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  1. jdawnc

    Another friend question

    I feel your pain. I have a friend too that lives two provinces away. My mom lives in the same city. I was visiting my mom and called friend up to get together and she totally blew me off three times for what seemed like things that could have been reschduled!!! She knew I was coming and we...
  2. jdawnc

    Biggest loser trainers on Oprah now

    I don't watch it too much. I got caught up on the web site. They basicly retell the whole episode.
  3. jdawnc

    Biggest loser trainers on Oprah now

    I was sad to see some of them put the weight back on. It's easy to loose the weight but the show should really give the people some counselling. I remember on the last season when Jillian brought her mother on to help her team deal with their emotional eating and think that thats half the...
  4. jdawnc

    Is P90X that great?

    They are selling 12 DVD's and it's in an "as seen on tv" box. On the london drug web site it said the price is in effect till the 26th so maybe after that it will go to $120.
  5. jdawnc

    Is P90X that great?

    I was surprised to see P90X for sale at London Drugs and Shoppers for $99.
  6. jdawnc

    What's the last movie that made you cry?

    My Dog Skip.
  7. jdawnc


    Yuck yuck yuck!!!!! We pulled a big sucker off our dog this morning it was soooooooo gross. I am still freaking out over it, yuck! EW, I thought it was a matte put it felt smooth, barf!!! My husband was the one who pulled it out then we flushed it down the toilet.
  8. jdawnc

    Cathes nutrition site?

    I am trying it for one month. So far I really like it. Entering your own recipies is great and the favorites. It is pretty easy to use. I think the grade system is great because I now realize that maybe I should take a multi vitamin because my diet is a bit fair with some vitamins such as...
  9. jdawnc

    Nutrition Software ~ Moving Between Dates

    I agree Nancy. I always find myself looking for a previous day button. Also when I go to a previous day in the pull down field I find myself adding to that day by mistake sometimes.
  10. jdawnc

    Hm. I got a job offer last night from my gym.

    You should go for it! I know a few woman who have lots of money that have personal trainers come to there home to kick there butts and I am assuming those house calls aren't cheap. Maybe one day you could be your own boss. I think getting the certificate and your feet wet with a few clients...
  11. jdawnc

    Give up after 20 min

    I get that way too right after work. I find that I need to eat some carbs about an hour or 30 minutes before I work out helps lots.
  12. jdawnc

    Using Workout Manager with Mac or Linux

    Thanks I'll try that.
  13. jdawnc

    Using Workout Manager with Mac or Linux

    I was able to sign up with the nutrion manager at work with windows but when I get home it seems like my mac won't bring up the window for the nutritional calandar. Does anyone else use a mac for the nutritional calandar? Thanks.
  14. jdawnc

    The Terminator! (Evil laugh here!)

    I love the terminator too! I feel like a machine after and time really does fly by. I haven't done IMAX extreme yet but out of the Gauntlet and Viper, Gauntlet is my favorite. I like telling people the workout names too. Good Work and keep it up!
  15. jdawnc

    walmart step

    I always see used steps for sale. If money's an issue you could probably find a used club step for $20.