I am so glad you started this thread, wondered what everyone thought!
Sounds like you had a fabulous theater experience as well.
OK, I loved it, it was good. Not great like the series but good. Here are my cons... I felt like they made Miranda kinda meaner then usual, Steve was a blubbering mess which was weird, Harry and Big were great though...they did not focus enough on the other girls, although Sam had a few funny lines, as did Charlotte, who actually was my favorite in the movie. I thought that Jennifer Hudsons character did not make alot of sense, like they just sort of stuck her in there for a few minutes, I understood why, but it didn't flow well for me. The movie was very Carrie centered, which again, I understand, but missed the intimacy that the series lent, do you know what I mean? And I wanted to feed poor SJP a big mac, she has gotten so thin, her little legs look as if they might break in two. But how fab did Kim Cattrall look? Wow. Same with the other two gals. Terrific!
Smith Jarrod is the worst actor ever, good thing he is mighty fine!
Here are my pro's...the shoes, the wedding dresses, the clothes, although some were just stupidly over the top, the whole movie was like opening a Barneys New York catalog..cool, but my favorite fashion moment is still the scene in the last season where Carrie is lying on the bed asleep in that incredible long fluffy dress...and the last scene where she wears that ballerina style dress when Big finds her in Paris. Nothing can top those two for me.
I bawled like a baby during that Big/limo scene...and at the end of course. All in all, it was a touching beautiful movie about the power of friendships, with some great shoes and handbags thrown in for good measure.
Now if they would come out with a Soprano's movie, my life would be complete.