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  1. D

    Competitive Eating???

    It really doesn't bother me at all - if that's what folks want to do, and that's what people want to see, it's fine with me. People waste food all the time every day in America - we all have too much of everything, restaurant portions are huge, I throw out food that is past its expiration date...
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    OMG -- (sensitive issue - and LONG)

    GreenEyedLefty, what a great post. I TOTALLY agree with you on this issue.
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    Save for a rainy day, or live like there's no tomorrow?

    RE: Save for a rainy day, or live like there's no tomor... DH and I also have no kids, and we try to tread that fine line between splurging and saving. (Or rather, you might say we splurge for awhile and then are frugal for awhile). We both have sort of dull jobs (I'm a paralegal and he's a...
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    MBT Shoes - Just Wearing Them Works You Out....Anyone E...

    I got a pair about 8 months ago and use them for all my walks and hikes. I love them! To me it does not feel like I am working much harder on my walks, but because they are heavier and require more muscular effort I think I actually am getting more of a workout. I think most people who are...
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    If I have to see Michelle Obama give the

    Yes, it would be news because George NEVER touches Laura in public (and probably rarely in private either ;~) Maybe he's a germ phobe! I can totally see him doing the fist bump with heads of state... One thing I love about the Obamas is they are obviously in love and physically affectionate...
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    Excuse me?

    Spyrosmom, have you considered that your co-worker might be... flirting with you? It's the kind of inept, semi-joking, do-anything-to-get-her-attention, thing a guy might say to a girl he thinks is attractive. He might just be crushing on you (I can see you shuddering ;~))
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    Jari Love--yikes

    Here's a link to the interview where Jari talks about her mother restricting her daughters' eating habits, and her current diet. Growing up in that kind of atmosphere, it's probably would make her very cautious about food...
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    Jari Love--yikes

    I agree with the majority on this - in her first workout she looked good, strong, glowing, healthy. In her subsequent workouts, especially Ripped 1000 where her legs are toothpick-y and you can count all of her ribs, she does not look healthy or happy to me. While it is true that genetics does...
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    Mark Blanchard -touchy feely?

    I like Bryan Kest and to me his adjustments seem legitimate - he has a gentle touch so the adjustments can look gentle and almost caressing, but he touches the men and women the same way and it does not seem invasive or too intimate to me, he really does seem to be supporting the back or...
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    I actually don't give money to panhandlers very often, but when I do I'm in the camp of "they can use it to buy what they like". I'm sitting here at work with my Starbucks, a little later I will have my favorite chocolate muffin (pretty much nutrionally void), after I work out tonight I will...
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    Clinton or Obama

    Obama. Any Democrat would do for me but I LOVE Obama.
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    SATC Movie - What did you think??

    I have to say I enjoyed the movie, but it sort of bugged me how the WHOLE ENTIRE STORY centered around fashion, men and babies - although they're all supposed to be high-powered career women, the careers were not discussed at all except as sort of a fashion accessory - "Here's Carrie VOGUE...
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    Do you like your job?

    I'm a paralegal and I do NOT like my job. I like the "trappings" of it, the pretty good salary, the benefits, having my own office, I don't really hate preparing wills and trust and administering estates and trusts, but I REALLY don't like it much. It's a bore and I never get excited about it...
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    what do you do when DH constantly wants

    I can see many sides of this issue. I have sometimes been the one chased after, and it was annoying, then in my 30s my libido became stronger than my husband's and that is VERY frustrating, it really does become the focus of your life, WHY IS MY SPOUSE NOT GIVING ME WHAT I WANT? Now that we're...
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    Phobias anyone?

    Having my blood pressure taken - I have "white coat hypertension" where just being in the doctor's office makes my bp and pulse shoot up to the stratosphere. It began when I was a teenager and was very nervous about being at the doctor's office for a physical and pelvic exam, they then became...
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    A Yoga Like P90X?

    Another vote for Bryan Kest, especially the older 3-series (when he had long hair...), especially volume 2 of that one. It's probably my favorite yoga of all time. But it's about an hour, I think, maybe a little longer than you'd want but much shorter (and less goofy!) than Tony!
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    help I can't stop eating.

    Somebody last year on these forums was talking about binge eating, and she said one day she noticed she would binge until she ate some protein, and that seemed to stop the binge. (NOT saying you're a binge-eater, but I'm thinking it might work for those of us, myself included, who just find...
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    Prescription Pill Addiction...please help

    WARNING: LONG ;~) I am SO SO SORRY you are going through this - I send you a million hugs and lots of support. My mom was an alcoholic as was my first real boyfriend. It's a very difficult and stressful experience for everyone. I would suggest that you find a physician whose specialty is...
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    How about posting a picture of Chris on the blog?

    It's great to finally see Chris but OMG OMG OMG!!!!! Our Cathe looks like a supermodel in this photo! Super inspiring!
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    Completely agree. I would LOVE it. It would be sort of a reward for getting through the workout!