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  1. U

    Meso 3 Leg Workouts

    clothesminded: you may find that some of the plyo segments are less knee-friendly than others, so maybe you could find a few that work for you, and repeat them, and ignore the ones that are a no-no. Weeks 1 and 2 pretty much have the same plyo segments, week 3 introduces new ones, and week 4...
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    Lurkers are very interesting people...

    I've been around on the forums for a long time ... used to post a lot on Ya-Ya's and VF. Frequently, what I would reply has already been posted, so I don't feel the need to be repetitive. Other times, I don't have strong opinions one way or the other to add anything meaningful. If I spent...
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    Meso 3 Leg Workouts

    For what it's worth, I have two bad kneees, and plyo legs has not been a problem at all. The plyo segments are high impact, but it's not repetitive, bouncy high impact like MIC or any other Cathe hi/lo routine. The moves are controlled and powerful, and if you pay careful attention to how you...
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    Meso 1, 2 or 3; which is your favorite?

    As I approach the end of my STS rotation, I can honestly say that I loved all three mesos. Everyone here makes valid points; they each stand out in their own way. I will say, though, that plyo legs is probably the most fun I've had working out in a long time. Just buy the whole series. You...
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    David Carradine

    Rest in peace, Grasshopper
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    Farrah's Story

    I watched it Sunday afternoon when they re-ran it on Oxygen. My husband came in about half way through, and after about fifteen minutes, he asked me why anyone would want someone videotaping all of this. A few minutes later, there was a commercial for that asinine "Tori & Dean" show, and I...
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    The weighted vest

    Right down the middle! :p
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    Anyone successfully blending KBs and STS?

    Maybe this belongs in Open Discussion, but I'm wondering if anyone has found a way to incorporate kettlebells into an STS rotation? Any specific DVDs that you're using? Thanks!
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    Dating & text messaging

    Not a fan of texting at all. I'm so tired of going to movies and concerts and seeing the glow of cellphones in the audience. Can't people disconnect for two hours? What is so important that you can't sit through a movie without texting? Don't even get me started on what texting is doing to...
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    Why was my 1st post-STS UB workout so hard?

    In addition to fit_fairy's suggestion about weights before cardio, is the rep speed in BM2 faster than STS? Even if you're stronger, you might not be able to lift heavy at that pace.
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    Protien bars with Fractionated Palm Kernel Oil???

    If I'm not mistaken, "fractionated" is another way of saying "partially hydrogenated."
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    Anyone have a 15yr mortgage?

    Not to mention that you're also paying down the principle faster. If there is a possibility of selling in the next few years, make sure that your new mortgage doesn't have a prepayment penalty.
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    My dog is in jail

    Sorry, can't resist, but your dogs need to meet up with THE GOOD CITIZEN!! They'd never end up in the big house! :p:p Seriously, I hope everyone ends up safely at home.
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    My dog is a good citizen!

    The Good Citizen! That's priceless. Congratulations! My dearly departed cat received mail frequently. I guess that's what happens when you make a charitable donation in your pet's name (although I had visions of the life he led when we weren't home ... chatting with telemarketers...
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    SNM-Heavier weighted vest

    bumping ...
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    Airlines to charge obese customers extra

    I don't disagree with most of what you said, but why on earth would you have a problem with someone needing to use the bathroom during the flight? I usually "go" at the airport, but I drink enough water that if the flight is over an hour, I'll probably have to go. I wouldn't feel the need to...
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    Airlines to charge obese customers extra

    A friend of mine is private pilot. When DH and I fly with him, he needs to know our weight and the weight of our luggage, and then he figures how much fuel he can carry, and if it's a long enough flight, where he will need to stop mid-flight to re-fuel. On a smaller plane, weight is critical...
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    SNM-Heavier weighted vest

    bumping for SNM
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    SNM-Heavier weighted vest

    My earlier post has gotten buried, so I'll try again with a better heading. SNM, are there any plans for a heavier FBC weighted vest? Thanks.
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    STS-Plans for heavier weighted vest

    SNM-Plans for heavier weighted vest Thanks for the pullup tower information! Are there any plans to make a heavier (20 lb. or so) weighted vest? I like the design of Cathe's vest, but I'd like something heavier.