Search results

  1. michefit

    Meso 1, 2 or 3; which is your favorite?

    Loved Meso 1 for the fun and variety and the "cut" look that started developing by the end. Meso 3 also for the powerful feeling of lifting heavy - also fun. Meso 2 didn't leave as big an impression - I was tired during the mesocycle (didn't rest as much during active recovery week maybe too...
  2. michefit

    What did each Meso do for you? A two part question.

    I noticed the most "leaness" and muscle definition with Meso 1 - I think it was the intitial shock of the different excercises. I loved the power feeling of lifting heavy with Meso 3 - but I actually seemed to thicken a little everywhere. Mind you - my diet has not been perfect - I was...
  3. michefit

    GS after STS - ouch!

    I just tried the GS workouts after finishing Meso 3. I was so impressed with my strength gains - I thought for sure they would carry over to the Gym styles. No way....I was dying through the push-ups and the chest work - arms burning through everything else. I was shocked at how little rest...
  4. michefit

    Tell us about your STS results!

    With STS I have actually been more focused with how I feel than how I look while doing the series. I was the most wary of Meso3 and it has actually been my favourite! There is a such a sense of empowerment to lift and increase your weights in such a short amount of time. STS has helped me...
  5. michefit

    Recovery Week - Muscle stiffness in the morning and after sitting for a long time

    Hi Heather, During my recovery week after meso 1 - I totally felt the same as you. I haven't ever really taken a rest week before. I didn't like it actually - I felt stiff and sore and achy in the joints. Once I got moving I felt better. But it was like my body was ceasing up from the...
  6. michefit

    please help me get excited for meso 3

    I am a Meso 3 convert - I thought that it would be a bit tedious - but surprise- surprise I love it! It actually moves quite well. The shoulder, bis and tris workout moves almost as fast as Meso 1 because you only get 30 second rest between each set of the triset - hard to explain but because...
  7. michefit

    A Meso 3 Convert!

    I was hesitant to try Meso 3 (I admit it) because of the dread factor for heavier weights and longer rests. I decided to try disc 27 (shoulders, tris and bis) WOW - I was working and sweating and there was not a lot of down time at all (in a good way!) I loved it! It is amazing how great you...
  8. michefit


    Dela and SNM - I have really enjoyed meso's 1 and 2 and therefore I know that I will be trying Meso #3. It is reassuring to be reminded of the Shock principle which keeps me motivate to try something different. Thanks for your imput!
  9. michefit


    That's great to hear! I am feeling a little hesitant about Meso 3 - I don't know if I can lift the heavy weights without a spotter and kind of dreading the longer workouts and rest periods. It is great to hear a positive - it renews my intentions to at least try Meso 3! If you have any more...
  10. michefit


    Ouch - did I mention that I am really sore? (lol) My biceps and forearms are aching now. Still lovin' it though...
  11. michefit


    Checking in the day after Disc 18: - Back was hard because I just had a real pull-up bar installed. Lots of room to grow in this area. I think I did maybe 4 with good form! Barbell curls - always hard - I can't seem to increase weight easily here. Concentration curls - repeated last TF...
  12. michefit

    Cathe TV - STS Week #7

    Hi Cathe, Your pointer on chest flys was really helpful. I thought maybe my arms coming down low enough and now I think they are where they should be for flys. I love STS and can't wait for the Shock cardio. I feel great and much empowered by these workouts!
  13. michefit

    What gets you to move when you think you just can't do it today?

    Wake Up Eager - I don't think you are obsessed at all - it takes a lot of strategies to stay motivate over the long haul. I have tried and do many of the things you listed. I like these forums too - it is great to know there are so many like-minded people out there. The hardest for me is the...
  14. michefit

    Anyone start Meso3 yet?

    Yes - what a great idea - I have been racking my brain (pun intended) to think of a way to do the squat rack workout without a squat rack. Do you take the back pack off between sets? Does it hurt your shoulders or back? Is it effective?
  15. michefit

    Canadians, who bought???

    I just ordered - I am so mad I didn't order earlier - I didn't get the travel fit DVD and paid $20 more! I had meant to order last night - but DD had a school assignment crisis that took up the whole evening. Oh well - at least I ordered. I don't know if I will be able to take advantage of...
  16. michefit

    Have you felt a difference after recovery week?

    I didn't enjoy (strangely) my recovery week. I actually felt achey and my joints felt stiff. I still did cardio and stretching. I don't know - it kind felt like I seized up. Most people seem to enjoy their recovery weeks though. We're all different.
  17. michefit

    Holy drop sets!

    Well that explains it - I was actually wondering if it was a misprint in the User's Guide. Looking forward to getting to that one in a sadistic- kick -my -own -butt kind of way...
  18. michefit

    Shock Cardio estimated release?

    Just wondering if I missed any info about when Shock Cardio might be released?
  19. michefit

    My two questions

    Another vote for premixes - the more Cathe the better!
  20. michefit


    I feel the term to use for this workout would be "tough-relaxation" Maybe not so original - but I was WORKING during the lifting and the rests after a long day at work gave me a chance to kick back and breathe. Very nice end to my day. My upper body feels tired and shaky. Great workout!