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    Hardcore Fitness Manaic Hotties Feb 15

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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties! 2-14-09

    Ally...Congratulations! That's great! Isn't it nice to see your hard work paying off? :D always. Diane Sue...Wow! Your bf is really low! I use the accumeasure calipers. No workout for me today. Getting ready to enjoy the day with hubby! Hope everyone has a great day...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Hotties Feb 13th

    Hermia...My school is year-round so I get 35 vacation days that I get to take when I want! I usually add a day to a holiday to make a long weekend. We are going off year-round after this school year to join the other schools in our district who are on modified traditional. So I did Muscle Max...
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    Doin' some cheatin' on Valentine's

    Elsie... We all need those occasional "cheat" days. I have saved up for mine. We are doing a wine tasting paired with chocolates at a winery we are club members at. I am going to enjoy every minute of it! :D.....hope you do too!
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    Gym Styles Success

    Petramom...Congratulations on your success! GS are my favorite series of Cathe's. I am currently doing a rotation with them and have gotten great results too!
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Hotties Feb 13th

    I agree Teddy....TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!! I have today AND Monday off! Yippeeee! :D So I did Lowmax for the first time yesterday. I was thinking the 'low' meant low intensity....boy was I wrong! The challenges are the 'low'...short for lower body, kickass workout! WOW! It was great! Note to...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 2/12

    Linda...You have gone through alot lately. Hang in there. Hopefully things will be better real soon and everything will have a positive outcome!
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 2/12

    Hey there. Got stuck in a Principal's meeting all morning. Oh what fun! So I didn't workout last night. After spending an hour and 1/2 at the DMV I needed a drink! :p So much for having an "apppointment". Still had to wait for DS to take the test and there were 6-7 people in front of him! Ya...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 2/11

    Patti...I ws very pleased with the reuslts. I am really pushing myself this month and I'm suprising myself! The incline hammer curls were brutal!....and you do not have wimpy biceps! I've seen what you can lift girl!
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 2/11

    It has been a busy morning at work----thank goodness it's a minimum day! Taking my DS to DMV to take permit test....and the fun begins. Debbie...HOLY CRAP! Awesome workout! I think I will have to copy that one! Teddy...I don't mind the eggwhites, gettin real tired of tuna! Patti and Diane...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 2/10

    Morning kids! Yesterday I did CC#6 challenge 1 & 2: 45 minutes 4.35 miles 526 calories burned Ave. Heart Rate: 143 Peak Heart Rate: 157 Today's workout is Back/Bicpes/Shoulders Meals for today: (high carb day) M1: Protein Pancakes w/ nat, p-nut butter and 1/2 banana M2: Protein Drink...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 2/9

    Nice workout Char!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 2/9

    Meals for today: M1: egg white cheese/veggie omelet, 1 slice ezekiel toast M2: protein drink, almonds, rice cake w/nat. p-nut butter, banana M3: 5 oz orange roughy, 2 cups mixed greens w/veggies, lite viniagrette, orange M4: 1 cup lowfat cottage cheese, 1/2 cup strawberries M5: lean turkey...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 2/9

    Hi all! Debbie...Glad to have ya back in the game. Killer workout! :eek: I purchased CC #5-8. Did challenge 1 on CC #7 on these workouts! lifted some heavy weights today girl!!!!!!! Hello to rest of you maniacs! I did legs yesterday but didn't have time to post...
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    Hardcore fitness mainiacs Sun Feb 8th

    Hi Anne...I'm fairly new also to the thread. Looking forward to seeing you around here. Welcome back! Patti...I can barely get off the ground w/levitation holds. :mad: I am soooo determined to do them! Diane Sue...So glad to hear you are feeling better. I will be doing legs today. I...
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    Hardcore Check in Februray 7,2009

    Got in a great workout today. I followed GS but used my stat sheet and listened to myplaylist instead of dvd. CHEST Drop Set Push Ups: 72 DB Bench Press: 27# 8/8/8 - up 2# from last week DB Flyes: 22# 8/8/8 - up 2# Incline DB Press: 27# 8/6/6 Incline DB Flyes: 25# 6/6/6 - up 2# Barbell Bench...
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    Hardcore Check in Februray 7,2009

    Diane sorry you have the flu! :( Hope you have a speedy recovery. Hi Patti! My back is feeling much better and I am scheduled to do legs today but just to be on the safe side I am going to do chest and tris and cardio. I purchased CC #5-8 so I want to try one of them out! Check...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties 2/6

    Ally....that's what I work that backside! :D
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties 2/6

    TGIF!!!!!!!!!! Morning maniacs. You all are getting in some great workouts today. Linda...Ouch! Sorry about your shoulder :( Diane Sue...amazed you still worked out feeling that are a true maniac! Char...glad you are feeling better. Ashumate: I previewed the plyo legs dvd...looks...