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  1. C

    I feel like I've tried everything and nothing works!

    Hi! My question would be - how long have you done each of these? I did WW three years ago and loved it. I still write down everything I eat. When I read their literature, it said "if you do this you WILL lose weight." That was enough to motivate me! did take time. I lost a pound or two...
  2. C

    Calf Muscle - cramp

    I could have written this!!! I was out of town this week and woke up in the middle of the night with a charlie horse. I had had a feeling of a slightly pulled muscle in my calf for several weeks, but nothing major. When I woke up, it felt tight, and I stretched my leg. Wow!!! I jumped up out of...
  3. C

    Help me help my mom

    Hi Gonnabethin06, I don't know why anyone would take offense to your inquiry. I think it was very well expressed and it's clear that you love your mother and have her best interests at heart. I know she is proud to have you as her daughter! In thinking about how you might be able to help...
  4. C

    Any strong folks have a strength move they just can't do??

    I can't ever seem to get strong enough to do push ups on my toes. It's so frustrating! I will try one or two and then go right back to my knees.
  5. C

    Pure strength series and body max

    I just did Bodymax yesterday. It is REALLY intense but lots of fun too! It's the one I reach for when I want an efficient, but killer, upper body workout as well as great cardio. Haven't done PS in a while but they are really good as I recall!
  6. C

    How old are fitness finatics

    I am 45 and it makes me feel great that so many of us in our 30s, 40s and 50s are working out with Cathe. I don't have any problems with high impact - if anything I'm fitter than I was 10 years ago. I want to be working out like this when I'm 90!!!
  7. C

    Seasun Zeiger Workouts?

    I got her first one and got rid of it. Her choreography is VERY complex, and her cuing is terrible. I was tempted to get her most recent one, but the first one was so frustratining that I didn't get it.
  8. C

    Step Works

    I think this is Cathe's hardest step workout. It's the one I reach for when I want to be sure I am still up to par on my cardio capacity!
  9. C

    How to be a good wife

    Actually I don't think there is anything wrong in recommending thoughtfulness and kindness - that's pretty much what this is saying. But I do think it's problematic that EVERYTHING flowed in the husband's direction. There is no thought to what kind of day the wife had - it's almost implied that...
  10. C

    How to be a good wife

    I just ran across this - it's from 1954. All if can say is "OH MY!!!" HOW TO BE A GOOD WIFE Home Economics High School Text Book, 1954 Have dinner ready. Plan ahead, even the night before, to have a delicious meal, on time. This is a way of letting him know that you have been...
  11. C

    Vet bills - Why? $$$$$$$$

    I agree with Jeanne Marie. Our pets are our family, and when they get sick we have high expectations that the vet will make them better. Vets go through extensive training - in fact I have heard that some people who started out to be vets switched to being "people doctors" because the schooling...
  12. C

    Chocolate Mousse recipe?

    This looks delicious! Thank you so much!
  13. C

    Chocolate Mousse recipe?

    Thanks so much for checking! I love the old fashioned kind too. Too bad it has a million calories - but I may just have to splurge!
  14. C

    Chocolate Mousse recipe?

    I am looking for a low calorie recipe for chocolate mousse - one that doesn't have heavy cream in it! I have some beautiful crystal dessert stemware that belonged to my grandmother, and I would love to use it for a mousse for Easter dessert. Does anyone happen to have a recipe?
  15. C

    Celiac Disease??

    Thanks so much everyone for all the great information! I have a doctor's appointment this Wednesday so I am definitely going to ask about being tested for this!
  16. C

    Celiac Disease??

    I am trying to figure out what is wrong with me, and I ran across some information on celiac disease (gluten intolerance) which I think may be the problem. Does anyone have this? If so, how were you diagnosed and how do you deal with it? Thanks!
  17. C


    And the book we STUDIED was "Boys, Beauty and Popularity" by Susan Dey of the Patridge Family (yes I still have it!)
  18. C

    Vacuum cleaner for hardwood floors?

    RE: Thank you, everyone! Sorry I just now saw your follow up question. My Orek is a DTX 1300. It's a canister style. Good luck with your purchase!
  19. C

    Vacuum cleaner for hardwood floors?

    I got an Orek vacuum cleaner a few years ago and I love it. It was pretty pricy, but I was tired of buying one every few years when the cheap ones I was buying konked out. I have hardwood floors and rugs, and the thing I love most (besides the fact that it is quiet!) is that there is a switch on...
  20. C

    Most Bizarre New Kitten Question

    I would take her to the vet (another one, not the one who wasn't interested in helping you) and get her checked for an infection. Cats glands can get filled with fluid and absess (we have had that happen to ours) and they have to be drained and given antibiotics. That could be what is causing...