Happy Friday Eve, what are your weekend plans?

Karin, I really enjoyed Music and Lyrics!
Patti, where are you going on vacation??? C'mon, spill!!

I'll be leaving work early today to visit my pal, the oral surgeon. A lovely fellow who gives me lovely nitrous oxide. He will also give me a large vial of oxycodone as a parting gift. I will then come home to a fridge full of soft foods purchased for me by my darling DH. I will then gather a pile of books I've been meaning to read, sit back, relax, and let everything go to h*ll until Monday. :p :+
>Karin, I really enjoyed Music and Lyrics!
>Patti, where are you going on vacation??? C'mon, spill!!
>I'll be leaving work early today to visit my pal, the oral
>surgeon. A lovely fellow who gives me lovely nitrous oxide.
>He will also give me a large vial of oxycodone as a parting
>gift. I will then come home to a fridge full of soft foods
>purchased for me by my darling DH. I will then gather a pile
>of books I've been meaning to read, sit back, relax, and let
>everything go to h*ll until Monday. :p :+

WOW Nancy - that's a plan! Love how to really emphasized the positive in that! Good luck with your surgery.

We may go out to dinner tonight for my b-day, but how terrible is this? DH won't get home until late, which would put us out to dinner around 8:00. I'll be up at 4:00 tomorrow to grab a quick Cathe workout and then go on a 12-mile training walk. So I am not terribly inclined to eat a large meal late - so maybe we'll just opt for some "extra-curricular activites" ;).

Tomorrow training walk in the a.m. and then prepping for my drill team family picnic on Sunday where I'll be playing hostess to around 80 people or so.

Have a great weekend all!



I'll be walking the Komen 3-day (60 miles) the week after Cathe's RT. To view my webpage go to: https://www.kintera.org/faf/donorReg/donorPledge.asp?ievent=202302&supid=166016627
I am doing exactly what I did last weekend...ESCAPING the heat!
Me and the puppy will spend our weekend in the kiddie pool! :)
I cannot imagine a weekend as much fun as Nancy's ;-)

I forgot (!) that Sunday I will be spending the day with my nephew as I won't be in town for his graduation party next weekend :-( :-( :-( :-(
He's off to culinary school so he would probably dig going to a vegetarian festival but alas, nothing as cool in my neighborhood!
Then I will be going to a jewelry party with some of my favorite chicks so no computer geekdom for me this weekend.

So Nancy...I am going to see the SO's family in North Carolina, Raleigh specifically to be followed by a stop to see more of his peeps in PA. One of these I'll pop in NYC and call upon you, probably when you aren't on the soft foods!
BTW, Jamba Juice makes for a great soft food and you are lucky enough to have a few such stores in your neck of the woods.
I have no plans and I have no clue, but I hope we end up in a great restaurant with lots of unclean food.}( :9 :7
Tonight after work my hubby and I will be participating in Relay for Life as we do every year for the Cancer Society. Our goal is to walk 25 miles so we'll be out there on the track til the wee hours of the morning. This year we're walking for my sister, Barb, who is in the process of beating liver cancer. Wish us luck and few blisters! ;-)
I called my BF and came up w/ the bright idea to disappear to Dorney Park for the day =) NO KIDS, my daughter is w/ her Aunt, and my son is w/ his Father...We are going to act like kids for the day, I'm going to have a blast.... LOL

SSSHHHHH...Not telling the kids where were going though, or I'll be in the dog house =p

"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"



We're having another open house. I really hope we get an offer soon. I'm getting tired of them.

Work... more work... & after that, we might work some more!x( :p

But maybe we'll be able to fit in a little time for some sun & fun by the pool too (**fingers crossed tightly**):+

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