Recovery Week - Muscle stiffness in the morning and after sitting for a long time


Hey Everyone

I am doing the 6 month rotation and have just finished Meso 2 (loved it). I have really uped my cardio this cycle and have been seeing some great results. STS days I do the weight disc then either run for 30 minutes or a 30 minute tape, on the off days I do 1 hour cardio and usually abs of some sort.
Anyways, I have been feeling really stiff the last few days (like I am an old lady with bad arthritis kinda stiff) in the morning or if I sit for a long time.

Once I am moving I am fine but I a little concerned. Does anyone else get this. I kinda thought by now my body would be getting used to the extra cardio. All of Meso 1 I did cardio on the opposite days but none on STS days and I gradually increased. I am 36 just feeling old. This will get better right and I will start to feel like I have more mobility rather than less right?

I love doing the extra cardio and have been feeling great. Before STS I would run 3-4 times a week and I did some Jari but this is my first foray into serious Cathe workouts.

Thanks for listening

I am not an expert or anything, but kinda sounds like you are training alot and not really giving your body time to rest with added cardio or run on the same day as the weight workouts AND more cardio on alternative days. To me, it sounds a lot. May be if you gave yourself some time to recover, you may not as stiff. How about add some stretching exercise like yoga to your routine?

BTW, congrats on having great results.
I have the that little nagging voice in the back of my head that says "you know that you have really been pushing yourself". I guess up until last year I would have laughed at myself for thinking that I could do a bootcamp style workout, or something like plyo legs! I did step regularly in University but then quit when I had a knee injury (not related) and just assumed I would never be able to do that again. I love that my body CAN do these workouts and I guess I am a little too gun ho.

I definitely need to add a yoga day to my rotation and ease up a bit.... I am not in a contest.

My mom was over today complaining of sore joints and muscles (she has arthritis) and I think that I am paranoid that I am heading down the same road.
I am hoping to take every step possible to avoid that road.
need stetch?

I think you just need to take a break,or a relly good stretch after you workout, I don't know you, but what I do is Monday upper body I'm good to go for an extra cardio on Monday's thus. I do cardio wend. legs and this day I can't not do extra cardio because STS leg workout is reallyyyy really good and my legs get pretty sore, Thurs,cardio, frid. upper body if I feel ok some times I do the extra cardio if not not problem, and and Saturday, always cardio and abs when is cardio day...
I'm a 37 with 4 daughters, that they keep me busy and crazy....
and some times I get the same feeling that you are talking about just take a day off and you should be fine...
I have found that taking a magnesium/calcium supplement with a 2:1 ratio, 1000mg magnesium to 500mg calcium helps heal muscle soreness and supports joint mobility. I like Rainbow Light or Country Life.

Yoga is good too, as is staying hydrated.
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Sounds like your body is begging for a break. Maybe you're over training. Why not try cutting back on the cardio for a couple of weeks and see if you feel better. Instead of doubling up on STS days you could do a stretch (extended stretch on any of the STS workouts or a short yoga type workout). I bet you feel better pretty quickly.

Hi Heather,
During my recovery week after meso 1 - I totally felt the same as you. I haven't ever really taken a rest week before. I didn't like it actually - I felt stiff and sore and achy in the joints. Once I got moving I felt better. But it was like my body was ceasing up from the lack of activity. I am 36 as well and wondered the same thing (old!) Anyway - everyone is different. I feel better when I move regularly. Just thought I would add my two cents.
Thanks Everyone,
You guys are totally right I have gone too much cardio too fast... my calves are really tight all the time now and plantar fasciitis is definitely a possibility. I think I need to keep things going but reduce the cardio for sure.

I will try the Magnesium vitamins that you were talking about, Janis and see if that helps. I also go on Tuesday to a friend who is a fitness expert and chiropractor and I'll get her to look at my calves and see what she thinks.

I guess I am soo excited and happy to be doing all this (STS, Cathe DVD's etc) and feel like I am actually doing something great for myself that I am afraid that something will muck it up or I won't be able to motivate myself again if I slow down. I am very commited and I just need to believe in myself and take listen to my body.

Thanks again for all your thoughts and advice... anyone know a good relaxation and stretching yoga DVD?

For relaxation and long stretches, I like Sarah Ivanhoe's Crunch Candlelight Yoga. It isn't strenuous at all, but definitely "gets the kinks out", to quote Sarah. The longer section (about 40 minutes) is wonderful. There is a shorter 15 minute section too. Amazon has it for around $8.00.


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