Help!!!! Eyebrows ?


Hi Everyone,
As some of you may know, I've had a lupus flare that caused a rash on my face.
On a happy note, I found that 3% peroxide causes it to disappear without scaring.
Sadly in my enthusiasm to get of off my forehead, some solution dripped on my eyebrows.
This has caused my darker ash blond eyebrows to be more strawberry blond.
My hubby hadn't said anything. But when I mentioned, "Boy you have to be care with this stuff and not get it on your eyebrows he says; "I was wondering what you did to make you look so weird!"

Now....on that note.... Do any of you know what I can do to get my eyebrows back to normal?
TIA for your help.
Hi, Wanda--

Sorry to hear about your troubles; I hope you're feeling much better.

Your eyebrows will grow back, as you know, but in the meantime, you can dye them. I have blond hair, which I love, but I don't love my blond eyebrows, so I always dye them. I used to go to a salon to get it done, but now I just do it myself.

Go to any drugstore and buy hair dye that looks as close to your natural color as you can find (unless you want a different shade!). I think the one I use is Clairol "Natural Instincts", but I'm sure any one would be fine (as long as it's a reputable name brand). In the instructions inside, they'll tell you how to do a spot test to make sure you don't have an allergic reaction. The amount you mix for this test is one capful of the dye with one capful of the other solution (conditioner or something?--I wish I was at home; I'd check the box). Anyway, this test amount is all you'll need to have plenty to do both eyebrows. I pour both capfuls into a paper cup and mix them really well with a plastic spoon. Then I use a very small makeup brush (one you'd use for eyeliner) to very carefully paint it on my eyebrows. I think they tell you to leave it on anywhere from 5-20 minutes. For your first time, I'd rinse off after the 5 minutes just to see how it looks. If it's not right, just paint more on and wait another 5, never going over the maximum time. To rinse, just use a cotton ball with warm water. I rinse a few times with a few cotton balls until the cotton ball comes away clean. Just rinse over the sink and keep your eye tightly closed.

Be aware that the skin under your eyebrows will also be slightly stained, but this only lasts for about a day. Each time you wash your face, just pay extra attention to scrubbing that area, and the extra dye will come off. Since this does happen, though, you do need to be careful not to go too far off the actual eyebrows, or you may need to stay in for a day!:p

I hope this makes sense and is helpful--good luck!

You could also color with an eyebrow pencil, or even mascara in a light color. I don't know if I'd recommend dying your eyebrows yourself, as you could do eye damage if you dripped (and I'm sure most home hair coloring solutions contain a warning to that effect!) At a salon, the person who dyes your brows can make sure that your eyes are covered/protected, which is hard to do by yourself while you're trying to dye!
Thanks so much Marie and Kathryn for the advice. I couldn't remember if eyebrows grew back or not. It must be the eyelashes that don't grow back. ?

I wish I new the secret of finding a great colorist and one who can "really" cut hair.
Could it be that I live in the Midwest? I have traveled a 40 mile radius and I haven't found the perfect person yet.
I look at my friend's that live here, and they're hair doesn't really look that great either. But when I see friends that live out East or from California, now that is another story.
I'm jealous.
So now I need to find a colorist to fix my eyebrows and (another confession) I mess up the underneath layer of my bangs too.

Maybe I should put an ad in the paper: "Wanted. A great hair colorist from NY or LA that has a diploma from Clairol Revlon or Vidal Sassoon. Call me immediately."
:7 :7
Thanks again you two, for putting my mind at ease. Now I know what I have to do. :p
>Could it be that I live in the Midwest? I have traveled a 40
>mile radius and I haven't found the perfect person yet.
>I look at my friend's that live here, and they're hair doesn't
>really look that great either. But when I see friends that
>live out East or from California, now that is another story.
>I'm jealous.

Could also be the weather: hair is different in humid or dry conditions. My hairdresser says that a cut that looks good on someone in the summer might not work in the winter because of the differences in humidity (this is in Illinois).
Wanda, Mary Kay has a beautiful blonde eyebrow pencil you might try. It really makes eyebrows look finished and it works on all shades. (Mine are brown.) I absolutely love it! Hopefully, your eyebrows will darken over time. If they don't you might want to consult to professional who can safely and gently dye them back! What a good sport you are!

Chicks's Rule! Bobbi
Just want ed to say sorry for you Also I owuld go to a professional and have them dye your eyebrows and wax them Why not It does not cost that much maybe 25 dollars i know you can do it at home but I think maybe a little tricky Also where do you live just wondering about the hair thing I am always thinking the same things I live in Lakeville Minnesota there are alot good salons in the cities very spendy but could be worth it I often say i am gonna go but never do maybe someday. Ok good luck to you

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