Hello! Sigh...I really must start working out earlier. My waaay late workout last night caused me to sleep in super late today. I think it will be easier now, thouhg, because my schedule is changing at the school I had my four days a week night classes and now it'll just be two days a week I'm teaching nights (and a really long friday class). I prefer to workout in the evening, so with the night classes, I end up doing it after work, but I'm tired and hungry when I first get home from work so I never start right away. I haven't worked out yet today; that will have to be for after I teach.
Sonya---you get today *and* monday off??? I'm jealous! lol! I'm so excited about getting monday off, though; I still have to work, just won't have to teach.
Linda and Debbie---prayers for your family members that are having surgery and/or health problems.