Search results

  1. darli ann

    any alternatives to puzzle mats?

    Hi Diana- My workout space is carpeting over concrete too, since it's in a basement room. To add more cushion, I purchased a BIG area rug and put a rug pad between it and the carpet. I have no joint problems so it works for me. Just my 2 cents!
  2. darli ann

    Do you watch your videos before you do them for the first time?

    <I usually don't preview and sometimes regret it later.> Me too! I'm way too ADD to sit and watch, I gotta try it whether I know what's coming up next or not. x(
  3. darli ann

    at what age did you get married or have kids

    <I just feel ashamed to tell people that I am not married yet. I know it sounds stupid, but I grew up with the idea that you are a failure until you are married and I know it's not true, but it hard to let that go.> There's no "right" time to get married. You alone get to determine that. I...
  4. darli ann

    Great photos on the blog!

    I checked out the blog and absolutely LOVE the photos of our gorgeous ladies! Someone may have already suggested this but I think some of those photos would make great posters for our workout rooms! Ya think Cathe would consider adding full color posters to her selection of merchandise? ;-)
  5. darli ann

    Who else feels like crud when they don't exercise???!!

    I can totally relate to what you're feeling except my hiatus wasn't because I was recovering from an injury or illness. I just plain got lazy and made excuses for the entire month of June that I was too busy to do my workouts. So I have no one but myself to blame now that I've lost some of my...
  6. darli ann

    Any opinions on the Spinning program on informercials?

    Nia- Thanks for the tips! I'll look it up.:-)
  7. darli ann

    Any opinions on the Spinning program on informercials?

    Has anyone tried this- - or have an opinion? I'm dying to try spinning as an alternative cardio workout.
  8. darli ann

    What is Your Biggest Pet Peeve?

    <Then when you go grocery shopping they have a system where to get a cart, you must insert a coin or euro to release the cart. If you want your coin or euro back, you must return the cart.> I hate to say it, but that's a GREAT idea.
  9. darli ann

    Shaq's new show

    I saw part of it but didn't catch the ending. It brought tears to my eyes because I feel so bad for kids that get teased. I like what Shaq is trying to do and I hope he follows up with them and somehow keeps them on track to get fit. I just wanted to give each of those kids a big hug and a...
  10. darli ann

    What is Your Biggest Pet Peeve?

    MEN who stand in the women's dressing room entrance so they can see what their wife/girlfriend is trying on. (This is especially annoying when the doors to the individual stalls are little saloon-type door with not much privacy). Give us a little privacy when we disrobe in the stores thank you...
  11. darli ann

    Ahhh, the sweet, succulent, smell of summer

    I'm with you, Lorrie. Although we desperately need rain in Ohio this summer reminds me of the long, hot summers when I was a kid. It seemed like every day of summer was sunny (I'm sure it wasn't) but that's what I remember. But thank God for air conditioning, huh? ;)
  12. darli ann

    Godparent Question

    Being Catholic, I got my godson (nephew) a child's rosary as a baptism gift. I think just a token gift is fine, it doesn't have to be extravagant or costly. Accepting to be a godparent is actually gift enough!
  13. darli ann

    Relay For Life Confusion...

    Actually, the participants usually set up camp and provide their own food (I'm stocking our camp with lots of fresh fruit and others will contribute whatever they were assigned.) But there are vendors who work these events every year and, yes, it's what helps draw the public.
  14. darli ann

    Wow, this is impressive! OT

    Sorry to say but I can relate to your neighbors dilemna. A retired couple lives across the street from us and they keep a yippy little dog tied up on their front porch all day (and sometimes at night too). It barks whenever another living being is outside, be it another dog, a kid, a delivery...
  15. darli ann

    Happy Friday Eve, what are your weekend plans?

    Tonight after work my hubby and I will be participating in Relay for Life as we do every year for the Cancer Society. Our goal is to walk 25 miles so we'll be out there on the track til the wee hours of the morning. This year we're walking for my sister, Barb, who is in the process of beating...
  16. darli ann

    Urgent Prayer Request

    Michelle- What a scare. So glad he's okay.
  17. darli ann

    Ideas for Chicago Trip

    The Museum of Science & Industry down by the lake is awesome. I'm certain guys would love that place.
  18. darli ann

    How many toys does your dog have?

    Kongs are super heavy duty rubber chew toys that are pretty much indestructable. The ones I've bought are shaped like a round cone and they're heavy, dense rubber.
  19. darli ann

    What TV or movie character do you most resemble?

    Well, this dates me a bit but I'd have to say Mary Richards on the Mary Tyler Moore show waaaay back when. She was kind of quirky and unsure of herself but tried sooo hard at everything. That's kinda sorta me. :)
  20. darli ann

    Your Favorite (Secret) Guilty Pleasures!

    A glass of wine in the evening when I'm DONE with everything. I miss Friends too. But I think Rachel and Ross should have ended up together. It didn't seemed finished to me without them together. I wanted them together!;( Home decorating magazines. To read while I drink my wine. :D