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  1. K

    Interval Max vs. Intense Moves

    I just viewed at clip at the Collage Video site and it looks prety unsafe, with jumping over the steps, etc. My knees will never recover from anything that high-impact! Can you modify and still get a good workout? If I purchase this it will definately be used or cheaper than the Collage price.
  2. K

    Interval Max vs. Intense Moves

    I just viewed at clip at the Collage Video site and it looks prety unsafe, with jumping over the steps, etc. My knees will never recover from anything that high-impact! Can you modify and still get a good workout? If I purchase this it will definately be used or cheaper than the Collage price.
  3. K

    Body Max Circit Segment =BRUTALITY!!

    Well, there's hope for me after all with all of these over-40 Warrior Princesses in the mix (I'll be 41 in November). Believe me, I'm going to ease into this tape. One good thing is Cathe's step tapes are getting easier --not less challenging-- just easier to do. A year ago I couldn't get...
  4. K

    Body Max Circit Segment =BRUTALITY!!

    >It is tough...i get nauseated. So did I, which is why I cut it short. The heat and humidity here didn't help, either!
  5. K

    Body Max Circit Segment =BRUTALITY!!

    I cannot believe anything that looks so simple can be so TOUGH! :-wow I was stumbliming over the step and begging Cathe and God for the last citcuit to end! The choreography was a bit tricky for this first time user, but I know it won't be a problem with practice. The upper body section was...
  6. K

    Hi Everyone!

    What a sweet picture!! Eric looks more like you every day :-)
  7. K

    Previewing Body Max: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Clare, there is no way I can use anything except a 6-inch board with Cathe tapes. I tried 8-inches once and had a mild asthma attack! Eight inch steps are tough with the simplest tapes for this body, but there is no way I'm using that with Cathe! >Kimba: > >if you haven't already, take your...
  8. K

    CTX - 5th week (still weak upper strength)

    I have a hard time with the strength sections as well. What I've been doing is substituting other strength videos. The cardio is so tough and there is no way I'm going to get through all of the upper body work. Perhaps you can try the strength section of the Wedding video? It's very effective...
  9. K

    Which Barbell

    Another Vote For The Ivanco Aerobic Bar I got mine two weeks ago and have slooowly been easing myself into using it. The Ivanko Pressure Ring Collars are very good and very easy to use. Unfortunately, Paragon Sports initially screwed up my order and gave me an open package with ONE ring...
  10. K

    Previewing Body Max: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!

    In the words of Eddie Murphy's Aunt Bunny," Lawd Jesus, help me please! Jesus Lawd, help me please!" I'm watching the WARM-UP and my jaw dropped. This is Interval Max on speed! God bless those women in her tapes, especially cute Cede, who really inspires voluptous women like me :-) My girl can...
  11. K

    Thank you all so much!

    You're welcome! What cute little man! He looks so peaceful sleeping, too. Much love to all of you! P.S. Purchased Body Max yesterday... PRAY FOR ME!!! LOL!
  12. K

    Cathe Has Baby!

    Congratulations! I glad everyone is healthy and fine. I love the name :-)
  13. K


    Has anyone received this??? I posted my e-mail addy awhile back and have yet to hear from starlight!
  14. K

    Will Body Max Slay Me???

    RE: I'd re-buy it just for the cardio Looks like I'm purchasing it on payday :-) That's a cute illustration, Nancy.
  15. K

    Will Body Max Slay Me???

    I am officially addicted! I can't go 2 weeks without buying another Cathe video! I know that I can really grow with these tapes (unlike the Firm; I'd really hurt myself if I tried lifting anything heavier than a #10 dumbell because the moves are so fast!). Should I purchase Body Max????
  16. K

    Circuit max -double grapevines

    Hey cathe! Glad to see you over at this board. I like the jumping jack suggestion and will try it tomorrow. >Hi Lynne! You can do >one grapevine to the right >and two pumps (feet together >and push up onto your >toes twice like calf raises >while the arms push up >over head), then do the...
  17. K

    Circuit max -double grapevines

    I just do one grapevaine and step in place for the second one. I think you need a football field to do many of Cathe's tapes! But I modify, modify, modify and still get an excellent, humbling workout:-wow :-tired
  18. K

    CTX has been a humbling experience

    You ain't lyin! I'm down to THREE workouts a weeks since I started using Cathe on a regualr basis. My body can't even handle a Firm tape or intermediate tape on my rest days. Lord knows the spirit is willing. CTX is the toughest circuit workout I've ever done. It's probbaly THE toughest cross...
  19. K

    CTX Kickbok: Somebody pray for me!

    Y'all should have warned me. I can barely move today! LOL! The tape looked so *easy* when I previewed it, but I cannot believe how sore my upper body is --and I didn't do all of the biceps workout (no barbell) and NONE of the core/abs. How does anyone does the entire tape in this series...
  20. K

    10-10-10 SLAYS Me!!!

    Airborne jumps? No way! I just run in place and do the arm circles. I don't think my feet or knees can take them. I modify like crazy for safety and to protect my joints and I still get an incredible workout. Just one more thing to love about Cathe's workouts.