MIS - Maximum Intensity Strength
PH - Power Hour
BM - Body Max
SS - Supersets (my personal favorite total body workout along with Muscle Max from Gym styles)
PP - Push Pull
I don't think P90X has a total body workout. I just started it Monday for the 3rd time and unless I'm not remembering correctly...but then again, my memory's not the greatest.
I was waiting for someone to say this ha! And Michele it figures it'd be you I am just getting into KBs and I do think they are a nice way to shock the body.
I think TB vs spits, as others have said, depends on your goals. Personally, I did TB for several years. I didn't even begin to see the results I wanted to see till I started doing splits. Actually, my best results have come from lifting on my own and heavier than they go on dvds. YMMV though!!