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  1. E mother has Alzheimer's

    My Mom is in advanced stages of dementia. She has been in a nursing home for three years and has no functions of any kind. Enjoy whatever time you have with your mom. It also helps to talk to people with similar problems. They really can understand what you are going through.It is extremely...
  2. E

    Let's get controversial! James Bond!!

    It was Sean For me until Daniel Craig came along. I was ready not to like him...and then I sw the movie! He was just WOW! Can't wait for the new movie! Ellen
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    HELP - Bleach ??

    What a great list of suggestions from DragonFly! How creative! What a great shirt you could create and it would be original! Ellen
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    Total Body Workouts - What Say You?

    I do a total body workout once a week and I really enjoy it. Don't forget ME. Ellen
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    Charitable Giving

    I second the Best Friends in Utah.They took in some of the Michael Vic dogs. I think their website is Ellen
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    My bowels and PMS

    For me, it's nachos! I think they combine most of the above except chocolate! Ellen
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    American Idol fans

    Thanks. My hubby and I love the show. He is such a winner! Ellen
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    Limecat's Friday Fun

    I would go back about eight years ago at Christmas when I met my fantastic husband! We have had a blast ever since! It has been the most wonderful years of my life! Ellen
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    Lets talk Teas

    I just looked at the muzi tea website and it looks fabulous. Tea in a powdweed form? The whole story about how this was created is interesting. I will be ordering some. Ellen
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    What IS Everyone Reading

    I am a huge fantasy reader, any suggestions? I read The Book of Fate by Brad Meltzer, not fantasy, but I really enjoyed it. Right now I'm reading Eldest by Christopher Paolini in preparation for rading his newest Brisingr. It's all about dragons. I love these readings threads. Ellen
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    What is it about Step Blast that you like?

    I NEVER get bored with Step Blast no matter how many times I do it.It is just fun to do!The combos aren't too easy or too hard and there is a real flow to it. It's by far my favorite step! Ellen
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    Need help with hour long weight work

    Somebody else (I don't remember who!) suggested this rotation and I really like it! Day one Cardio Day two Total body ( I like ME or Muscle Max) Day three Cardio Day four Upper body Day five Cardio Day six Lower body Day seven rest I even put a rest day in the middle of everything. It...
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    RIP Paul Newman

    Many, many years ago Paul Newman was filming close to where I live in CT. I was sitting in a stool at our local hamburger joint and someone came in and sat next to me. When I turned to see who it was I was greeted by those incredible blue eyes of Paul Newman! I just giggled and enjoyed it. His...
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    dog vaccinations & reaction to.

    We have a pointer named Abby who was allergic to everything! When she got her shots twelve hours later she had a severe reaction. Her face completely swelled up and she had big bumps all over her. We rushed her to the emergency vet for a shot of benadryl and she was fine and our pocketbooks were...
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    Slow and heavy or Gym Style?

    I use Gym Styles more than I use Slow and Heavy. So another vote for GymStyles! I don't know if you have 4DS yet, but it has some awesome premixes! Ellen
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    My husband and I saw that show! What a wonderful organization Best Friends is. We plan on donating! The dogs we saw were absolutely amazing and so were the people who worked with them!With what he did to those dogs, I hope Michael Vic NEVER gets out of prison. Ellen
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    Just Did My First Cardio Coach

    Thanks so much for all of the answers to my questions! I can't wait to try one! Ellen
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    Just Did My First Cardio Coach

    meowracer, as a walker on the streets (LOL) which ones should I try? Thanks for all of your help! Ellen
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    Just Did My First Cardio Coach

    When I say stepper I mean using the club step routine with Cathe like Step Blast. I also walk alot. Will any of Cardio Coach help me? Ellen
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    Primer prior to Body Max 2

    When I started with Cathe I considered myself an advanced stepper and it took me a couple of tries before I got the routines down. You need to get used to Cathe's cueing and the names of the moves. Keep trying and you will have so much fun! Ellen