Animal question


I have a question, I feel that I am a very resposible breeder and animal owner, I make sure my dogs are groomed fed properly and fresh water for them daily and lots of love,
I have this neighbor that has 4 hunting dogs which he keeps in these outdoor kennels, I have no problem with that, it is the floors are covered in dog poop, it has to be several inches thick and hasn't been cleaned out in 5 months! and their drinking water is this gross dark green water. My question is how long can a dog live in those conditions and water that has turned very stagnant?
Yes, call the police. I don't know in which state you live, but here in NJ you have 24 hours to clean up your animals' feces, after which you're subject to up to a $1000 fine.

Your town should have an animal control officer. Some work out of health departments & some work out of police departments. Either way, get in touch with him/her. A nice hefty fine should encourage your neighbor to be a little more considerate & hygenic, not to mention kinder to his/her animals.
EWwwww ... sounds like it's time to call Animal Control. A lot of people think animal control is evil, but it might be the best option in this case, unless you feel like talking to the owner yourself (which might not be a good idea since he's your neighbor and all). Do the dogs appear healthy? happy? If nothing else, Animal Control can encourage the owner to take better care of them and come back and do unannounced checkups. I hate seeing animals in situations like that and have actually become really good friends with the animal control where I live (lots of feral kitties we've fixed and released, lots of abused dogs rehabilitated,etc.).

Good luck,
This is definitely a case of neglect, if not cruelty.
Please call the animal control officer or the police (you can remain anonymous if you wish).
Let us know what happens. I think it's also illegal to leave them outside all of the time, particularly in extreme temps.

I don't know what's wrong with people!
I've called the humane society before, without any luck. They were rude and didn't care about my concerns as I was wasting their time. I hope if you call them it works out better for you. The hunting dogs definitly deserve a clean environment with fresh water.

My case was, I had a neighbor that had two horses. One horse was very old (in her late 20's) and the other horse was a robust, domineering, teengager. The older horse was literally starving to death as the younger, very overweight, teen horse would'nt let her eat any of the hay that was given to both of them in the same pen. She would charge and bite the older very fragile horse. Another neigbor and I called the humane society numerous times about the declining condition of the older horse. We wanted desperately for the 2 horses to be separated (which was possible) so the older horse could eat alone and live out her life in dignity. She was old and needed her own pen to eat at her pace and not have to fight for food. The humane society said there was nothing they could do, as the owners were feeding the horses and she was just a very old horse, all old horses looked like that (huh?). Well, sad to say the older horse died of starvation a short while later. She died in a "skin draped over bones" body. It was horrifing.
I would call animal control also. Unfortunately here you can't call anonymously. I think that deters a lot of people from filing complaints. It really makes me angry too because the animals pay that price. They say that they need your information in case it ever went to court. Maybe I can work on getting that changed now that we have a new director.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France
Yes, please do something about it. I had a neighbor who shot one of my cats -- repeatedly -- my cat still has 3 small pellets in him -- I didn't find out that this was happening until one time, my cat came home with a broken leg. Upon soliciting the neighborhood, I discovered that this man had done this -- openly admitted it -- I took my neighbor into my church to the chaplan and together we worked out a solution -- he paid about $1500.00 for my cat's operation.

Yes, please do something. Sometimes doing nothing is the wrong thing to do.:)
I'd call the SPCA. I've noticed that many hunters who keep hunting dogs don't really consider them pets. They don't have any type of empathy for them. This, of course, is a generalization - I'm sure there are MANY who love their dogs. But this pet owner is irresponsible and cruel. Call the SPCA.

That reminds me, I've got to clean the guinea pig cage tonight!!!!!
I have dropped hints to him about his dogs drinking water being stagnant and that dogs can die from drinking that because it is full of bacteria. He then went and gave his dogs some fresh water. I am hoping that he will see how I care for my dogs and he will follow and learn how to take care of dogs the right way. But then my dogs are major spoiled LOL. I also told him dogs that are confined that way and not let out to play can get kennel cough. Especially big dogs like that need to get out and play a lot.
> I also
>told him dogs that are confined that way and not let out to
>play can get kennel cough. Especially big dogs like that need
>to get out and play a lot.

Kennel cough is transmitted from other dogs. It usually runs rampant in kennels, hence the term kennel cough. But they can't get it, just by being in their kennels.

Not to say I agree in any way, shape or form with his treatment of the dogs.


"The reason this disease seems so common, and is even named "Kennel" cough, is that wherever there are numbers of dogs confined together in an enclosed environment such as a kennel, animal shelter, or indoor dog show, the disease is much more likely to be spread. The same is true with the "colds" spread from human to human... they are much more likely to occur in a populated, enclosed environment such as an airplane, elevator, or office. All it takes for contagion to occur is a single source (infected dog), an enclosed environment, and susceptible individuals in close proximity to the source of the infection. Infected dogs can spread the organisms for days to weeks even after seeming to have fully recovered."

That makes me so animal control right were meant to see those dogs - now that you know, ACT on your instincts!
Let us know what you decide. Good luck.

PS - He is not going to learn from your good behavior...any adult knows that inches of poop in a cage is not sanitary or humane.

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