SATC Movie - What did you think??


I went to the movie yesterday with 7 other girls - and it was amazing!!! We were laughing, crying, enjoying every minute!!!!! The theatre was sold out for the weekend - we watched it in a Living Room type theatre with big leather chairs - ottomens and food and wine service... it was great!

It was everything SATC should have been - LOVED IT!!!!

In fact a few of us are going again with a few people that couldnt make it the first time on Tuesday night. Even 2 men are going with us....

Just speaks to the power of friendships.... it was great!!!

What did you think??
I am so glad you started this thread, wondered what everyone thought!

Sounds like you had a fabulous theater experience as well.:)

OK, I loved it, it was good. Not great like the series but good. Here are my cons... I felt like they made Miranda kinda meaner then usual, Steve was a blubbering mess which was weird, Harry and Big were great though...they did not focus enough on the other girls, although Sam had a few funny lines, as did Charlotte, who actually was my favorite in the movie. I thought that Jennifer Hudsons character did not make alot of sense, like they just sort of stuck her in there for a few minutes, I understood why, but it didn't flow well for me. The movie was very Carrie centered, which again, I understand, but missed the intimacy that the series lent, do you know what I mean? And I wanted to feed poor SJP a big mac, she has gotten so thin, her little legs look as if they might break in two. But how fab did Kim Cattrall look? Wow. Same with the other two gals. Terrific!

Smith Jarrod is the worst actor ever, good thing he is mighty fine!:D

Here are my pro's...the shoes, the wedding dresses, the clothes, although some were just stupidly over the top, the whole movie was like opening a Barneys New York, but my favorite fashion moment is still the scene in the last season where Carrie is lying on the bed asleep in that incredible long fluffy dress...and the last scene where she wears that ballerina style dress when Big finds her in Paris. Nothing can top those two for me.
I bawled like a baby during that Big/limo scene...and at the end of course. All in all, it was a touching beautiful movie about the power of friendships, with some great shoes and handbags thrown in for good measure.

Now if they would come out with a Soprano's movie, my life would be complete.

:7 ;)
I LOVED IT!!! I've never been crazy about the series but I knew most of the characters and story well enough to really enjoy the movie. It was just amazing. I can't wait to see it again! I saw it last night with my brother's girlfriend who is a SATC freak! :D She loved it too! I'm so glad I went.

Oh, and I used to think I was a Charlotte. But I'm totally a Miranda. ;) Totally. (But my love life is so Carrie it's ridiculous). ;)

I enjoyed it. I didn't expect to be blown away, but I hoped that it would be entertaining and fun and I wasn't disappointed. Sure some things could have been better (I agree with your cons tneah), especially how Carrie-centered it was, but all in all it was a good time.

Oh and I know what you mean about SJP looking like a twig. :( Yikes!
I loved it, and surprisingly, so did my DH. I still plan to get some of my BFF together for another viewing, but I was delighted when DH said he wanted to go.

Some of the clothes were absolutely outlandish. That bird in Carrie's hair for the wedding was the height of ugliness, but seemed to support her later epiphany that the wedding carried to this extreme was a bad idea.

My favorite line was Charlotte's: "I curse the day you were born!" followed shortly thereafter by "My water broke!"

Sigh--gosh, I miss this show every week!
My favorite part was after the uber-dramatic bouquet scene in the street where Charlotte's scuttling back around the back of the limo, scowling at Big in that ridiculous dress. I went from almost in tears to laughing :D
I know me too! I thought that flower/limo scene was one of Charlotte's best, she was so passionate about Big leaving Carrie alone, I cried, I did.;) I loved the scene where Charlotte pooed her pants, and Miranda's "bush";) they were so funny.:7

Oh, and worst makeup moment? Carries horrid red lipstick when she was in her wedding dress. Good god, why oh why? They all had red lipstick on, and none of them looked good in it. But loved the dresses in that pre-wedding scene, fabulous!

