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  1. createdbygod

    does this make sense?

    Does it make sense that I can make it all the way through KPC without breaks (of course I am puffing HARD), but yet can't run for more than 3-5 min. at a time? I just started BFL and decided to use my old treadmill for my cardio. BFL uses HIIT (high intensity interval training) so I'm...
  2. createdbygod

    Those leg thingies

    I posted this also in the open forum, as I wasn't sure which place would be better. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Haha, yeah, I know the title isn't very specific. I forget the name of the exercises, but they're in the exercise ball portion of PLB. There...
  3. createdbygod

    Those leg thingies

    Haha, yeah, I know the title isn't very specific. I forget the name of the exercises, but it's in the exercise ball portion of PLB. There are actually 2--the first one is the one that works your hams and the second one in the one that works your inner thighs...ya know which ones I mean? The...
  4. createdbygod

    Internet security - what products???

    We use Panda Plantinum. I think we got it originally from Staples for around $70 or so, but we just got a second one from website (of course, I can't remember the name right now) for $20. I think Panda was a Consumer Reports recommendation.
  5. createdbygod

    American Idol (spoiler!)

    aww, I like Kellie! :)
  6. createdbygod

    American Idol (spoiler!)

    I also thought Mandesa had one of the best voices! That's too bad! Unfortunetly, I think her weight might have effected it. I thought it would have been neat if she tried to lose weight, and each week or so, the public would see a differenc...I bet a lot more people would vote to see her...
  7. createdbygod

    American Idol (spoiler!)

    I also thought Mandesa had one of the best voices! That's too bad! Unfortunetly, I think her weight might have effected it. I thought it would have been neat if she tried to lose weight, and each week or so, the public would see a differenc...I bet a lot more people would vote to see her...
  8. createdbygod

    The Jump Rope Workout

    ohhh, Lori, that sounds brutal but fun! I don't have ceilings high enough to jump rope with, unless I go outside or the garage, but I'm thinking I could probably sub my mini trampoline and pretend to be jumping rope, right? Anyway, I may have to try this! :) Thanks for posting it!
  9. createdbygod


    WOW! Look at you!!! Thanks for sharing! :)
  10. createdbygod

    Body for Life

    Thanks! It's good to know some of you have done the program and it works for you. I will definitely check out that forum. :) And if any of you want to keep accountable, I sure wouldn't mind a "BFL buddy" lol
  11. createdbygod

    Body for Life

    Thanks! It's good to know some of you have done the program and it works for you. I will definitely check out that forum. :) And if any of you want to keep accountable, I sure wouldn't mind a "BFL buddy" lol
  12. createdbygod

    Body for Life

    I am being sent this book in the mail, and was wondering if any of you are following it? I did a search and found lots of info, but I'm just wondering if any of you still follow it....I'd like to be able to kind of have a friend who is doing it to keep me more accountable!:+
  13. createdbygod

    Guess what I did in 4 months!!!

    Wow! That is SO awesome!!! 35 pounds since November!?!!! WOW! :) I wish I could do that!!!! Congrats! :)
  14. createdbygod

    Burning Feet?

    Oh, okay. Thanks for explaining it, Colleen. Thankfully, I don't think I've ever experienced that.
  15. createdbygod

    Burning Feet?

    Yes, I also have high instep (sometimes having to get up to a whole size or two larger in fancy shoes if they have a high heal or a buckle that goes around the top), long metatarsals, and mortons toe! I've also have Morton's neuroma in my one foot, but that has only been a problem once. What...
  16. createdbygod

    Burning Feet?

    Does anyone else experience burning in their feet when they wear athletic shoes? I have a pair of Reebok and a pair of Rykas now, and other ones through the years...and no matter what shoes, it seems my feet burn after wearing them for a while. Casual shoes don't do that to me, just athletic...
  17. createdbygod

    ANOTHER post about sneakers!

    I third or fourth (whatever # it's at now lol) I just ordered a pair of Rykas from them and got them a few days ago (I started a thread about it someplace here). I am actually returning them (Enlights I got in size 7.5) because the heal part really digs into my heel, so I'm getting...
  18. createdbygod

    Surgery went well

    Glad the surgery went well, Anne. Yes, do get your rest so you can speedily recover :)
  19. createdbygod

    What shoes would YOU buy?

    Thanks! Good, I hope I love them as much as you all do. I did 1/2 of a workout in them today, but had to stop and take them off as I was getting the beginnings of a blister on my heels. x( But, I will give them time. I do love how they have such cushion and support.
  20. createdbygod

    What shoes would YOU buy?

    bumping to see if anyone can offer any suggestions. I really want to love these shoes!