Need advice on varicose!


I have had a pain in the back of my leg for about a week and couldn't figure out what was wrong. Well, I got fed up with it hurting tonite and looked at the back my knee, where it hurts, and there is a larger than normal, but not huge, vein easily seen under the skin surface. I don't think it was there before.

For those of you who know, how do I treat this? Is my Cathe rotation gonna make it worse? Should I rest and elevate the leg as much as possible?

I work on concrete floors, but am able to 'break' for a few minutes pretty often.

I hate going to the doctor here, so I'm hoping someone with experience might give me some advice!

Thanks for any replies,
HI, Another Kim here,

There are a couple of suggestions that will help but will not get rid of varicose veins.

1) wear good support shoes. If you need anything special like arch support- get them. I usually wear running/walking shoes and find that they work really well.
2) you also may want to wear "support hose" .
3) make sure your weight is "centered" between both feet. I find that is I shift from one foot to the other my legs feel worse. I keep my weight in my heels on both legs.
4) If you can take breaks often, do so and eleevate your leg as much as possible.

Exercise helps my varicose veins out. As long as I have a good warm-up and pay strict attention to proper form.

If the pain does not let up, please see the doctor. YOu may want to try him first. He/She may have some helpful tips on what will work for you.


Thanks, Another Kim :D

I did BodyMax....or rather part of it last nite. I just had to give up and prop my leg up most of the evening. It's feeling better today. I read that exercise definetly helps, but the website I got some info from said 'low-impact'....
Cathe ain't low impact! :p

I'm gonna stay with my rotation and if it doesn't get better soon, I'll go to doc.

Thanks so very much for your reply....I think the women here are ...just special, ya know?

Hi, Kim--

I would definitely recommend going to the dr. I had a pretty bad varicose vein (not sticking out from the skin much, but very visible) on the back of my leg that used to give me a lot of pain. I went to a vascular dr., and he injected it with something that made it go away. I'm sorry I can't remember what it was; it was many years ago. Anyway, since I had that done, I've felt much, much better.

You're right, working on a concrete floor will definitely aggravate it. Definitely take breaks as often as you can and elevate it as often as you can. And the other Kim's advice for the support hose was good, too. I think they compress the legs, which is supposed to help relieve some of the discomfort, or something like that.

I know it's such a pain to go to the dr., but I really think that you might be able to get some relief from a good vascular person.

Good luck!:)

If you have access to the "y" or another facility with a swimming pool, Swimming is excellent for "tired legs" It is like it stretches them out and massages them at the same time.

Oh, thanks for the compliment.

As a whole we are all interested in the same "hobby?" (for lack of a better word.) It is nice to come to a place where other people know and understand how you feel working out. Most people look at you like you are from Mars for enjoying that special brand of torture!

Hope everything goes well

Thanks guys,

I think I will give it another week or two and if it doesn't get better, I'm gonna see a doc. siggghhh...yuk!

The thought of the doctor injecting something in there and it's GONE is just tooo exiting!!

Thanks so much, again, for imput from the 'educated crowd' !! :D :D :D :D :D


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