I needed more of Anthony's smart aleck self too, I love that character.:)
I have to say I enjoyed the movie, but it sort of bugged me how the WHOLE ENTIRE STORY centered around fashion, men and babies - although they're all supposed to be high-powered career women, the careers were not discussed at all except as sort of a fashion accessory - "Here's Carrie VOGUE WRITER! Here's Miranda, ATTORNEY, and Samantha, PUBLICIST!" And of course the only one of them who described herself as "happy, every day, tra la!" was the stay-at-home mother. The others were miserable without their men (or in Samantha's case, without dozens of men LOL). It was sort of a throwback to the 50s that way, I thought it made women look frivolous - it was like they had no lives to speak of except in terms of their relationships with men. But it did hold my interest even though it was so long.

I agree that Smith Jarrod is the WORST actor ever, and although he was pretty hunky on the series he looks a little exhausted and emaciated now - whaddup with that?

I LOVED the Jennifer Hudson character. I read that Samantha was the last to sign on for the movie, she was demanding more money, so I bet they contracted with Jennifer Hudson to do the movie, thinking she'd take the place of Samantha and then they struck a deal with Samantha to appear as well.

Still, I've missed the series, and it was so nice to see the girls all back together.
I can't wait to see this movie! So glad you had a great time and enjoyed yourselves.



The idea is to die young as late as possible.
While I was a huge fan of the seasons, I was not thrilled with the movie. It was SOOOOO LONG! And, IMO, they didn't develop the other characters' stories enough. I would have loved to have seen more substance to Miranda, Charlotte and especially Samantha's stories.

You think Smith's acting was bad? I thought Steve's was WAY worse!!!

I also hated how insecure they made Big out to be with the whole "I just can't do it..." That's NOT Big!

Anyway, I'm glad I went to see the movie because I'm a SATC fan, but it was just ok.
I know how you feel, I wish they would have developed the other characters stories alot more too! And Steve? What was up with all of his blubbering? I missed his carefree personality!

And again, I am tossing any dark lipstick I might own, it just looks harsh on us over 40's I think...well at least me, and it looked like hell on Carrie didn't it?:eek:
LOL! While I agree that it didn't suit Carrie at all, I don't think the dark lipstick necessarily looks bad on everyone over 40. Just because it doesn't look good on her doesn't mean it doesn't look good on you! ;-)
Let me first start by saying that I absolutely LOVE the series and watch generally 2 episodes every night. When I saw the trailer for the movie several weeks ago, I just wasn't "feeling" it. It didn't have the same vibe as the t.v. show. I know, the small screen and big screen will have a different feel but I was still keeping an open mind. I really was looking forward to it. I saw it last night and have to say that I was disappointed. I agree with all of the comments that were already stated. Their personalities seemed a bit different so to me, it wasn't a natural transition from small to big screen. I could talk about how Charlotte's belly became so big within a short period of time or how Big couldn't find a way to contact Carrie for all those months, puhleeeeeeeeeeze, but unfortunately lots of movies add things that don't make sense. My friend and mother both liked the movie but neither one of them were into the series like me. I just had expectations of it being exactly like the series and it wasn't. In fact, it wasn't even close to me. :(
My DH took me to see it Friday night as a late anniversary date. He was one of two men in the audience. :) I really liked it. I liked that it was real and not too over-the-top. I loved the fact that it was three years later ... I liked that it showed how Carrie had grown up and seemed to really be an evolved woman. I was so happy to see her reading a library book!!! I never saw her reading in the series, and I wondered why she had so many books on her bookshelf! Anyway, I loved the Miranda storyline too. It was very real, I thought. I see how the Jennifer Hudson character could be kind of construed as disjointed, but she I think served the purpose of showing Carrie's old mentality and the hopefulness of being young and in New York in the midst of all of the other heavier story lines. I loved the Carrie/Big/limo/bouquet scene. Wow. And I laughed SO hard I almost peed on myself when Charlotte had her "accident." LOL Great movie and I cannot wait to have it to complete my set. I told DH I expect it for Christmas. ;-)

Oh, and the closet --TO DIE FOR. And, yes, Carrie did look very thin, but I thought she looked great! Wow, I'd love to someday have those abs and those thighs!!
That was a sweeping statement wasn't it? About the lipstick I mean. Sorry, you are right of course, as I am sure alot of women over the age of 40 look fabulous in their red lipstick.:7 I dabble myself if I happen to be in the mood, but am more of a hot pink kind a gal myself.:)

SJP looked better to me in the series, she looked gaunt for some reason, but still looked good, I mean, I totally agree about the abs on that girl. I like Samantha's bod though, she looked hot!

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