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  1. L


    I am so glad to see this kind of Christmas generosity. I have a 12 year old girl and a 17 year old girl and they both like Hip hop like Shakira and Rihanna My youngest daughter also loves Hillary Duff and I hear she has a new CD out I think would make a great gift, I my oldest also like scary...
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    For Those of You With Dogs . . .

    I agree with you, I use kennels that have a seat belt slot to hold the kennel in a seat like a child would be belted in. I also see some hunters here who ride with their dogs in the back of the truck and makes me so angry because of one day, I was in a lane and behind a truck that got into an...
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    Workout help

    Now that all is calm at home LOL I want to get back into shape, I really don't want to lose weight because for the first time every I have BOOBS LOL. I just want to tone up. I have SJ&p and step blast, Power hour DVD, Ab hits,KP&C and Legs and Glutes,Supersets and Push and Pull and her classic...
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    Rotation help

    I need help on figuring out a rotation to help tone up my core and butt and thighs. What would you recomend for toning and how long do you think it will take to tone up my core? I weight 125 and I am 5'6"
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    Moms...flu shot for your kids???

    I have been giving my kids the flu shot since they were little and never had a reaction to the flu shot nor gotten the flu after getting it, I have heard that some people get sick anyway after getting the flu shot but for me and my family we have no, some bad colds but that is about it
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    pom pom + larger dog = overprotective mom!!

    I raise and show poms, I currently got two puppies earlier this year and my 3 year old pom would play very rough with her but she held her own and you would be surprised, the puppy instigated the playing and she would back off when it got to rough, I would just watch and see how they play at 6...
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    Still haven't received my package :(

    I have had that happen this summer with something I bought, I checked it online and said it was delivered. I would call UPS and have them look into it also, they delivered my package to someone else. but I was lucky and got it the next day. It is a pain to do all this but I would call UPS sounds...
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    advise needed please

    I have talked to my daughter and told her getting married out of high school is scary, she will be going from a high school environment to an adult serious relationship, it would be better if she waited till she finished her degree as a vet tech and got a stable job and put some money away in an...
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    advise needed please

    I feel for you there, I started him at the age of 4 in a preschool and the teacher called me and said she can't have him anymore that there was something wrong with him and sent me to Nebo school district where they conducted some tests which showed he was a year and a half devolopmentally...
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    advise needed please

    Hello all, I have been away for so long, been so busy with my dogs and kids. Here is all the fun stuff that has been put on my plate, First of all. The school tested my son since he was in special education because then he was diagnosed as developmentally delayed and since he is now 7 he can't...
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    Prayers for a family in crisis

    Melissa I agree with you, I think they had reason, like his behavior when asked if they can search his house, that should have raised suspicion in my mind, I think they have a lot to answer to the public, not only did they mess up the Elizabeth Smart case they botched up this one. At least...
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    Prayers for a family in crisis

    This sick thing he live in the house right behind their house and the police knocked on his door the first day and refused to let them in to search his house, I keep thinking maybe she was still alive that day? I am sick about this whole thing, I went up and searched for a little,
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    Prayers for a family in crisis

    There is this family not far from where I live, their child went missing 8 days ago, and they just found her body in the basement of some mans house just a block away!!! Please pray for the family as they mourn the loss of their child, I am in tears that someone can steal the life of a precious...
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    Our house was vadalized!!

    I am so very sorry someone vandalized your home, I know just how you are feeling, a few years ago we had someone vandalize our cars, first it started with someone just egging our cars, then one morning we got up and we were sitting at the table eating breakfast and noticed a policeman in our...
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    my daughters leg

    Thank you all so much, wish I can draw you a diagram of what her bone looks like in an x-ray, you know when you carve a pumpkin you cut the top off and then put it back on perfectly? that is what the surgery site of her bone looks like, right now when they put that x-ray up next to the one they...
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    my daughters leg

    Here is an update, since the surgery the bone is very fragile and breaks easy, so she slipped down the stairs and broke the leg, so now we have a set back, I guess one way to look at it is taking one step forward and a HUGE step backwards, I am waiting for a call from her doctor to see if they...
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    My Daughters leg

    My daughter slipped down the stairs and broke the leg she has operated on. The doctor did warn us that the leg will be weak and can easily break. So we are waiting to get a call back from her orthopedic surgeon to see if I need to take her to her primary doctor for a cast. This is such a sad...
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    Animal question

    I have dropped hints to him about his dogs drinking water being stagnant and that dogs can die from drinking that because it is full of bacteria. He then went and gave his dogs some fresh water. I am hoping that he will see how I care for my dogs and he will follow and learn how to take care of...
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    Animal question

    I have a question, I feel that I am a very resposible breeder and animal owner, I make sure my dogs are groomed fed properly and fresh water for them daily and lots of love, I have this neighbor that has 4 hunting dogs which he keeps in these outdoor kennels, I have no problem with that, it...
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    My mom needs prayers again !!!!

    ((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))) you and your mother will be in my prayers!