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  1. P

    Daily Check in Fri 4-7

    I think today may end up being an unplanned rest day. DH's co-worker (she was his right hand)and also a dear friend of ours, passed away suddenly today. I'm still reeling from the shock. She had been suffering from headaches and recently learned (about three weeks ago) that a brain tumor was...
  2. P

    Daily Check in Fri 4-7

    Thanks so much everyone! I had a wonderful day yesterday. Just a quick post because my daughter's honor roll breakfast is in 20 minutes, and I'm not dressed yet! Yesterday was kind of a rest day. I did PLB and KPC stability ball segments, then I did the warm up and 1st two hi/lo...
  3. P

    Belated Happy Birthday Marietta!

    Hope you had a wonderful birthday, and that you will celebrate many more in good health, good spirits, surrounded by loved ones!! Pamela
  4. P

    Bad news - job sked - advice?

    Hi, You've already received some great advice, so I won't repeat it. However, since you also asked for feedback from others who have been in a similar situation, I'll share some of my story with you, and I hope it helps. I was recently in a similar situation, but instead of responding...
  5. P

    Happy Birthday Pamela1635!!!

    Thank you so much! You are such a wonderful group of ladies, and I'm so glad I joined this community. The spa was wonderful, and the massage couldn't have come at a better time (DOMS)! :) Pamela
  6. P

    Daily Check in Thurs April 6

    Good morning Phyllis, Robin, Wendy, Jane, Judy, Heather, Conni, Laurie, and Shannon :) Good morning all fitnes friends who follow :) Phyllis, I have Rykas too, but they hurt my toes halfway through my workout (I think they're too small even though I bought them a 1/2 size larger). It's a...
  7. P

    Daily check-In Wed (halfway there) 4-5

    Good morning Jane, Tammy, Judy, Robin, Wendy, Becky, Kristine, Tracy, Kim, and all who follow :) Today is HSC + KickMax Hi intesity drills, and the corework I missed yesterday. I started my workout too late yesterday so I didn't have time to do the crunch part of kpc and the stability ball...
  8. P

    Daily Check-in Tues 4-4

    Good morning everyone, I typed a message yesterday, but apparently I didn't hit "post" afterwards as it was sitting on my screen this morning.:+ Yesterday I did Bootcamp twice . . . yes, twice! I can't believe it, but I'm actually enjoying the challenge of the August rotation. Today...
  9. P

    Daily Check-in Sunday April 2

    Thanks Tammy! Gayle, we must have posted at the same time this morning -- sounds like you had a great run! Wendy, Judy, and Kim enjoy your rest days! Shannon, sorry to hear about your knees. Hopefully they won't interfere with your stepping. Phyliss & Jane nice siggys! Phyliss...
  10. P

    Daily Check-in Sunday April 2

    Good morning Jane and Carole and all who follow. Carole, sending dry weather vibes your way, and I hope you enjoy your run! :) Jane, hope you get adjusted to the loss of that hour sooner than you expect. :) Today is a rest day on the schedule, but since I just had one on Wednesday, and...
  11. P

    Daily Checkin -Saturday - April Fool's Day!! 4-1

    Hello everyone! Welcome Joanne and Phyllis :) Today was IMAX 3 and 20 Terminators (Squat thrust jumps). People are doing some great workouts today! Enjoy and have a great weekend, Pamela
  12. P

    Daily Checkin -Saturday - April Fool's Day!! 4-1

    Hello everyone! Welcome Joanne and Phyllis :) Today was IMAX 3 and 20 Terminators (Squat thrust jumps). People are doing some great workouts today! Enjoy and have a great weekend, Pamela
  13. P


    Thanks so much for all your input Aquajock and Briee. I'm going to Trinidad for a week to visit my husband's grandmother so we won't be staying in a hotel -- so no gym access :(. I did buy a set of bands, and I also bought an extra stability ball to take with me. However, during the trip...
  14. P


    Anyone here ever try aquabells? I read about them in a fitness magazine recently (can't remember which one), and they sound perfect for me to use on my upcoming vacation. If you have used them, did you like them? Also, where did you purchse them, and how long did the shipping take? TIA...
  15. P

    Why can't I wear heels?!

    I love wearing heels, but I do have problems with certain brands. For example, Nine West shoes always hurt my feet no matter what size I buy. However, Enzo Angiolini (sp?) shoes are comfortable to me, and a former co-worker told me brands are owned by the same parent company (I've never...
  16. P

    Daily Check-In TGIF 3-31

    Hi everyone, Quick post right now. I just finished a 5 minute jog, 400 walking lunges, 200 jumping jacks, 8 sets of 8 push ups (all straight leg), 4 sets of 25 tricep dips, and 400 crunches from all angles. Needless to say I'm too pooped right now to write anything more!! I'll be back...
  17. P

    Daily Check-In - March 30/06

    Hello again everyone and welcome Tracy,erry, Robin and Susan ! :) My workouts are complete today. IMAX 2 is so much fun!!! I love the ski jumps and the sumo squats. I think my core is getting stronger finally. I wasn't all over the place during the genie hops, and there was only one move...
  18. P

    Daily Check-In - March 30/06

    Hi everyone, Yesterday ended up being a rest day, and it was definitely the right decision. Today is IMAX 2 and Core Max 3. Teddygirl, prayers have been said for your uncle. Have great workouts and a wonderful day everyone! Pamela
  19. P

    Daily Check-In - March 29/06

    Thanks Wendy! I am going to do it. August Bootcamp, here I come! Pamela :D
  20. P

    Daily Check-In - March 29/06

    Hi everyone! If I don't make today a rest day (I haven't had one since last Wednesday, and I'm kind of tired), I think I'm going to do IMAX 1 and AbRipper X (or at least as much as I can complete of AbRiipper X :)) Sandra, sorry to hear about your girls! :( DD also contracted chicken pox...