe-- Lately I've been trying to get 3 cardio and 3 weight training workouts a week. However, now that summer is over, I'm going to find it difficult to work out six times a week. If I do two cardio days, two weight training days and one combo day (either Body Max or something like...
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    Hi Sherry

    Hi, Sherry-- I hope you're feeling much better very soon. I miss reading your posts! Take care and be well, Marie:-)
  12. M

    I got my new equipment!

    I just received my new Troy Lite barbell and Power Systems stability ball the other day--I love them both! I have a question for anyone who switched from a padded barbell (like the Firm one) to the TL barbell--do you find that it actually seems lighter? I used it for the first time last...
  13. M

    Petie my Lab:(

    Oh, Barbara, I am so, so very sorry for your loss ;(. They're not just pets; they're members of the family. I've been looking at the great photos of Petie you had posted; what an angel. His great personality is evident even in the photos; what a treasure. God bless you and your whole family...